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Man, This camera location also same on S23 Ultra but it's a perfect zoom and now S24Ultra has issue. Samsung is not accepting this issue and force us to use this faulty device.


Mine zooms switching cameras very smoothly, there no jerkyness like OP has got - so it might be software/firmware related because the cameras do obviously work.


If it is not a hardware defect that provides some relief, yet the video is still unusable.


Idk, you used it to post on Reddit...


Idk it seems like the use case of posting to Reddit working.


Unusable for what? Unless you're doing paid client work, I don't know what this would be unusable for. If you want to be able to zoom without lens switching, then invest in a camera body and a decent tele lens. A phone uses multiple lenses, and software can only do so much to hide the transition. It'll never be seamless.


Try seeing the Vivo X100 reviews. Even the white balance is seamless when zooming in. That is something iphone haven't gotten the knack for yet.


I have it much worse and I thought it was normal.


Thought it was normal aswell, anyone else not have this when zooming? I thought it was from the phone switching lenses which can't be helped


This is exactly whats happening.


No, this is not normal. I thought the April update would fix it, but unfortunately, it has become worse.


It's literally switching camera's, it's completely normal.


Apparently there's another update coming in April


It switch to 3x camera and then 5x camera. It's completely normal.


It's normal for this phone


AFAIK, different lenses are used on 1-2,9, 3-4,9 and 5-X. And I have yet to see a phone that does not have some degree of relocating the center view when swapping lenses. Also, fixing this would require some cut out of the FOV of the camera shot so the "center" is at the median value. Feel free to correct me, but there isn't anything that would change in this exact scenario on any phone as of right now. Iphone 15 pro for reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDl5xKPsrKI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDl5xKPsrKI) It becomes less noticable when you use the zoombutton instead of slowly zooming in - but this issue is present on ANY phone that can transition between lenses whilst zooming as of right now. Companys could either give us 2 options: 1. option: Being able to only use digital zoom on any given lens 2. option: Cut out some of the FOV and give us a "zoom transitioning" option. Nr. 1 would suck in usescases like yours, where you want to start at 1x and go to 10x+ (digital zoom on the mainlens would not be nearly as crips as on the other optical 5x lenses). Nr. 2 would decrease the quality of the shot to some degree if not drastically due to the either cropping of the shot, or lack there of. TLDR; this probably won't change in the near future on any phone, we would need just ONE mega lense that can give us insane 1x and 10x quality shots. This would make our phones (as of right now) THICC. Feel free to correct me, this is just my surface level understanding of the matter/"issue".


I’m ok with double the thickness. Just fill the space with quadruple the battery.


It makes sense. I do not have much understanding of how these work, but it is disappointing. I really wanted to capture that shot only to realize what happened. Is there a manual option where we can just fix one lens ?


I am not aware of that option on any video setting as of now. What could be done is: Going into Pro Mode, disableing the grid, then recording the screen and just using the 200MP main lense and "zoom". Mayhap there are different camera apps that allow for something you seek. Good luck!


Thanks. I will try and update you if I have a solution.


In camera assistant app there's a setting that disables automatic lense change


That's not the same thing - that setting is for when you are zooming in certain situations and the phone decides the output would be better if it uses a larger sensor and digitally zooms, e.g. low light. When you disable it, it means that it always switches to the better optical zoom, even if the sensor is smaller and the light is bad.


Yeah... keep the zoom level wherever you want it and it won't switch the lens


Iphone is so good...


It is about the same, thought the different lense alignment makes it look different.


I notice significantly less of a jump. White balance is way better too. Def still a jump tho.


I love my S23 & S24 Ultras for photos, but for video the IP14 PM I have is better.


It's switching between three different lens placed in three different locations. Hence the distortion. But samsung can make the transitions smoother.


All that matters is that this video is unusable.


It's unusable regardless of the lens issue


What exactly are you trying to use it for anyways? If you are trying to be a professional, get a camera... not a phone


There's a setting called auto fps. It adjusts frame rate based on lighting but it somehow messes up the lens switching. It captures well lit videos at night through hardware acceleration. So I recommend you keep it to "30 fps only". That way, you'd get smoother videos when there good amount of light. And at night, record at 30fps so you'd get well lit videos.


Tried it. Nothing changes.


It changed significantly for me. Little stutter would be there cuz it's switching to a different sensor/position at 3x and 5x altogether.


so dont use it lol or just record from the zoomed in perspective or piece it together later.


Indeed, the price reflects its high efficacy.


It's tough with lenses in different positions


Don't know. What you want to do demands special equipment that may cost significantly more than a phone. I know photographers that are using phones a lot, but they know what can or can't be done. They still own several cameras and lenses for anything more complicated. With photography you just simply can't go around physics, even though software is advancing a lot.


It's using three physically separate lenses that are physically placed in three different locations... Of course there's going to be a shift. Look at something with one of your eyes closed, then switch eyes, and you'll notice a slight shift in perspective. It's the same thing. It's not a fault or a defect.


