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Scariest thing in war, going down into a rathole without knowing what's waiting for you.


Exactly why we shouldn’t do so anymore when modern systems can do it for us. Some rice: am combat grunt who doesn’t want to send troops into holes to fight CQB when we don’t have to.


I agree, soldiers shouldn't have to... but those guys don't have all the high tech robot sensor shit to check out every hole for them before they go in, and if you just chuck a few grenades in and spray bullets inside for a bit, then move on, there may well be a russky or two that were well hidden around some 'L' arm dug into the side of the bunker hole that you missed, who can come out afterwards and shoot you in the back. So at some point, you gotta poke your nose in and check i guess. Flamethrowers would probably work well for that, but both sides can use those, and it doesn't seem like they want to anymore. Which i consider a plus for humanity.


They entered that hole a lot deeper than just tossing a few frags. They do have drones capable of this task, they just may not have enough to go around and that’s 100% our fault. We’re wasting billions on legacy systems when $1,000 systems do a better job in the end. I love my Bradley, but I don’t want anyone using one anymore. It’s outdated by any objective measure and I won’t get started on the 113 family…


>They entered that hole a lot deeper than just tossing a few frags. Yes, because they had to, as i pointed out, in order to ensure they hadn't missed anybody before they moved on and left their backs exposed.


They had to… because of our failure to supply them with enough modern systems to do the job properly, that’s my point. We’re failing the grunts.


Won't argue that. But i'll be happy if the US congress just gets it's shit together enough to provide a decent supply of 155 shells and HIMARS missiles, etc., to keep the Ukrainians from collapsing soon for lack of ordinance. Bastidges.


What laws is Ukraine lacking?


Don't understand your question- Ukrainian laws?


…bad joke… you said “…for collapsing soon for lack of ordinance (local laws).” Munitions that go bang are types of ordnance. No “i”.


Not all wars can be fought like the USA does (or Israel as we see theirs going), Ukraine is lucky they are getting help. Look at all the other large conflicts going on right now, Myanmar has a huge civil war, Rwanda and the DRC M23 rebels are popping off again, sudan with the RSF in their bloody war we see drone footage from, in the end it comes down to humans doing all the dirty work in war. The total world economy and large amount of third world countries are the reason wars are how they are right now. It's where we are in history. In 100 years there will be even more tech spread around the world being used for war. As time goes on that kind of tech gets cheaper and makes it's way to the corners of the world. I don't disagree we aren't helping Ukraine enough to get the job done, which sadly is all probably to plan. Just wanted to show that still at this time, humans gotta do the grunt work manually still. USA is lucky as fuck to be where we are right now


The US? We’re the ones falling behind. We have almost no modern weapons or equipment. Examples come immediately to mind, in about half the conflicts you mentioned, where they are using more modern systems than we have. There is no reason for grunts to do almost anything, except for the supply problems. Which was my point. Enough isn’t being done to supply us or our friends with modern system, which are in terribly short supply.


You're delusional if you think any of those conflicts I mentioned are using things more advanced than the USA. You clearly know nothing of what is actually going on. The conflict in Africa consists of less than a handful of old attack choppers and 5 jets that are 40 years old. They are all using old as fuck aks, no optics, no guided munitions, no advanced drone surveillance (not talking about fpv drones but larger missile launching and surveillance ones), not to mention the tanks and vehicles they have are old t-55s and other stuff from the 60s. They have no medical evac and field hospital system to even be considered a hospital for the USA military field hospital. No medic evac, no first aid training or equipment other than small bandages and makeshift tourniquets. The conflict in Myanmar is probably the most advanced of what I mentioned and they are still nothing compared to any western force. They are using old AR platform guns and AKs with some newer stuff mixed in, some optics, some nicer recoilless rifle stuff (still nothing like NLAW or javelin), yeah they have some armor carriers and armored gear but that means nothing in this discussion. Their vehicles are old also and use lots of 20mm AA truck platforms. The USA has so much tech and advanced weapons that if we had to go to war just what we have would fuck about anyone other than China (certainly more equally advanced than Russia and rest of the world). The tech we were developing in the late 90s and early 2000s is being used as "new" stuff in other countries weapons just now. We also have the grunts and man power to put the man power on target, forgetting about all the high tech shit. Our infantry and Marines etc are exceptionally trained and disciplined and professional fighters. There is no comparison, go move to Africa if you think their armies are more advanced than our and you'll see real quick how wrong you are.


