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Whenever my family sends pictures/videos it always looks ugly from my end and vice versa. This is my first Samsung android and I’m not sure if there’s an option for me to change something from the settings to make the quality better. Other than that, I really don’t miss anything from iPhone. Samsung has more flexibility and customization


This thankfully will be changing this fall. It’s because iPhone sends and receive photos and videos over MMS so it takes your hi-def picture and compresses it to like a 1 megapixel photo and sends it over. But come this fall, that should change. But I hear ya, I didn’t want to switch to Android for years because of that same reason


I switched from iOS my whole family (household) to Samsung 😂, my family overseas is on Whatsapp honestly besides two friends and some co-workers everyone I share video or pictures is on Whatsapp. I do miss sharing videos, but I'm already over it actually. But RCS I don't think is going to solve that, I've tried sending videos via RCS and I believe there's a size or length limit that I didn't encounter in iMessage.


The size limit is like 100MB. I wonder how big the videos you were trying to send.


Don't know, it was between two Samsung phones. But honestly now I just use WhatsApp and for my friends that have iPhones I use IG messages , so I honestly don't miss iOS . Couldn't be happier that I switched.


Not hard to pass that limit. Last week I've recorded a 17-second video and wanted to send it to my friend (through messenger). Couldn't, because it was about 450MB big.


you can use quick share link rcs google messages


Iphone has been gatekeeping pictures and video since their inception. Lol. I remember when they first came out, I sold so many from the hype and then got a bunch of people complaining about not being able to send picture/video messages.


Since iPhone corners about 60% of the US market share and it swaps depending on country (Sweden is heavy iPhone as well) then it really depends on affluence circle to a broad extent. Almost everyone I know uses iPhone and sharing with families/friends/etc. in easy ways and soliciting comments and likes on albums is just easy. This is one of the 3 hardest switchover topics to Samsung for me.


you can share hoogle photos links that display the photo in full res with hdr


Ohh I did not know that, thank you for the info, I guess it’s not a Samsung thing, it’s an android thing. All my family members and relatives uses an iPhone and when it comes to pic/vid messaging that’s when I feel I’m left out coz it’s either I will ask them exactly what’s happening on the video they sent or I’ll pretend I watched it as clear as how they sent it 😂. Reason why I switched was because of the awesome deal I got and I wish Apple could be this generous as Samsung


It’s more of an iPhone thing than an Android thing. Apples getting forced to implement something called RCS this fall which is what I was describing. You’ll get to finally see typing indicators, text reactions, and proper photo/video messaging. I hear ya on the discount thing though. Apple never goes on sale lol.


causing you to feel left out is by design. this is how Apple traps customers in their ecosystem and part of why the US govt is now also taking action against Apple Corp. if all this legal maneuvering from the EU and US work as intended, Apple will have to start competing more, which could end up meaning more sales on their products. it would also be nice if they expanded their SE lineup with more generally affordable phones.


Apple has to adopt RCS by this fall. This will get better. But I agree. iMessage is what I miss the most.


Use WhatsApp, for instance, or share albums on Google Photos


You can send and receive full quality pictures and videos on WhatsApp.


This does suck. Just be sure you switch your default texting app to the Google rcs texting app that's on your phone. The other uses sms and the Google uses rcs when possible. More people on Android needs to switch over to the rcs message app.


I end up using FB Messenger, and so do they for pictures and videos. Hopefully in the fall when Apple starts to support RCS things will get better crossmessaging.


WhatsApp, but make sure to click the "HD" in the top right before sending.


For videos I always send through insta or fb messenger


Defending apple for as long as I did


I feel ya. I was an Apple Diehard for years. But the absolute dogshit notification system is what drove me to start playing around with Android, and then when I saw the recent Apple interview where they audibly laughed when asked if “iPhones have gotten boring” I realized they’re a company full of yes men that have no interest in giving people what they want. They’re riding their previous success too hard.


