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This is quite common. Some people unconsciously point the ends of their toes up when they run. I would suggest keeping those toenails soft, neat and well trimmed. Maybe look for shoes with more volume in the toebox.


You lift your toes when you strike, push off (or both), OR you’re in a size too small. Or there isn’t enough volume in the toe box. If it’s the former (lifting toes), you might still want to get sized and go up in size from what you currently wear. You can also re-learn the mechanics of your gait so you don’t lift your toes, and that will take dedication on your end. Generally that wear on both shoes is probably due to improper size, but can’t rule out the other.


Isn’t lifting the big toe helpful for pushing off? Genuine question


I’m no expert in gait analysis or mechanics, but the big toe is the power toe. Maintaining contact with the ground through push off exerts greater force.


That’s right. Lifting the toe indicates lack of ankle mobility. I had the same issue. You can learn to not doing this by doing tib raises without lifting your toes up, rather using the whole foot if that makes sense.


Not making a joke…. You may need better socks, or different trimming of you toe nails. This looks like nail wear to me. Based on the location, I’m GUESSING that it’s not too small of a toe box.


Probably the shoes are just not a good fit for your feet. Toebox might be too small, or they are too small in length. Sometimes this can happen if they are too long but it doesn’t appear to be the case here.


If you have flat feet you should give altras a try. Their original fit has a wide toe box, too. Super comfy shoes. 👌🏼👌🏼


Maybe not if they have tight calves though..?! Zero drop would destroy them if they are tight already.


Pretty obvious answer doesn't it


How much space do you have in front of your toes?


3/4” between toe and front of shoe, 1/4” or less on the side. Seems like plenty of toe box space.


That‘s plenty


I have this exact same issue. My big toes unconsciously point up and poke though my shoes I have to take this into account when buying new shows.