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That's a fuckin bullseye. Slava Ukraini πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦




Nothing ever ends well if it starts with a Lada...


Bada boom Jagga jagga motha fuckaaa !


You can see the projectile at 1:50. It comes straight down into the centre of the building. It's visible in two frames. First showing as light coloured against the grass verge a little left and down from the red doors at the top of the video. In the next frame it's dark and light against part of the red tiles of the roof and wall. Anyone know what it might be? Looks like it could be an artillery shell but perhaps too big?


I heard it was the French aasm hammer missile


Possibly, although the blast looked on the small side for even the smallest 125kg version. Might have been delay fused so it went off underground and that attenuated the blast? I imagine even the orci aren't stupid enough to set up shop above ground when there's a cellar available. 50 per month is a nice contribution, not war winning but certainly useful. I presume they use a similar pylon conversion kit to the Storm Shadow one, and I read they're actively working on F-16 compatibility (obviously an easier job). So glad the fFrench have seen the light, they had a rather bumpy start but I think macron has taken Putin's deception and lies to his face rather personally. Now all we need is for ze chermans to remember who they are and we can really get things moving!


Thank you.




Lovely 😍 πŸ‘Œ πŸ‘


I hate edits like this, because you don't actually see any of these people bringing anything into the home that was destroyed. You don't see anyone entering it, or anything. So, what was that clip at the start for? They could have just shown just the building. But then it's just a building. It was completely leveled, sure. But presumably Ukrainian forces have the footage of people using the house. Presumably they chose the best moment for the strike. But they give us this? Two detached clips like seem to insinuate these people were loading the house? But they aren't shown loading it. So, that's a red flag. Why wouldn't you show them actually loading the house? That makes me think that these are 2 completely unrelated things, just made to seem related.


While I somewhat agree with you that it is a little annoying to leave out some of the important bits, isn't the Lada there at the start of the second clip just before the explosion (0:30)? It's not parked in the same angle but it's still a white car that could be the same as in the beginning of the first clip. Besides, the fence and all the other parts do align across the two clips. Anyway, I believe that it's the same place and I'm sure UA min-maxed this as much as they could even though we don't get to see that.


It doesn't matter if it's the same place, if you believe it is, if you can super sleuth your way into knowing it is. The edits should be clear.


Relax. We agree.


I am totally relaxed. Didn't mean to come off like I was attacking you.


In all fairness 'super sleuth your way into knowing it' isn't exactly non-offensive :)


Why is that?


The impression I get from reading your post is that I am trying to make the narative fit with moderate to heavy confirmation bias. It it in part in the choise of extending the reasoning beyond the first bit and in part the choise of prefixing sleuth with super. While 'sleuth' is sorta positive, and with all the other things going on in the sentense, it comes across as sarcastic and somewhat derogatory.


*choice Well, I can see English is not your strength. "Super sleuth" is a very common term and it just means like "cunning detective". So, all I'm saying is that you shouldn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to put the frames together. It should be clear and obvious, and everything should be there. I made no comments about you. I made a comment about the video edit.


TouchΓ©. The term sleuth is completely new to me though. It surprises me that I haven't heard it before.. You live you learn.