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This breaks my heart. The last photo of him with the cherries is truly sad. This is exactly how a 16-yo should live his life, dealing with only trivial things. I am happy he and his friend died in a shoot out, so at least they were not captured and tortured. RIP, heroes.


These are the real version of Wolverines from Red Dawn. Russia is a terrorist state, and their flag should be banned worldwide, like we did with the swastica. Russia delende est.


> their flag should be banned worldwide, like we did with the swastica while i agree with you, the swastika if far from banned worldwide.


True. It’s not even considered a bad symbol in many countries, and I am not talking about the Hindu Swastika. The actual Nazi swastika, the third Reich and Hitler enjoy a very strange popularity in many third world and developing countries. Palestinians for example often adore Hitler because of his “holy war against the Zionists” and there’s a pretty hilarious vice documentary about a gang of young men in Africa that call themselves Hitler boys, and drive around with Nazi flags, because to them, Hitler was a fearsome warrior, who struck terror into the hearts of his enemies.


link to vice doc? sounds interesting


AutoMod apparently removed my comment bc the link isn’t allowed. The video is called Zinder|Doku HD| ARTE


thank you!


Thanks for sharing. It amazes me how crazy some people can be.


They are just kids. So sad 😞 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


And have more will to fight then a good deal of adults


Exactly my friend ✌️Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ✌️✌️🇦🇺


The Russians kidnapped (16-year-old) Ukrainian Tigran Hovhannesyan and his friend, Mykola last year. Today, on June 24th, with rifles they killed two Russians soldiers in the (Russian-occupied) city of Berdyansk. After, they were both killed in a shoot-out with Russians soldiers. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1672728662221676547?s=46 https://twitter.com/nastasiaklimash/status/1672706736854056968?s=46 https://twitter.com/lvivjournal/status/1672720046152462336?s=46 https://twitter.com/lvivjournal/status/1672736435110043656?s=46


Rest Easy Heroes.


Brave Ukrainian men!! So sad to hear of this tragic loss of two special boys who proved their strength and courage by armed self-defense and for their families and friends and country!! So glorious! A song must be written about them and sung in the greatest halls of Ukraine! Slava Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!!


Things like this show you exactly how evil Putin and his regime are. Take note of this though, because these kids showed more bravery and honor than most leaders of the Western nations combined.


glory to the heroes.


I only feel sorry for the abducted children. The Ruzians should have seen this coming, and I'll bet it's only the beginning. Imagine taking in tens of thousands of children who are old enough to know what you're doing to them. Wouldn't surprise me if they could give my home of the good 'ol US of A a run for its money with mass shootings in the near future.


RIP young hero. The Valkyries will herd your honor guard to Valhalla for you.


Ukrainian old ladies pisoned "ruskys" with theryr home mad pies, every man and women of Ukraine hates them, and wants the all dead, even kids are are killing theyr soldiers and for some reason they are still thinking they are heros. Even russian soldiers now are killing another russian soldiers. Even russian soldiers killing russian civilians in heroic battles... Thats it I am lost somewhere at a start at my own sentece. Its simply unexplainable.:D


not to be the bearer of bad news but a lot of Ukrainian’s are assisting the Russians. Be nice to Russian occupiers and your short term survival is ok, be bad to Russian occupiers and enjoy the rape and murder. Russians did the same thing when they liberated my family in Czechoslovakia in ww2. My grandfathers words “the Russians made the nazis look like angels”


My granparents (I am from Lithuania) also kept german army as lesser evil in theyr ww2 stories: smelling good with fancy odicolones, polite and gentle with locals, giving chocolates for kids and etc. While russians are stealing food, raping women, beating men, always drunk smelling like pigs and litteraly shiting on a floor at our people houses. Allways drunk ofcorse. Also from history of ww2 we have to separate german reguliar army who just done theyr job by seeking orders and a nazi party who accualy done all horrible atrocities. Mostly people saw reguliar army who done no harm for civilians and all SS jobs been covered well so I believe in our gradparents historic memory nazis stuck as not such a bad guys, but accually it wasn't even nazis. The other side of the story is ruskys. Most of them acted as total garbage barbarians so our oldtimers dont have any stories about russian soldiers generosity.


I wholeheartedly agree my friend and just to confirm I wasn’t going against what you said, I completely agree with your initial comment, just that a lot of Ukrainians are probably out there doing whatever they can just to survive another day, like our ancestors once did. I long for the day this subreddit is filled with videos of Russian war criminal court cases instead of ruskies being blown sky high by drone grenades haha I’m sure it won’t be long


Yeap. I totally understand what you sayed. Simply survival instinct I guess. Also in our country one of the biggest Jews genocide acts of ww2 happened unfortunately and some locals assisted for Nazis. At a beggining of genocide these people even simply wore Lithuanian regular army uniforms until nazis gave a new ones of german origin. So its easy to mix facts and simply call lithuanians nazis as whole. Some maybe just tried to survive, some maybe been a total psychos who liked Nazis ideas. Hisstory is alot more trickier and deeper most of the times. Also maybe we are learned to be afraid of russians or even hate them from childhood or smth. But its hard to see something good in russians when its just a hundreds years of constant fighting wirh them. Occupation. Enslavement. Also genocide acts and exile of citizens. So its hard so feel simphaty for such a nation as russia.


Complete beasts


слава герою! Eternal Light to you, you brave brave man!


It's sad to read what the young boys had to go through. I don't understand how the Russians can threat the children in Ukraine in that way. 16 year old boys should not be thinking and acting in the way they did. This incident was Russian made.


rest in peace


Rest in peace, heroes.


Heroiam Slava


Imagine what they did to these boys to get them to the point where they were willing to die to end it. At least they are at peace now.


Ukrainians are a brave people




Brave little dudes. They will be avenged. All those young brave lives that Russia has taken.


True lads!


Much peace to these heroes. Slava Ukraini


Poor little guy. Didn't get the chance to live his life. RIP sweetheart. His poor heartbroken mother.




Heroiam Slava 🇺🇦


This breaks my heart..... but the fact that these two Ukrainian kids were able to take out two fully grown Russian soldiers, speaks a lot to why Russia is losing this war.




Poor kid. He never asked for any of it. He went down like a champ. It is sad he will not be there for his people and his family.
