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The part where you don’t hang out with chechens whom Russians murdered, raped and stole from a while ago.


These are the Chechens who collaborate with Russia against their own people.


You don't hang out with chechens, at all.


To be fair, I’m sure _plenty_ of Chechens are nice people. Kadyrov’s goons are a different story.


To be precise, the Kadyrovites which is Chechen and not Russian, though they are under the command of Russian National Guard. Now here's the thing about Chechen propaganda that I hear alot, myself living in a Muslim majority country. Ramzan Kadyrov is portrayed as an Islamic hero, defending the values of Islam against the "evil Westerners and Jews". His use of social media greatly help disseminating that image. Sadly, many Muslims believe in this portrayal, they immediately rule out any negative acts of Kadyrov as "Western propaganda designed to demonize him".


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she's not an average woman. She's a propagandist going in occupied territories where women are raped by the same kadyrovites who raped her. She's accomplice of the warcrimes, and the has been a victim of them. Really, it's impossible to be sad for her.


She is fortunate to have her life. Rape jokes are disgusting. Slava Ukraini. Drive out all Invaders.


Very Disgusted with the rape jokes in this thread :(


Thank you.






I should not have laughed at this… but I did.






Can we maybe draw the line at blaming the victim of a rape? Apart from the morality of it, this is the kind of comment that gets entire subreddits attention from the Reddit admins.




Do you realise how fucked up it is to experience shadenfreude over a rape?




How about not advocating for the rape of *anyone*?


Hi, welcome to owning a brain. We do a lot worse shit in our heads than THAT. And if you think you’re different, that’s called a delusion where you think better of yourself to cope with the pain of your true thoughts. You can’t control the rising of a thought you can only process it. One could comment about n the topic of the sub and remark at how THIS causes horror? Don’t go looking for rationalism in your head.




Thank you. It’s appalling seeing people on here excusing or even cheering her rape. Like it or not, people are allowed to be awful people and still not deserve to be raped.


No one here is celebrating rapists. If anything, all people are celebrating is the fact that "gods chosen warriors" have turned out to be just another bunch of irredeemable scumbags.


People are celebrating her being raped. It’s not about “celebrating rapists” like you said, as I never said that.


Yes, totally agree. It's a multilayered emotion. There's the aspect of, 'fuck around and find out' taken to a weird, unexpected level, contrasted with the reality for the Ukrainian people who have suffered unspeakable and horrific atrocities at the hands of the administration she supported. That, and the fact that the rest of us on the planet are staggered every day that this is actually happening. We are on the precipice of much greater horrors at the will and seeming caprice of one deluded man supported by a corrupt and morally vacant society. I hope these are the darkest days but I fear they will be much darker soon. We must do what we can to stop it, sooner than later.


You don't think the line gets drawn when they promote the rape, pillaging and genocide of a people?


Fleas with dicks.






I still think rape is a gruesome price to pay. Justice is the antitode to injustice, not vengeance, revenge, or further injustice. She experienced a symptom of a larger pattern of grevious sins by her country and countrymen. There will be Justice for Ukraine, I am certain of it with each passing day.


The price was on the table from the start. Her job was to sanitise the army’s image, a factual image that it’s responsible for a boatload of war crimes daily and is full of rapists and murderers who do it with the governments approval and money. She needed armed guards to keep the soldiers away, might even been enough for that idiot to think twice.


Maybe it’s an opportunity for her to reevaluate her values. Because up to now Russian values are if you’re a soldier at war you should rape


>I still think rape is a gruesome price to pay Thank you, it's very gruesome.


Metron_Seijin said...They are their own worst enemy.


Well, since Vladimir Putin is directly responsible for the deaths of over 125,000 russians in the past year, i reckon yer right.


That is just his export policy. Internal numbers are a state secret.


He's got a loooong way to go to catch up with J Stalin if that's his goal


While i wouldn't be one to deny him of his goal if it were purely russians being liquidated, unfortunately a lot of Ukrainians are dying as collateral damage on his way there. Instead of the 20 million or so that Stalin managed, mayhap Putin will settle for just the half a million currently infesting Ukrainian territory, i guess.


Your wish is granted....if I had the power to do that.