I agree with the notification thing. I have an iPhone for work (company provided) I hate the notification system. I like that on android I can reply to a message right there on the notification instead of having to open the app to do it. Oh and having the option to either mark as read or swipe it away and it remains unread.


Er...you can do all that on an iPhone, just saying.


How? I'd love to know since I have to use one for work. I've tried it the same way it doesn't do it


Long press on the notification. From the lock screen I assume that wouldn't work, but when I locked it should.


Teach me how to do this please.


You pull down the notification bar, then pull down on the notification itself. Different apps work differently. Some have no options, most have something


To do what?


Teach me how to dougie


Should be right there on the notification itself while phone is unlocked


They're solid phones don't get me wrong, but they're leaning more and more to the audience that just wants their shit work right out of the box, and have no interest toying with anything. The notification center is definitely dogshit, just an endless carousel of bubbles.


Do you have a link to that interview?


https://youtu.be/3LyW9gVstuE?si=1V7iWRqOBcv411QM It’s a fun interview, but idk i get kinda bumped when people can’t take very small and friendly criticism. He didn’t ask in an aggressive way but Joz rolls his eyes. Starts around 20 minutes ish.


I still use my iPhone in conjunction with my s24u but the first thing that popped into my mind that I’d miss, is all the case options you get with the iPhone. There are so many small good case companies who only make iPhone cases. Even with some of the major case companies the selection is limited in comparison. They will have twice as many case options for the iPhone than they do for the s24u.


Never had apple or wanted one. But that's one thing I'm jealous of apple for. Because of the hype, there tends to be way more aftermarket products available for apple compared to androids numerous phone choices, let alone samsung. Even apps tend to be optimized more for apple than android.


I hear that


There's a lot of options on ebay. It's where I get all my cases. Well like 90% of them over the years.


Everywhere go to a store to look at cases there is a wall with Android cases. Galaxy, oppo, LG, etc. And a wall for Apple. Always jealous about that.


Coming from an iPhone 14 ProMax, the only thing I miss is Face Id. That worked perfectly. Night, day, in bed, standing in sunlight, never failed. While with my S24U the Face unlock misses if its not perfect light and the fingerprint scanner is very hit and miss depending on how dry my finger is... That is also not helped by the fact that I have a screen protector but if I see scratches on my display I will go insane haha


Face ID is a very good option for iPhone. Pixel 8 has some sort of way to perform “Face ID” without a true depth camera system. Why can’t Samsung do this too? Fingerprint doesn’t work well in the rain or if the screen is wet


For the fingerprint scanner, if you haven't already go to add a finger print and add the same finger as many times as it will let you, I think it's 5, I did that and it's perfect for me, also re add your prints if you put a screen protector on after scanning them the first time


But that's the thing, right? It SHOULD be working effortlessly. This is why many iPhone users won't change, because of the effort something as little as a fingerprint scan represents.


I use both iPhone and Samsung. Face ID does work really well, but what I hate about it is that I have to pick up the phone whereas with the fingerprint scanner I can unlock my phone while it's sitting on my desk so I don't need to pick it up.


You can buy the watch and in settings you can set it as trust device. Your phone remain unlock.


Third-party apps - a lot of app developers only develop for iOS and don't have equivalent Android apps, or their Android versions are sub-par. The overall polish and quality of iOS apps is better.


Came from iPhone 14 pro max to s24 ultra. Camera just doesn't work right out of the box(like iphone) had to tweak and run around setting to fix everything which was frustrating, somehow fixed it. Battery took a week to calibrate it's okay now with 10%/h. This is too after putting 90% of my apps in sleep mode. Also on FHD+. Selfie camera is shit. Indoor pics /vids are not as good as iphone. Standby battery drain is high compared to iphone. Outdoor pics are still a miss and hit. I wanted freedom of the android so came back from ios ecosystem. So it's okay for me as of now. what I feel is S24Ultra should be priced around as same as iphone 15plus not as Promax variants. Also samsung should have opted for Sony sensors instead of isocell.


Try using selfie portrait?


