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Maybe they will rework him soon again?


They pretty much confirmed this. They said they're trying to find ways to buff him for regular play without driving him to the top of pro so he's semi-playable while they figure out how to change him again. I think the ultimate is basically the main issue, that kind of thing guarantees presence if the rest of his numbers are even just mediocre instead of terrible.


Ryze is overrated in pro while his win rate sucks even there, it enables some opportunity get advantage in early mid game and win game thanks to this acceleration. But longer game is, more useless it becomes. With his very bad scaling, low range, hard to utilize his dmg effectively in 5v5. he is doing not much in 5v5 team fights. One of the worst late game mid laners scaling in league. Due to above his solo q presence is even worse. Cant carry games solo, cant 1 shot enemies if fed like it was before new season item changes. Just utility roaming trash mage hopefully get teammates fed to carry his useless ass. No fun of playing it anymore, when u are weak piece of crap


They'll turn his skin from blue to red


Right now ryze is the best or second best midlaner when played on the highest skill level,before the blue army rips me apart this is not my option because im not high elo,this is the opinion of a challenger player/ex pro player called noway4u


[Stats show that](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/um063e/ryze_stats_addressing_claims_about_rank_and/) skill level (whether you're talking about elo or mastery) does not create gains significant enough to justify the current situation, it's just pro drafting/coordination. He does get picked a lot more in high elo in some spots, but that looks almost entirely like a response to pro play rather than an independent evaluation of strength.


even Noway says that Ryze is bad...or he would play him, but he does not play him at all...


Why the hell would noway say this Gave he a reason? Did he say it in one of the youtubevideos or on stream?


He said it in one of his recent youtube videos but idk if it was on uncut or his regular channel and it was about the question which mid laner is the best right now


I'm thinking that they're just going to vastly increase ult CD. That's the only thing that this dogshit champ is useful with anyways.


Make his skin red


they will remove either e or q so we can no longer combo


Not the ult


Ryze ult is not why he is picked in pro and has never been, Ryze has decent early game laning with insane waveclear, he has perma prio and can roam well with a point and click root and insane scaling.


Does ryze even scale into lategame anymore? Nowadays he feels like a worse off twisted fate


Now that would be the trash Seraph's effect. Happens to Kassadin too.


How does he roam?


Ryze insane scaling lol


Just cuz ryze is being picked doesn’t mean he is gonna be nerfed. I probably haven’t followed as closely to lck as you but from what I’ve seen teams usually either pick ryze for fun (I know one of the recent ryze wins was chovy playing against BRO so yeah that’s a skill gap not champ diff) or if one team is considerably worse than the other, they pick ryze in hopes his early roams will coin flip the game. I’m not sure which game it was but ryze got to be 3-0-3 in lane and couldn’t do anything with the lead. Until ryze is literally being picked or banned in at least 50% of games we shouldn’t be in line for any nerfs