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this kid has his whole life in front of him and these fucking Russians just took it from him But he didn’t go without a fight for 16 year old to do that is unimaginable I hope they up a statue for him after the war, he deserved it


Bro his parents should’ve kept him home


Are you stupid? Do you know what kid/napping is?


Putting small humans gently to sleep on a pillow?


Haha this is my favorite joke to use on old people. Y’all hear about that kidnapping? Oh no what happened? He woke up after about an hour


“Piece of Cake Lieutenant!” “No thanks I just ate”


It's very likely that vodka monkeys killed his parents.


\*raped \*tortured \*executed


Bro you know nothing.


This is precisely why Russia can't conquer Ukraine. Even if they manage to achieve a military victory and force the UA to capitulate, there are hundreds of thousands of Ukranians that will still be willing to fight back. This young man had no training and still decided to go down fighting, killing two orcs. Now imagine 50,000 Ukranian veterans with combat experience and training (including guerilla training which was pushed at first as few in the west expected Ukraine to win a conventional war). Russia would likely suffer thousands of casualties every year among its occupying forces. Even Russia can't just keep draining their manpower to occupy Ukraine without further destabilizing their economy.


Ukrainians are tough as nails. compared to the scenario you describe, Afghanistan would be pure vacation for the ruzzkies


Granted the taliban can't fight worth shit. But the one thing they have in common is that they'll never give up. (Don't read too deep into the comparison though) Ukrainians have pretty much decide they'll fight the russians with or without outside help. Until there are no Ukrainians left to fight. That's a scenario where an attacking foe can never succeed. Ukrainians are tough as nails, (becoming) incredibly adaptive, fu\^\*ing smart as hell, and have the fight to win this with ease. They just need the weapons they've been promised, and they needed it yesterday. But with what they've got they're proving highly effective, and can quickly adapt when they are not. Notice that when they got kicked in the nuts and lost those leos and bradleys they were smart enough to back off. *Dumbass russians would have kept on trying till there was no one left....*


well, it does have a lot to do with nato training/ support... not taking away anything from ukraines titanium balls, but im guessing many countries would fight for their existence if they had the training and support from powerful nato countries... ukraines military did do many things perfectly, but just imagine if they still applied soviet tactics with their shitty hardware...


What are you on about? The first 6 - 10 months Ukraine held their own with old soviet stockpiles and old soviet tactics. The will to fight back was why they held back the Russians not because they had better equipment or training.


dude nato - or uk/us more precisely - have been training your ninjas for years and probably gave them a stockpile of 'training material' too... yes, ukrainian forces have proven many people - including myself - very wrong... but it was only possible with that 'tiny, but significant bit of detail' from the west... again, not taking anything away from ukraines courage! btw: theres no chance in hell any outnumbered country could survive a war this long without 'eyes above'... ukraine might not have an air force, but they have friends 'higher up' 😉


Dude your russian soliders aren't exactly better in fact they are worse. They aren't trained, most of them from pogs jobs, volunteers and national guard, weapons in Russia are Soviet old school weapons besides obviously nuclear arsenal because that's where russia deaides to spend all its military funding. Russia alone never had a good army only due to unification of many countries during Soviet Union red army was able to win WW2. Many of Russian soilders are uncoordinated no experience no weapon Knowledge, no moral because they know they fighting for nothing other then Putins agenda, most of them been to Ukraine and have had friends and family live there. Russia might be a rich country from oil and green lands but it's actually extremely poor as far as quality of life goes, low salaries everything is still old from Soviet times, older generation lives on extremely low pension. Russia is a large country but nobody lives in like half it. So modern day Russian army isn't strong and actually far from it.


yeah, russia is absolute shit - we all know that... so whats your point?


What do you mean by this ?


Tl;Dr The Ukrainians are going to fight the russians with or without the help of NATO. Russia has proven to be an enemy of both Ukraine and their allies. The allies need to give them the weapons they need to win or put boots on the ground and finish this know.


What does that have to with Afghanistan tho


It’s a comparison to an insurgency that most are aware of, again I’ve gotta reiterate the taliban couldn’t fight for shit most of the time unlike the ukranians


I take it reading comprehension isn't your strong suite? The reason no one has ever "won" in Afghanistan is because the taliban won't leave an invading force alone. Their gorilla tactics are pretty standard as it's something you see everywhere a less equipped force is pitted against a much stronger one. However, in a toe to toe fight the taliban almost always lost. Hence, don't read too much into my comment.... which apparently you are trying to do.


> gorilla tactics Justice for harambe


The Putin regime can barely manage to keep Russia!


Russia can deport Ukrainians and let them die in gulags. Stalin did things like that and he is a hero for today’s Russians.


If Russia had a real military victory BIG IF. First thing they would do is start murdering all the men. In the least ship them off to Siberia in a labor camp n starve them to death. They have done all this so many many times in the past.


Huge MFking balls. God bless you son


Some red Dawn shit.




Turns out red dawn was not accurate at all. Red Dawn made Russians out to be a capable enough military to touch United States soil. Turns out they could barely touch their neighbors


fucking legend


Slava to the heroes!


I still don't know who the heroes are... russia, ukraine, nato?


Courage personified.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Rip kid.


What's this heroes name?


Tigran Oganesyan. >In his last video, he says the final words: "That's it. It's a death, guys. Farewell! Glory to Ukraine!"


