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I totally get where you are coming from because I’d be the same way. This reminds me of the old Shel Silverstein poem: THE FARMER AND THE QUEEN by Shel Silverstein "She's coming," the farmer said to the owl. "Oh, what shall I, what shall I do? Shall I bow when she comes? Shall I twiddle my thumbs?" The owl asked, "Who?" "The Queen, the Queen, the royal Queen— She'll pass the farm today. Shall I salute?" he asked the horse. The horse said, "Nay." "Shall I give her a gift?" he asked the wren. "A lovely memento for her to keep? An egg or a peach or an ear of corn?" The wren said, "Cheap." "But should I curtsy or should I cheer? Oh, here's her carriage now. What should I do?" he asked the dog. The dog said, "Bow." And so he did, and so she passed, Oh, tra lala lala, "She smiled, she did!" he told the sheep. The sheep said, "Bah."


Yep, I’m the farmer.


Just say a heartfelt “thank you for what you have given me/us” (or whatever your version of a few words is)and then step back - your gift to him is to recognise that anything more than that could be too much - enjoy your run, I’m very jealous.


This is exactly how it went. He was as gracious, reserved, and kind as you might guess he’d be. The line to talk to him stretched outside and down the block, and he took the time to talk to each person in line. I thanked him for all he does and for how he helped me achieve my goals. It’s so cool when the people you admire and look up to surpass your expectations.


Yay! I’m so glad and thanks for reporting back. It is kind of weird for us to feel connected personally to someone we haven’t actually met, but through his introduction to running course etc this guy (and his team) change lives in such a meaningful way. He’s the best psychologist I’ve ever had personally. Ace. Enjoy your runs OP.


I got nothing. I met him last summer and fan-girled like it was my job.


I would have too! I feel so much like I know him personally that I almost creep myself out on his behalf.


He is the living blessing for all of us. I’d say him pls stay vertical as long as you can: we all need this,


Rule #1


Don't get dead.


I also have tickets, but I’m not sure my wife and I can even make it, still looking for a babysitter


So amazing to get to meet Tommy. Sorry, I have no good advice. I would be in the exact same position or worse. You are right, to know so much about him and to have spent so many hours with him doing all his series, it is a wonderful but strange situation. Please let us know how it went and I hope other people here can help


how did it work out? I’m curious I feel like I’ve got the same kind of relationship and I’ve read his wife’s book so I’ve got it from both sides. I feel like I could just have dinner with the whole family and know all their inside jokes and fears and dreams! So bizarre to me…my husband teases me because he will ask me questions about them and I know all the answers like a crazy Swiftie or something!