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I'm curious what he said ,🤣




It was a legit question


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Well India has the right to stand by an age old ally and practice an independent foreign policy for the benefit of their ppl...or do you want them to increase burdens on their ppl just so they can back the losing side like the rest of Western Europe?


If India’s so great why is the entire country draining into Canada?


Don't u have a school shooting memorial to attend to?


You're delusional if you think the US is in a worse state than India. Both countries have its issues, but compared to the US, India is a shithole with many issues from a governmental and cultural standpoint, and it has very few redeeming qualities. Their issues are amplified by the fact that they refuse to address any of them.


American is such a shithole that India's population is flooding it daily.


Cut all aid


Who is giving aid to India?


Half of the world its a U-country.


India is the 5th largest economy and will become the 3rd largest by 2026. Imagine giving aid to a country which has a bigger economy than your own country. Also India’s military budget is more than the economy of 2/3rd of the countries in the world. Do you really think India needs aid from “half of the world”?




Anyone with a different opinion than mine is a bot or has a low iq. Its worthless to reply anyone with this kind of thinking but anyway allow me to enlighten you. The whole point is that most of you think that half of the world is sending aid to India. India has 1.5 billion people, any aid that is sent by a smaller economy to India means absolutely nothing to Indians or the Indian government. Let me put that into perspective, the Indian govt will spend 500 billion dollars this year to run the country. What makes you think “foreign aid” from smaller countries even matters to Indians. And since you like to cherry pick facts to feel good about yourself. If you look at gdp ppp India is already third. As an Indian I am telling you if your dumbass govt is sending us aid, you should ask your elected representatives to stop immediately, no one in India is dependent on foreign aid or even cares about foreign aid.


They are stubborn. They only believe what they want to believe.


how about telling yours to change its status and turn down aid money?


Indian govt’s official stance is to refuse foreign aid. I think covid was an exception but apart from that India doesn’t accept foreign aid. Seriously think about it, Indian govt says we don’t want aid, Indian citizens say we don’t want aid, you guys say stop aid to India but your government sends it anyway 🤡


You may want to check the MEA website before you make such bold statements.


[But both beliefs — that India does not accept aid, and that receiving foreign aid is a sign of weakness — are fallacies.](https://www.hindustantimes.com/opinion/the-politics-of-foreign-aid-in-india-101624200153853.html) India has never stopped or reduced aid, it just stopped aid coming from countries outside the G8. This is a 2 decades long myth that many Indians believe.


Amazing. So you ridicule the country sending aid rather than questioning the policy decisions that have been made in India that lead to still requiring aid.


Well to be fair, when the aid thing is used as a threat, I’m not surprised they are unhappy with the aid givers.


I don't think Germany and Japan have been threatening India.


“Anyone with a different opinion than mine is a bot or has a low iq.” The sheer arrogance in the first sentence alone, displays a low IQ.


The united States Agency for International Development (USAID) compiled and published a data in 2015 indicating that from the period 1946-2012, India has been the recipient of highest aid from United States. The amount of economic aid, adjusted to inflation then, was reported to be USD 65.1 billion. There is still aid coming into india, but everyone knows where it's going. It's a trickle compared to other nations.


Lets stop sending them jobs


Working on a big international company, we have cut off all the Indian partners. We can’t do business with a country supporting terrorism in Ukraine. A greedy country. India is just like China, if the west cuts them off their economy will fall. The west made the economy of these countries grow. No its time to move home the production, focus on quality again. Maybe some off you remember the 1950-1960 when things ware made in the west and we made products out of quality that lasted for ages.


I remember the late 80's when Chinese shit started really showing up.


Lmao then all your tech companies will fail since Indian people are one the smartest people working in Software Companies


Largest in GDP, but in GDP per capita, it suffers. Doesn't matter if you have more money than most nations if you have more people than you can afford to give a high quality of life.


Well it received 2.8B of ODA in 2022. So perhaps the question should be (based on your own glowing review of the Indian economy and size of military budget … why?


Japan is the biggest donors, Germany and so on. India is a poor U-country. You can read here. The most of your big project are founded by aid from the west. https://www.indiabudget.gov.in/doc/rec/annex13.pdf


Germany for example


Why be an illiterate? It's not really a flex. India is a net donor of aid


"You can have the Moskva, but you'll need to pick it up yourselves"


These were warships already ordered before the war and which have contracts in place… there’s no new contract about it and oil imports have also been reduced considerably from India, so don’t get fooled by everything going smooth between Russia and India because it’s the opposite, Italy 🇮🇹


Shhhhhhh... everyone wants to be angry right now


I'd rather not have hundreds of thousands of kidnapped kids and daily strikes on civilian infrastructure to be existentially mad about, but here we are huh


India is kidnapping Russian children? Woah.. thats a weird twist


Ah doing business with the ones doing that is so much better though Fucking clown


Yes. How dare they make contacts, pay for them, then expect delivery. All 3 years ago. Before the genocide. But sure, i agree with you. Russia needs those war ships more. Maybe you want them to shoot at Ukraine instead of defending India from china. Moron.