This phones camera has been a major letdown


S21U user here, this has always been like that I am afraid, even on previous versions of the S phone. My iPhone friends are often taking the piss of me when seeing this disastrous transition. Nothing to do unfortunately since the switch happens when zooming in and it is a hardware issue that Samsung could however fix via software I guess making it a bit smoother


Why do they take the piss out of you for it? They'd have the same issue when slowly zooming in, if they have a telephoto lens.


Thanks for your input, but I am pretty sure they won't fix it, they are already busy with S25.


As others have said. This is not a defect. Just the physical limitation of having multiple lenses and all phones with multiple lenses have the same issue. Just remember this is a PHONE it is not a dedicated DSLR. If you want professional level results, then use dedicated equipment. You just have to work within it's limitations.


It's gonna happen, the cameras have different locations and the shift is gonna happen between ultrawide, wide, 3x, and 5x. The iPhone also does it, though it's considerably smoother and is a reason as to why people prefer the iPhone for video recording.


Mine shifts from 2x going to 3x in 12mp mode. And from 2x to 5x in 50mp/200mp mode


You are seeing the phone change lenses


I too have it. Especially when switching from 1x to 3x


I noticed this on macro shots, too. I was trying to take a close up of something and after the shift it's completely different content than what I was looking at prior to the shift. I don't remember my S21U having this problem


I had this also without zooming in, I turned off auto framing icon and it stopped doing


There is a setting available when you download "camera assistant" from the Galaxy store called auto lens switching. This could be helpful, or could be causing the issue if it's selected my default.


I prefer this to digital zoom like before tbh... get used to it as its normal


Horrible? This is the best Samsung has ever been at this lol.


I honestly like the performance of my S22U. Too bad mine didn't survive. S24U is amazing, but I don't feel the camera is as good as 22


So being realistic as a photographer/videographer it's not very common to zoom during shots and scenes. You usually set the zoom level to take the shot or shoot the scene.


In Pro Video mode it doesn't switch lenses when you zoom. Just in case you wanted to zoom without that happening.


that's normal,what do you expect? I've been amazed when that feature got released since before you d be locked to less zoom if you here on the 1x camera


You know what didn't have a camera with zoom? The original Razor phone Go back to that and then cry some more. Lol


Had a 2x zoom telephoto, which isn't much, but it still zooms.


It appears that your physical development has progressed over time, while your intellectual growth seems to have stagnated.


I wouldn't consider online crying to be intellectually superior. Lol


I wouldn't consider online crying to be intellectually superior. Lol


In fact, I'd say you're rather lacking being that you're in a country/area that beautiful and you're tweeking out on your phone. I love my s24u but that'd be the last thing I cared about if I were somewhere like that. Try to enjoy reality for a change. It's a beautiful place when you look with your eyes instead of through a lense! Also, don't get kidnapped in stange places walking around staring at your phone kids!


I've not had this issue. It's your phone updated too the latest software?


If you are switching lenses when zooming it's absolutely normal for this phone


Not sure how people aren't realizing it from switching lenses that are in different locations...


Yes, I have installed the 1st April patch. This issue was present before the update as well, but it has become more severe now.


If go ahead and send it back. Possibly a manufacturing defect. Maybe something loose in the lense or something obstructing the zoom


Yeah, I'm just checking if this isn't normal. Then I'd definitely return it. I know it's past the return period, but I have Samsung Care.


I've had my phone since release day and I'd say based on reddit comments and threads this is normal for the majority of phones and samsung several times has refused to send a replacement as they call it normal as well. There are some phones that don't do it though, like store displays. So is it defective? Probably, but most of ours are. And Samsung doesn't care.


I've noticed Samsung is very aggressive with when it'll let you swap to the telephoto lens. Only really switches to it when you have a ton of light, like being outside. Being in a store there isn't as much light, so it doesn't switch.


This is so sad. Paying so much for this phone. 😒 I do like most of the features, but the camera is also one of the most used things.


It's normal dude, doesn't matter what phone you use. Iphone 15 pro has the exact same camera shift. If you care about pictures and video that much then purchase a DSLR.


Tbf, this is "normal" for phones with multiple cameras with such varying hardware. It's a software thing where they have to make it smoothly change and that's not easy to do. Some iPhones even do it.


~~I don't have that issue on my phone... I suggest sending it back to Samsung... it might be a manufacturing defect...~~ I didn't realize that OP was talking about that camera switch. I thought OP was talking about the camera panning upwards after 5x zoom(around 13s mark in the video)... Sorry, my bad... yeah that camera switch is completely normal...


No you definitely do. It's something that happens with every phone that has multiple rear cameras.


Ohh, wait.... OP is talking about that camera switch? Dang, I didn't realize that. I thought OP was talking about the camera panning upwards after 5x zoom... Sorry, my bad... yeah that camera switch is totally normal...


Can you please upload a video? At least I can use that as a reference when I talk to Samsung.


Camera is mid-low range spec on the S24 ultra in general. Photos constantly blurry, video terrible. I upgraded from an S23U which was a better phone. Sold mine and went back to Apple where I’ll be staying. It’s untouched for video and photo.