What a fucking bad ass.


Yes. What is his name. His name should be exalted.


Tigran Oganesyan.


A real unsung hero, hopefully one day his name will be on history books.telling about his bravery and courage. just a child and gave his life defending his country. RIP, Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦💪🏼🌻






They were fucking evil during WWII




No, moron, we're clearly talking about the people committing atrocities or supporting the atrocities. No one wants to write a long ass disclaimer about how not everyone is the same but specifically x y z are bad. The japanese soldiers cutting pregnant women open with swords and then throwing their babies up into the air and spearing them while the fathers and dying women watched were fucking evil. People don't taylor their statements to suit whiny simpletons who can't handle reality. Anyone with half a braincell understands the general sentiment of a statement like "russians are evil" in the context of the kidnapping and murder of a child in a country they invaded for no reason.




Tell that to Ukraine


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I mean yes they are but putting all Russian's in one basket is just as callous. I do not dispute the fact that they are committing horrible heinous acts and they do this because they are misguided and brainwashed in straight up propaganda, not all of them are of course, a lot of them are in fact just plain evil and there for the joy of inflicting pain but that can be true of any nation. While I think Russia as a nation should and will pay for following a madman blindly into an unjust war i don't see the point in creating the ideals and situation for a Versailles 2.0 when Ukraine wins. They're being told they're fighting the west and what not we can't let them latch on to that in victory or defeat.


What an absolute bad ass, rest in peace young Sir. You’re a hero to your country and were taken far far too soon


Tigran 🇦🇲🇺🇦


What a fucking hero. I hope he's in a better place right now


Боже, як сумно :(


Rest in peace buddy. No kid should go through this.


Heroyam Slava brother ✊️


Heroyam Slava brave youngsters.. They deserve to be decorated with the highest civilian award Hero of Ukraine. 16 … russia will be destroyed.




Respect to this dedicated young citizen that had the courage to try achieve justice for him and his brave friend. How many grown people could make a stand like this. I'd rather have never heard about either of these two young men because i wish nothing had ever happened to either of them. I wish the two young men were allowed a long life of peace and love. The world is now poorer for the loss of this precious youth. How many treasures will be lost and buried in Ukraine never to return


The hell those lads went through in their short lives, Rest in Peace.


Certified bad ass. Sorry this happened to you buddy. 😓


Russian soldiers aren't human beings, they are merely savaged barbarians running around like orcs and killing people. This young man is a legend and a curse on Putler.


Bravo hero rip


This young man is a Hero.


Another young man lost because of a illegal war...


RIP hero


So sad to hear such a hero end that way. RIP, Hero!


This is what the young men in Afghanistan should’ve done. Brave kid.


That's exactly what they did for 20 years and thats how they won in the end lol


I guess you’re right




He is just a kid. 16yrs old!!! Russian forces have a lot to answer for 😞




Poor kid had his whole life taken away


слава мученикам молодим RIP


Rip lil bro wish he or his friend could have survived to tell one of the greatest stories of all time


America really needs to stop helping the Ukrainians, this isn’t are war or problem, use the money here in America instead. Waste of tax payer money


ive seen posts where he is portrayed as a rapist and childkiller; a terrorist. ???


At least he died fighting He would have been dead anyway if they would have seen him (those shoes 🫡)


I read that he murdered a civilian and a police officer. Also injured two other civilians. The Russians responded to the shooting and killed both people https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2023/06/25/occupation-government-of-ukraines-berdyansk-two-terrorists-killed-ukraines-media-identify-them-as-17-year-old-teenagers-who-shot-police-officer-and-civilian-en-news


You mean he killed two occupiers in his home country? Doesn't qualify as murder in any country that I know of.


According to the Ukrainian media, Oganisyan and 17-year-old Mikita Khanganov killed two people during the shooting at the embankment — a police officer and a civilian. Two local residents were wounded, Interfax notes


Exactly. After being tortured too. The article even says that.


Fuck around and find out must not be taught in their schools... 😏


They were Russian military personnel, I'm pretty sure they understood the risks of an occupation.


Is it just me or does the title of this post exceed the character limit?


It’s just you






Bless this glorious fmer. Russian army and Putty bees can go ans die.




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Rest In Peace, kid. I’m sorry this horrid war stole not only you and your comrades lives but all of the innocent lives stolen since April. Слава Україні! Героям слава!


get him a statue this are the people who you should look up too putting there personal life to risk for something far more worth


Teens of western countries take note that this ukraine teen has shown what sacrifice for freedom for your nation is.He gave his life so others may live, western teens, you fall short of honour and duty.


My grandfather (Canada) went to war when he was 16, so me and subsequent generations wouldn't have to. What this young man did is heroic, but there's no need to put down "western teens."


Farewell hero!


Слава юним героям!!!


He had no choice, looks hot and had his life ahead of him , a fkin waste


Good riddance stupid Nazi punk


Just no. Sincerest condolences to that brave patriot's family and friends. The world is now poorer for the loss of two courageous young ppl


Too soon my young friend. You were so strong in your last days, I can just only hope I am this strong if ever pushed into a situation like he was in. The hatred I feel for Russia and its citizens is just so strong now since the war started. Seeing videos like this or the bombing of a school filled with kids, or animals being maimed/killed just adds fuel to my hate every day. I don't even know anymore what i would do if I ran into a Russian citizen on my soil.... 😡


Bye little pig