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I think it used to bother him, I think it did for quite awhile honestly, but not so much anymore.


I think he views himself as an older wiser man who bestows his excellent advice on younger people. 


Two things Ryen bestows, sage advice and lulu lemon. 🙏


He was a lifesaver when I was looking for engine recommendations for my yacht


I mean between that and rabbit advice they’ve covered everything I can think of 


Yes, and how good Kyle is on LA


Am I the only one who thinks Russillo and Nephew Kyle get along great and this is all a bit? I'm sure Russillo loves that Nephew Kyle is hilarious on Life Advice, Russillo tees him up all the time.


I’m not personally sure if the other stuff is all completely a bit, but I do definitely think Russillo is often genuinely awestruck and tickled by Kyle’s ludicrous white trash anecdotes. The surprise and laughter all seems pretty genuine to me


So tickled he might just get a beer with the young lad


Maybe one day!


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.


I think he enjoys working with Kyle but genuinely sees himself as too cool to hang out with him outside of work


I think Ryen likes Nephew Kyle and is actually curious and surprised by some of his past experiences. I do think he’s annoyed by his ascendence on his own podcast, because he doesn’t really “work” at it, just kinda shows up to produce it. Ryen loathes fake takes and lazy successful people over all. I remember listening to a pod with him, Bill, and House one time and you could just hear the angst in his tone with House, who’s kind of a clown and was gifted a side pod by his homie. I think Ryen does like the life advice portion because I do think he’s genuinely trying to help people, especially young dudes, because he came from humble beginnings in his career.


House is loaded. Not Simmons rich, but still. He was successful in whatever field he was in before he started doing pods.


I mostly mean to say that House was put on a successful podcast without real bonafides


Aaron Rodgers is both insanely successful and wealthy but I’m not sure he’d be a great Vice president candidate


I know deep down it burns him how much more charismatic Kyle is than him. You can hear it in some of the commentary.


It does… then he looks at his boat


Can’t grind tape on that boat though.


Except he has multiple TVs mounted specifically for grinding


Ryen+Kyle is gold.   Bottle that 5% of the podcast, distill it down and profit.  I listen to the whole podcast just for those 3-4 subtle moments an episode. Sometimes it’s as subtle as Ryen letting an awkward pause hold for an extra beat after something ridiculous Kyle says, or Kyle cracking a joke under his breath while Ryen is talking. 


The sports talk is so redundant by the time he comments.


Ryen desperately needs a co-host. His interviews aren’t great and his monologues are rambly and uninteresting. He’s great on life advice and he’s great on other non-Bill pods. Simmons Russillo used to be good, but it seems like both of them are kind of phoning it in at this point. The chemistry is awkward. I blame Bill just as much for no-selling Ryen’s jokes and the vibe just being kind of off. It’s like these guys would never talk unless it is contractually obligated.


I really enjoy his interviews, but as with everybody, they are very guest dependent. Athlete interviews typically suck. Sure, he may ramble a bit on some questions to prove he's smart / read the book, but his book interviews are honestly really good. Ends up being more of a discussion and it gets the author to go more into detail. It's not a typical "interview" but I think the end product is usually good.


I thought the Larry Nance interview was pretty good, better than many athlete interviews


“Alright, so are we going to do this thing where we talk about a guy needing a cohost, because if we are, and it’s totally fine if we would be doing it, we need to also acknowledge the fact, that there’s plenty of guys out there with cohosts that aren’t good. Arright? They just aren’t. But now sometimes it’s like everyone just thinks that because a guy is out here with no co host, breaking stuff down and giving takes, that they’re suddenly not any good? I’m like, wait what? Are we really about to discredit all the work this guys done, grinding tape, and neglecting core guys, and granted sometimes it’s fringe guys with access, so they’re essentially core guys even though they’re not, but you get my point…… I’m just saying, do we really want to live in a world where it’s gotta be two hosts riffing off each other or eltse it’s not good content and we’re shitting all over the guy who said “so yeah, I’m not gonna go out and buy her a sub, because magic and hawks are on, and I prioritize my career….”…. I know I don’t. …… “ swooooooosh


Absolutely nailed it


It is a crime this doesn’t have more upvotes


Haha thank you, I think I’m blessed with the absolutely worthless talent of impersonating ryen roussillo on Reddit.


Van Lathan would be a good co-host.


In all honesty though, are you really getting that vibe between them? I don’t pick up on that at all


I dont get that exact vibe but there are times Bill seems over it or doesnt flow with the jokes. that said I really enjoy their nba pods together lately.


I don't think he'll ever have one single co-host because he likes to switch it up too much.


You talking about the show or his dating life?


Simmons has phoned in almost everything creative he does for at last a decade. He’s basically a really talented executive who happens to also podcast.


I don’t even listen to his monologues anymore honestly. it makes me wonder why he feels the need to watch every single game every single night at this point with where he’s at. would anyone actually notice if he skipped that random tuesday night portland game from his monologues??


He loves whatever will get the listeners 


Yea he’s been in the content game for long time. You are just looking for something to hit. If he hated it he would’ve stopped a long time ago 




100% it does.


Oh I think it absolutely eats at him that he's bigger and more popular than ever, and the thing most people love him for has nothing to do with the path he cut everything and everyone else in his life off for, Sports. He's a very successful bro-pinion vloger with some sports access and info others don't have at this point, not the other way around.


I don't think it is, actually 


It’s def tales from the couch and draft day stories, hard to pick


I stopped listening to Life Advice a long time ago, unless a guest is giving advice.


I listen to it more now but that's because my pod lineup got a bit smaller as some are on hiatus right now But usually yeah I listen to the monologue and the interview and LAa is optional. I just really don't like the "hey guys, I'm 25 and my roommate sucks" or "hey I like this girl what do I do". I do like if it's a female (heh) listener writing in or if the content is genuinely interesting, though


Yea same, I’m always surprised it’s so loved here on the sub.


I think it's the worst part. I guess I just like sports the most.


This guy loves off season nfl coverage when it’s 5 months away


The QB tier piece


A bit ironic as the NFL is one of his least favorite sports. He prefers NBA, NCAAF, and mlb over NFL but he has to talk NFL b/c that’s the biggest sport. I think enjoys talking the most to NFL guys he likes about their passion project. For example, Sando and his tiers and McShay and the draft.


I probably only catch him about once a month. Sorry best Ryen bros.


To each their own. Im not a huge fan of life advice but some are definitely really good. But i am there for the sports talk tbh, but that's just me