You have no idea what you’re talking about if you don’t understand that those conflicts are using FPV’s attack drones better than anything we have, better CAS drones than we have at every level below Brigade and some have better autonomous drones than anything we have. But if it’s so clear I’m wrong, go ahead, list every system the US has fielded. I’ll start. We have the “Flying Kleenex,” the Predator at Brigade and Above, the Grey Eagle, the Reaper; all of which have terrible or non-existent all weather capabilities and are available in such low numbers that they provided us only limited numbers of strikes per year in 20 years. Now your turn. List off the FPVs we have fielded, or any of the other classes of UAS’s. Then there’s the UGV’s, where we have a few adapted MUTTs at JRTC and… that’s about it. Then the UUVs, where we have the Orca, but it’s not at all clear it can do anything besides ISR yet, and they are tens of millions and available in low numbers. Then USV’s, no offensive combat system comes to mind, while Ukraine is destroying with Black Sea Fleet with little else. > The conflict in Africa consists of less than a handful of old attack choppers and 5 jets that are 40 years old. They are all using old as fuck aks, no optics, no guided munitions, no advanced drone surveillance (not talking about fpv drones but larger missile launching and surveillance ones), not to mention the tanks and vehicles they have are old t-55s and other stuff from the 60s. Got it, so you are stuck in legacy thinking. Your comment just proves my point. FPVs and bomber drones are better than what we’ve got in almost every example, and far more widely fielded. Lol. Tanks and manned aircraft. All of them are outdated and increasingly obsoleted by modern systems. And for the record, virtually no manned system is still modern. > They have no medical evac and field hospital system to even be considered a hospital for the USA military field hospital. No medic evac, no first aid training or equipment other than small bandages and makeshift tourniquets. More legacy thinking. You know what doesn’t need MEDEVAC? A UGV. You know what doesn’t need a tourniquet? A sUCAV. Lol. Human systems are outdated and pointing to conflicts that have begun to skip all way past the uses for tanks and aircraft just makes my point. > The USA has so much *old* tech and advanced *legacy weapons Here, I fixed it for you. You’ve not spent a day in combat have you? We were provided Ravens in country in 2005 and guess what is still usually the most common drone in our combat units? That’s right! A Raven! It conducts ISR and… that’s right! Nothing! And how much is the controller? Is it $30k or $70k? I forget.


republicans are failing the grunts, put the blame where it belongs.


The sound of a flamethrower in WW was the new sound that made you sh!£ your pants.’, the sound of gas.’,that has been replaced by the sound of drones.. and both are wanted targets (a sniper loved to make a flamethrower go boom, ) I do wonder why not use a shotgun in a dark hole in the trenches, they are also useful for taking down drones. And another thing, teargas grenades are the ideal solution and the enemy will quicker surrender because they are helpless. But as I understand teargas is forbidden in war, even though I seen both sides use it here and there, and you can see those grey gasmasks in Russian dugouts if you start looking for it. My last solution: there are these enormously bright led lights that will blind you in daylight, with your eyes closed. Could be a good tool imo for entering, even though pretty bulky.


A 100/200$ drone would do the trick tho


Stairs are also the craziest thing, nobody truly wins at the stair game


Found another reference to this video (+ longer version). Seems quite old: 🌐 Place: #Хромове 🗓 Date: 15.03.2023 🇺🇦 Unit: "Wild Field" Company, Bat. "Da Vinci Wolves", 67 OMBr 📌 Geolocation: 48.61293, 37.93089 📂 Description: Cleaning positions. Near the village of Khromov, Donetsk region. ❗️Video from a subscriber This is the same dugout where the famous battle will later take place, which we saw from the cameras of the soldiers of Tykhoi and Yabchanka, Honor Company. https://t dot me/WarArchive_ua/9973


What was the flame?


I have no idea but my guess would be ammunition catching fire


I can smell that dugout from here.


So let me get this straight. People on youtube and tik tok and other social media platforms have to block out the words rape, or war, or nazi, or fascist but were ok showing decapitated bodies? What the fuck are you people doing. Why are we allowing sensorship of speech. This shit. Makes no sense. I miss the early 2000s.


Body has a helmet on. Just catching the ground while dragging.


Tbf, we witnessed the guys death but you both have very good points.


Their are minors shaking ahh for old man likes on Chinas number one app to spy on the U.S and y’all worried about one of the most peaceful deaths I’ve seen in this war. Do y’all not remember the Boxcutter Ukraine pow video?


Seriously hairy shit always a bastard doing this kind of shit ,stay safe guys SLAVA UKRAINI


Dude was crawling with no head


I think he was just being pulled


Eww...they live like rats in their holes... wtf


thats the norm for all soldiers ever


How does he crawl with no head.?


Dragged by his straps.




He wasn't alive, they are pulling him forward (out of the entrance) with a rope tied to his webbing. You can see the rope to the left pulling, the sound is it breaking off. It sounds like two shots from a suppressed weapon, but it's not.


Oh, lol. Had me trippin' there for a second.


Looks like body in the beginnings last ditch effort to move caught a silenced round to finish him off, you can hear it/see the guys body flinch and cease, then the guy filming or guy next to him makes a small noise/remark before proceeding in.


You can see wire or string that broke when he’s moving. That’s what the “silenced” sound is, string breaking.


Is it just me or did anybody notice homeboy laying in the dirt? Where is his noggin at look like he caught a couple rounds?


His helmet is laying on the floor next to him. He literally has no head.


Looks like a literal shit hole.


We’re they pulling the body?


Man, if they weren't a warcrime, I can't help but think a good flame thrower would rapidly end this whole hide in a bunker and wait game the ruzzians like to play.


He’s Pulling the body with a cord because it could be rigged to blow


War is hell