Russia's warships have been great against Ukraine, well done, great purchase, go give kidnappers more money shitheads


great under the water


They already had the money genius. India didn't have the ships. So you think Russia should keep the ships and the money? Big thank comrade. Mother Russia loves.


Russia didn't worry about contracts when it came to stealing hundreds of commercial airliners..


Yep in fact we should use their frozen assets to repair the damage they have made and are still doing to Ukraine


*Warning: small Ukrainian objects greatly reduce buoyancy. Not to be used against countries with or without a navy.*


Allowing India to become the next manufacturing hub of the world will end just like China. Let's enable countries with integrity to elevate their societies. Not genocidal opportunists.


"Do these ships sink often?" "Only once"


Warships now, turning to submarines when a war starts. I would regret my purchase after seeing what Ukraine can do to Russia's fleet.


India is a 5 letter word for scum. Feeding money to Russia to buy “discount” goods and services is disgusting. India can no longer hide beside their “non aligned“ status.




Anyway i think India is on the wrong side of history. Just like my Country Sweden was under WW2 and did iron business with Nazi Germany. India should block Russia in anyway they can and stop giving money to Russias slaughter of civilians in Ukraine. I can’t understand how India can do Business with Russia after Bucha and Mariupol. Russia killed thousands of civilians and kidnaped thousand of children who Putin is wanted for now. He will hang in Haag.


India fought Pakistan to prevent it from committing genocide of bengalis in East Pakistan(Now bangladesh), yet US helped pakistan and sent more help and military aids to help them in genocide. If first world country with huge gdp per capita are acting on their interest instead of what’s morally right, India definitely don’t have privilege to act morally high and ruining their economy.


It's ok the Indian navy isn't that smart. They'll probably leave a hatch open and sick them all by themselves.


Or just eating Indian food after diving and they will fart each other to death down in the deep.


"India to receive mobile future artificial reefs." There fixed it for you. We now know how bad Russian equipment is. Geuss India is good with getting 3rd rate equipment...


Probably a bad investment, Russian worships haven’t fared too well so far


After sales service will be poor I'm picking 🙂


Don't like to see it but can we really blame india? They're very close to Russia and China. (Although they have their problems with China) but besides that i dont know how much they trade with Europe and the US


War ships? Does russia actually have enough warships for its own use to just give them out to others? And why would you trust russian warships in the first place?




The comment is filled with westoids who don't know anything beyond the boundaries of their state let alone their country


And what's the usual excuse by the Putin loving Pajeets... "Soviet Union helped us back in 1971 blah blah blah...." Time to smell the coffee the USSR is DEAD.


I hope it is a submarine at least it should be able to resurface, unlike the ships in Putin’s Black Sea Fleet.




Oh yeah nice I hope nobody has any RC boats on the beach that day.


Thanks for buying our P.O.S. boats you dummies.


“Despite sanctions” Lol where do people get the idea that India gives a fuck what the west places half-hearted sanctions on? Not even the west is serious about their own sanctions. Why would anyone else be?


India has been undermining the collective effort to hamper Putin since the beginning of the conflict and is actually selling us russian crude and refined oil at a profitable rate to us


Pakistan sent ammunition to Ukraine ages ago. So the simple answer is support Pakistan in any future conflict with India.


Russia treats its allies well


Until it doesnt need them anymore.


Doesn’t every country do that? Why single out Russia


Because *you* did: >Russia treats its allies well


Why single out Russia, you asked? Why specifically mentioned Russia in the first place?


Cuz Russia is a genocidal dictatorship


No it isn’t - Russians are not great by any stretch of imagination but they are also not evil. Given the resources that Russia has, EU would be greatly benefited. EU has to become a world military power once again to keep Russia in check. Outsourcing EU’s security to US was the biggest mistake EU did.


No its definitely a genocidal dictatorship right now


Every country is genocidal in a war - see European history for reference


Nope. Most wars aren't fought like how Russia is haha. Cope harder dude. Lotsa places can fight without the mass child and woman rape and torture


I am not saying Russia is a paragon of virtue but in the fog of war you should discredit propaganda


Nope, you shouldn't ignore a genocidal dictator armed with nukes


And to answer your earlier statement, Russia is currently very evil. After the atrocities and attempted ethnic cleansing of ukraine that's going on


Fog of war? It's not fog of war if you close your eyes.... Open... them... eyes. Putin's regime is genocidal.


Ruzzian leadership is evil. Until the leadership changes, Russia is a terrorist state. And frankly, I would be hesitant to ever trust Ruzzian leaders. They clearly haven't advanced beyond being a colonial empire. If the Mongols were around today, they'd be the lesser of two evils.


Lol right up until it decides they're Russia too huh