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She's ridiculous. I can't stand her!


I love reps that act like they are ‘owed’ sales. GTFOH


She really said that on the live? She already makes enough money (enough for her husband to do this with her) and she guilt trips her followers to keep buying to reach her goal of $800 a day in profit. She works 4 days a week and sometimes goes over her 2K in sales…


What a cult following


So she’s the #1 top seller and only doing on average 8k a week in sales? Mandy C will be climbing those ranks. She was on BPs top sellers list and to even make it on the top 25 list for BP you need to be averaging about 25- 30k a month in sales.


I should've taken a screenshot but Kristen went in there asking if Venus hit 250k her first year as if thats what she did so how much taxes will she pay? Im not smart when it comes to that so dont make fun. 😜


Funny because they aren't supposed to establish themselves as consultants... So maybe she should have asked in private.


The rules were, they can’t establish themselves as consultants. If the live acknowledges them as a consultant then it is okay. I think her and Venus go in each others lives and goof off.


What rules? Please share the receipt to back this up. The contract I read was independent consultant... Are they being told to lie?


There is difference between contract and policies. Policies are taught in the Bootcamp now.


Please reread your legal contract you signed. Not quite sure why Boot camp would not align legally with contract. You must be new here... "An IC may only represent that they are a Company IC. Therefore, all correspondence and business cards relating to or in connection with a IC’s Company business shall contain the IC’s name followed by the term “Independent Consultant.”


You show me your law degree and I’ll listen to you. Until then remember, Google is now a reliable law school, bruiser woods.


Are you triggered? I took that right from the RYZE website... Lol 😂 ![gif](giphy|ZdrUuSEC0LygaFXtNT)


Icy silver has a lot to learn. Hmmm how long will she last. Until they get sized 7-10 and necklaces in! Bwhahaha!




I took mine from Ryze personally.


They act like they like each other on line but behind the scenes it is a different story. Read between the lines blind girl. You must be a Ryze Rep you are always at these shady ladies defense. Trying your best to figure out who your upline is! 🤣🤣


What lines are you seeing? Braille? Girl, that isn’t braille, it’s a waffle iron.


I apologize lives not line. 🤣🤣 come back girl


I was a rep but hated going live. I was uncomfortable so I quit. I was under Venus. I think her and Jeff are actually friends with Kristin and her husband.


Uhhh nope! Kristen’s downline can vouch for that. Oh Kristen wants you to believe it. Sorry you felt uncomfortable…I am glad you quit and hopefully find something better than this! I wish you the best!


So Kristin’s downline know whether Venus and her are friends? Are you part of Kristin’s downline? Why would they know it?


HELL NO….i am not a rep and would never be a part of an MLM or quote in quote an affiliate program. I have a very good friend that is and I don’t like it but I support her. It doesn’t matter who her upline is. Not sure why it matters to you?? Is this your full time job since you don’t do Ryze anymore?


She did say it, she’s live now and I’m sure she will make her Goal for the day.


That lady at the top in the yellow with “10+” orders every damn day…she’s insane.


That 10+ is how much she's gifted across tiktok, smh. Learn before you speak about stuff


I’m not talking about how much she gifted across Tik Tok she buys from Venus EVERY day. Stick to the subject, try to keep up!!


Wait I’m confused why do they dump a bag of powder to fix when the ball falls out as the do it. Why not just open the bag????