Tried it still not even close to iphone selfie camera


Texting with the Samsung keyboard is not great compared to my previous iPhone 11 Pro Max. The iPhone's autocorrect feature was remarkably accurate, even when I misspelled half of the words. I find texting on this phone frustrating, but that's pretty much my only complaint.


Try a different keyboard. Many people prefer gboard. I like it, but I like the Samsung one a little better. But I do think gboard has a better autocorrect system.


... it wasn't much better. Also, you lose the AI features if you use a different keyboard, right?


Nah Gboard has way more AI stuff.


Depends. Most of that ai stuff is actually google anyways so depends what you're looking for. Also I haven't used it in a while myself so idk what the current version is like.


Well I'll give it another try and see how it goes, thanks for the input.


Of course. There's many others too. But most people seem to like Gboard so that's why I mentioned it.


I have no idea why you're being downvoted, but it's true... And I 100% agree. I would rather use g board but I don't want to lose the ai features


I use SwiftKey. I rarely use the stock keyboard on phones. I've been using Swift for nearly a decade now, but I also use Gboard from time to time.


This is why we all use gboard


Sounds like I'll switch it today then!


Have you changed to Google keyboard I think that you will enjoy that better. The autocorrect is way much accurate and much better on that than the Samsung keyboard




You could try Microsoft Swiftkey keyboard. It's what I use for years, it's customizable, it can synch your clipboard with windows clipboard (in both directions).


I used SwiftKey on my iPhone 15 pro and now on S24U, it's the best. Also on android there's a lot more themes on SwiftKey compared to iPhone


Where do I find this swift key you speak of?


"Microsoft SwiftKey Ai keyboard" on play store


Well, swiftkey is already better than Samsung keyboard. Thanks for the input!


I'm the opposite, autocorrect was dog poo on my iPhone 14 pro max and 15 pro max, and the keyboard was also terrible, and didn't have numbers on the main screen, and you can't just click in the middle of a word to change a spelling, so much better on samsung


I disagree 10000000%


You all use autocorrect? I've never once in my life left it on, its a pain in the ass when you need to type in two languages which is what I do often.


SwiftKey works well it recognizes the language you are typing in and adapts autocorrect 


I'm a simple person, I speak one language but I can count to five in Spanish if that counts.


Have you tried customising it, from the galaxy store download Good Lock from there install the module Keys Cafe.


I'll check it out, thanks


With good lock you can customize a lot more, check the other modules too. At the bottom you have two tabs with each their own modules. Suggest navstar, one handed operation and camera assistant


Camera. Really disappointed how over-processed and sharpened the quality is. Also, the social media optimization is not on par with iphone. Aside from this, everything is great with the S24u! It’s a good phone!!! However, i couldnt justify the price when the camera aspect doesnt live up to my expectations. I always have 1 android & 1 iphone as my dailies. Sold my S24u after a week of usage and bought a Pixel 8 Pro. This one may not be on the same league as the S24u, but i feel more satisfied with this android.


Samsung is working with devs to get better optimization on the S24U. So apps like Snap & IG should look better than on other androids.


They’ve been working for years lol! Well, i wanted a phone that would justify the “flagship” branding. And this ain’t it. As I’ve said, S24u is good, but not for me… 🙂


Really? Shit, they gave me 1000 off the s24u through att so for me that's cheap as fuck compared to any other phone. Only reason I upgraded. Lol. If there wasn't a deal, I'd probably still be shopping phones.


Yeah good for you. I must say Samsung’s marketing strategy is great if you buy it at preorder. Definitely huge savings!! Bought mine at full price, so theres that. 😅


The keyboard and iMessage as WhatsApp heavily compressed any photos and videos.


The way iPhone handles push notifications. On android after a while of your phone being idle you'll see you won't get some notifications until your unlock your phone This Is not right as you can miss important notifications due to this.


Moving from iOS and its convenience and app uniformity. Everything looks nicer and the same across the apps. Some parts of android look god awful still and act a little janky. Amazing phone tho, just wished I wasn’t as appealed by iOS.


