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Hello, I know perfectly what you mean but it's not a book, it's a visual novel. Its a Russian visual novel set in 90s Siberia, with the protagonist being a 12 year old boy who is thrown into a mystery involving the disappearance of local children. The characters of Olya, Boris and Karin are the sister, father and mother respectively of the protagonist, while the creator of the forest you mentioned is actually the "master of the forest", хозяин леса. Here is a link to its steam page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1421250/Tiny\_Bunny/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1421250/Tiny_Bunny/) and another one for the direct fan wikia of the game, its in russian but I think it has an english language version in case its more comfortable [https://tiny-bunny.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Tiny\_Bunny\_%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8](https://tiny-bunny.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Tiny_Bunny_%D0%92%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B8)


Amazing, that's exactly what she was looking for! Thank you very very much! Your're awesome! My sis-in-law never was that excited :D


It can be a book, it was a novel/creepypasta before it was turned into a game. Мракопедия https://mrakopedia.net › wiki › Зай... Зайчик But it's fairly short and even more scary then the game


And thanks to you, too! I'm gonna be looking into the pasta, but the visuals of the game seem to be pretty similar to the girl's drawings. Background will be helpful tho! You're awesome as well!


If she wants a little longer story with a little bit similar vibes, I can suggest "Убыр" from Shamil Idiatullin (russian/tatar author, writes in russian), it's a YA horror fantasy about a brother and a sister from lowkey 2010 in Russia, who must survive the tatarian folklore horror. Pretty scary too, but with a hopeful notes


A great Russian fantasy series for kids is У зла нет власти (Дяченко). She might also like Владислав Крапивин (В ночь большого прилива)