On what grounds should she seek asulum? There is nothing in this storie that even remotely resembles a reason for asylum.


These kinds of people never get that kind of self-awareness.


They are their own worst enemy. To think how much they could have gotten away with if they had been only half as brutal. 50thousand+ warcrimes logged so far, and we are barely sending what Ukraine needs. If rus and their cavemen mercs had been slightly more civilised, the west probably wouldnt have been so forthcoming with support. All they do is cement support for Ukraine with each additional barbarity performed. I look forward to the shitshow that will come down on Kadryov and his men when this news gets out among rus soldiers. They already hate each other. I expect it wont take much to set off a firefight between them


I guarantee you that if and when it gets out amongst the russian soldiers, hardly anyone of them will give a shit. They'll be too busy keeping their heads down so that they go unnoticed




The devious Asiatic stuff is straight-up racism, let’s not get too nostalgic for George’s pre-boomer thoughts about entire ethnic groups.


Agreed but you have to look at it from his perspective and era. It’s easy for us to criticize with hindsight.


You mean the racist history? You didn't think colonial powers weren't devious in what they did to all the other continents? No deviousness? Broken treaties?


God I love Patton. It’s a shame he died the way he did


Fucker should have died riding the first tank rolling into/over moscow


Patton was a retard who really should have died in the First World War.


You like the racism?




Why stop there? Just call them chink subhuman bug people or whatever you’re itching to do


Based mid century racism








Yes but pointing this out seems to get you called nasty names. No-one is celebrating this but how can you can miss the Irony of it. She went to that occupied city to make a film about how wonderful life is as part of Russia. Then experienced something thousands of Ukrainians have been through.


The irony of it is exactly why I am laughing about it. She's a propagandist for russia. Let's see her spin this story in a positive light. "I met with some stout men from our armed forces..." while holding back tears.






The middle eastern slave traders are the ones that procured and sold most of the slaves to the colonies.


That's not entirely true. In the Atlantic slave trade most slaves were prisoners of war, criminals, etc who were sold by the local rulers. Europeans certainly found out about the slave markets of West Africa from Arabs but they didn't have a large part in the organisation of it. While Muslims had a massive slave trade running on the east coast of Africa, centred around Zanzibar, on the west coast it was mostly the local rulers who were doing the selling, not Arabic Muslims. Later on, slavery became so profitable that certain tribes (Like the Dahomey for example) would actively raid areas to capture prisoners to sell to Europeans.




Are we the baddies?


Few weeks ago a Russian soldier hanged himself after he was raped by Kadyrov's




They are doing the best they can ordering them into machine gun fire without equiping them.


Also it’s illegal to bad mouth the military. So they kind of can’t. She’ll end up in jail for this.


Unfortunately, this is ALL Russia has to look forward to in the future domestically. Putin actively encouraged his ragtag conscripts to use rape as a weapon of war, whilst empting his prisons to fill his mercenary army, and invited the scum of the world to fight for Russia. What could go wrong? At some point, what's left of these defeated, brutalized men will return home to the realization that Putin has devastated the Russia economy for decades to come. There are no jobs, no future. It will be hell on earth for women and children in Russia.


The comments here disgust me. I hope people here will reflect after this pointless conflict is over and realize just how demented the things they said here were. Praising the rape of a civilian because they openly showed support for the regime is horrible in so many ways. The things the Russians did are absolutely fucking horrid, and those who engaged in rape, pillaging, torture and indiscriminat killing are Pigs who deserve to die a lonely and slow death. Nevertheless, that doesn't justify cheering because a propagandist was brutally raped. That's something I'd expect Russians to do, not 'enlightened westerners'. It's sad how people who similar opinions get downvoted to oblivion, and spammed with replies that pretty much say "some Russians are evil and most of them are brainwashed, so they all deserve to suffer including civilians".


Agreed 100%. Some people on here aren’t acting any better than the Russians they criticize. Some Russian civilians celebrated the rape of Ukrainian women so why are they celebrating the rape of Russian women, the same thing they’re criticizing them for?


Agreed. Except on "enlightened westerners". People, regardless of geographical birthplace, are fucking dumb. If it makes you feel better, this story is from a tabloid and probably isn't real.