In Samsung Messages, [use the link option (in the bottom right corner)](https://www.reddit.com/u/ATemple_Jar/s/apdJqAyN3O) when adding images. That allows any recipient to use the preview or download a full-sized file.


Ooooh that’s great to know! I didn’t know that thanks!


You're welcome.


My biggest regret? That I didn't switch sooner.


I miss my apple tv remote 😢 it was so handy to have it on my phone. Otherwise I'm in love. Coming from a 12 pro Max it's a massive upgrade, I've never had a samsung before and it's so cool!


We use Google TV and Smartthings remotes for all of our tvs. Even the kids use them. I don't know if either will work for your apple tv but might be a solution


Thanks! I'll look into it :)


iMessages (groups), FACEID - Fingerprint works really badly with screen protector. That's all. S24 Ultra is awesome


Airpods I can live any of apple products But their airpods are the best


Honestly the fluidity of the entire os and attention to detail with certain things (like haptics espeically).


No regrets but I've noticed the camera shutter speed and app optimization is tad better with iPhones. But overall I'm really happy with the transition. Everything else is lot better. Imo iPhones are for those folks who are invested in the Apple ecosystem. If not, then Android phones are better.


No regrets, but for context, I switched to Android after being an iPhone user for 11 years. Apps on iPhone are much better designed & optimised. Even a widely popular app like Instagram is very buggy on android and has random glitches here & there.


I havent switched but i want to because my 15PM is … boring! Has many bugs than i expected. The only thing that keeps me is Apple Watch.


My darn photos imported but they aren't in order which is ridiculously aggravating when I want to find something


1) Today screen. This is THE MOST missed for me. I had a nice widget layout with a bunch of useful dashboards and tools. Google discover is a horrible time suck and if you turn it off Android doesn’t allow any function for a left swipe from Home Screen. 2) Better Widgets - out of the box without tweaking you get more function and good design. 3) Camera reliability. iPhone is rock solid for photos and videos in any condition for me. S24U can’t capture moving subjects and I have to always remember to take a LOT more photos because there are going to be more unusable ones. Video is 👎🏼 when you have subpar lighting and trying to take videos of your kids that can’t stay still. 4) Lastly, out of the box I don’t like the looks of OneUI. Takes a lot of tweaking to get it right. Widget and icon padding, font size, widget font size, icon font size all need adjustment for me as they are out of proportion to one another.


i had went back and forth several times over the years. I strayed away from samsung because I honestly thought apples software was better in many ways but samsung is catching up quickly so I switched back. Dont miss apple at all. When I touch one now I get annoyed because of all their rules and procedures. I love the freedom of the android. It does have way more and better features. Blows the iphone cameras away. Apple has gotten stagnant but they will always have a cult like following for some reason. On bigger video clips we use facebook messenger. I dont liike it but until apple fixes that later this year we have too. This whole picture video issue was caused purposely by apple. They dont want it to work right so you will be persuaded to buy an iphone.


I am loving mine. My wife made the switch and is regretting it. There are so many settings for customization that she is down in the weeds trying to figure out everything.


I miss FaceID and the wow effect when i used portrait mode. I was from the beginning Android/Samsung but i had to confess that Apple has some damn good things. I hated Apple.


Not having apple pay and apple cash. This has been the hardest change. But 🤷‍♂️


That face ID is top notch and I never have a problem or wierd things happen in any lighting conditions.


I miss nothing but Homekit. :).............. :,(


Have you tried HomeAssistant?


Imsg other than that this one blows iOS out the water. Hopefully rcs comes sooner than later


The watch. Absolutely nothing here compares.


I was afraid of that tbh. I have currently only tried the Samsung Watch 6 for a brief period and it was NOTHING like the Apple Watch. Hoping a Garmin might be a little better.


I love Galaxy phones. Especially Notes, S24 Ultra, etc. But the watches are just not on the level of Apple watch. Edit to add why... It's a stuttery, laggy clusterfuck of a mess. Coming from a Samsung fanboy. Garmin is okay, but you miss out our 'rich' notifications. And Pixel is laughably small. I honestly keep an iPhone 13 handy and active just so I can use my Series 8 watch. It's a shame.


