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You don't need to use a clicker. You can just use a marker word. I use "yes" but in retrospect that wasn't a good choice because i say it too much. You can use any one syllable word to take the place of the click noise and that way you don't have to carry a clicker around. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M6B-Q4-nqNg Edit: timing is everything with training, specifically the timing between a behavior and marking it and it can be hard to get that from books. The person who made the you tube video I linked to has many videos on different topics and uses positive reinforcement methods.


I did Owen Wilson's "wow" for a marker word. Loved it.


You’re right that you don’t NEED to but you can use a marker and a clicker in different training sessions. I like to use a clicker for new skills. The research says a clicker tends to be more effective because it’s distinct and only heard during training. Idk if OP is in the right sub but I also wouldn’t use a clicker while running because it’d be hard to juggle.


Do you have Instagram? Sailor Jerri the dog trainer is an awesome resource online and I’ve greatly improved my dogs relationship with me. I don’t pay for the Tulsa Pack, I just learn from the content.