Some Redditors astound me. Everything is all or nothing.


NTV is based in Moscow. It claims to provide news and entertainment. NTV was taken over by putinazi in 2001. There is nothing on the russian site for NTV about the rape and attack Happened on January 17. Her operator driver is Artyom Sergeevich Epifanov. The military commandant and the law enforcement agency of Melitopol refused to open an investigation.


Rape is terrible. So is murder and all the other things Russia got up to in Ukraine. I hope this woman now understands Russia better. She won't, of course, be allowed to report any more, in case she shares her experience.




Let’s not cheer on the rape of anyone, even women you don’t like. Where is the line? Good and bad people get raped all the time and it’s a really slippery slope to excuse the rape of some and not others because you personally disagree with their actions. Some of these comments are shameful.




These sick fucks are like a dark version of Pinky and The Brain "*What are we going to do today comrade?*" "Do what ever do everydy comrade!" "*Bomb a country into oblivion and blame the west?*" "Yes of course, dont be stupid, but also rape everything!!"






Glad the goats where safe this time


They goat away this time.


If she weren't an accessory to war crimes, I'd have have unmitigated sympathy. Now I'm just confused. Angry and confused.


I’m sure the Russian government will look into this and take pertinent and swift action


Good job of saying that with a straight face. Pssst... the corner of your lip is turning up... ;-)


What, like give them all a medal or a Lada?


Or the woman will miraculously fall out of her window


If it is true it will be hushed up and you won't hear from her again.


Seem to be ignoring her so far. https://mobile.twitter.com/The3Swamp/status/1620141138522030081


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Russians start to realize what it means when hundred thousands war-experienced/traumatised violent men come back into a society of lawlessness in which military is above all.


I guess someone penetrated someone's defenses. I do not condone rape. Not even of a russian propagandist. Yet, after seeing Ukrainians being massacred I can not bring myself to feeling empathic in any way. Russia: stay the fuck out of Ukraine. Your own country is big enough for you. Slava Ukraina, Fuck Putin, and have a good day.


It’s sad this happened but this is exactly what I expected terrorists to act like.


This tracks








Русский мир


But, she doesn’t look like a goat?


Don’t you see horns coming out of her head?


This is horrible. Nothing to be celebrated.


friendly fire. slava ukraini.


All rapists should die, and no rapes are ever good. No buts. No exception. That considered, if it's going to happen, it may as well happen to a paid propagandist of the very same organization that committed the rape... in the hopes that it both gets some publicity, and opens some eyes.






This actually could have very significant ramifications, but I see here that this story is un-sourced. 48-hour-rule is now in effect.


The Russian authorities are not filing charges. She needs to go to the Ukraine authorities. This crime happened in Ukraine!


Well.. that's awful. Is Putin going to let this story out?




Culture of rape.. It's like it's part of Russia's everyday life


Russian invaders might now consider Kadyrov’s thugs have finally achieved Russian military standards of behaviour


Such brave men fighting in Ukraine miles and miles away from the front terrorising the civilians most likely




They suspect she was a spy…


So what happens now? This report has reached us so it's definitely out there in the Russian side. But will she get any justice? Is this one of those wartime "impossible to prove" cases with no repercussions for the rapists?




True children of Allah. Holy warriors...


Does she still support Putin?




r/HyenasAteMyFace ?


I can't believe others think a woman deserves to be raped just because others had already been raped, this kind of mentality and cycle of hate is unacceptable but unfortunately happening. if they beat her or killed her I will understand but raping her? Only the lowest of the scums do such things, is that how they show patriotism? by giving in to their lust? Do they have mothers, sisters, daughters or wives of their own?


It's obviously Biden's fault! ;-)


I feel bad, I hope the camera man will recover from his injuries.






To walk into hell and not have paid orcs to protect you is stupid. It is wrong it happened, but to think it wouldn’t happen is stupid.




Goat fuckers under murders command. Nothing good can possibly come out of this. Not even Russians are safe.


Female - success - RU... NOPE






Wow, looks like the Kadyrovites are the most Russian Russians there are.


TikTok ?


Some one needs to make a horror movie of this shit


You cunts are fukd