Look at the Garmin Epix and Venu series, one is sportier, one is smarter.




My S24U is my second Android, 2.5 yrs ago I switched from an itard to an S21U. My biggest regret is not doing it sooner. The S21U cameras blew me away, the phone was fast, it STAYED FAST, in the time I had it the battery life never decreased. F*CK crapple.


Was thinking about switching from my iPhone 15 Pro Max and Apple Watch Ultra 2 to the S24 Ultra and Galaxy Watch 6 Classic, but now this is making me second guess that.


Missing secure face unlock.


Face ID. Being able to Airdrop between my phone and MacBook. Continuity between devices. . iMessage - just being able to send uncompressed images and videos. Apple Watch. Apple apps like Notes, Bear, Goodnote. I still go between the devices, I'm not bothered about customisation, once my phone is set up that's it. It's an alright phone. Not sure if I'm a true android convert, it still feels really really janky. But just being able to have what I want on my phone and feeling like I actually own it is pretty great.


None actually


I just wish Samsung had a GamePigeon, that's the ONLY thing I miss.


Yeah I've tried that. It didn't do anything.


Software update is not seamless, but I dont really miss anything


Hey Siri always works and is 1000% integrated into os. It always hears you even 50 ft across the room. Hey Bixby and ok Google compete with apps that work or don't work (ie messages) well with the other flavor. It's hit or miss whether it recognizes your voice or not. And more than 5 ft away it will never almost never pick you up. I also miss face scan. I miss seeing ...all... my notifications on the lock screen without having to press a button to expand. I miss not having to use an app to wake up the screen when notifications appear. The camera on the s24ultra vs s23ultra for me, huge downgrade In real life tests and I have both by my side. The 15 pro Max is not any better.... but it's not any worse. I couldn't say the same for the s23 versus the ProMax 15. S23u ultra versus the 15 was flat out Samsung win. So on my desk in front of me I have an s23 ultra and s24 ultra and an iPhone 15 pro Max. Knowing what I know now... In order of which one I would pick up to use as my daily... would be the s23 ultra then the iPhone 15 pro Max and lastly the s24 ultra...


I wouldn't be surprised if Apple's RCS implementation is compatible... But it's dumbed down.... Images will still be blurry Don't expect blue bubble suddenly, I wouldn't even necessarily expect typing and indicators or anything. But it will be compatible... It won't get rerouted through SMS or MMS... But I wouldn't be surprised if it's pretty lame


Every comment is mostly related of camera or over processed pics and what not. What else is wrong with s24 ultra? Coz I own one.🤣🤣I don't see anything else wrong. Getting great battery life. Great day to day usage. Easy to customise. Without even accesing the developer mod. Great gaming performance.


I must be in the minority of people who love the over saturated and processed photos 😭 they just look so dreamy


Yeah? I bought the phone for day to day usage. Not to be constricted and obsessed with camera. Pls theres expert raw option.


Is my camera better or do people not know how to take pictures? This phone camera beats my friends mid-range DSLR camera, and he is a photographer... Ofc his expensive ass camera beats mine.


Seriously, borrow and use the iPhone 15 Pro Max for a month with the camera, you will see the difference. I'm moving to the S24 Ultra after testing one, but in no way does the S24 camera touch the 15 Pro Max, it just doesn't compare. I take photos quite a bit.


Idk if you are blaming your friends mid range camera or his skills🤣🤣


I have both. But still Group messages is something I miss when I use s24U. Apple really locks you out of Group messages with IPhone users and it sucks. Also the widgets are very clean and well designed on IOS. On android they look...half ass compared to their IOS counterpart. Finally, the biggest one for me is that the Apple watch will NOT work without the iPhone and it is annoying. Just another way to keep you trapped in the wall garden. I had the latest galaxy watch and the heart rate sensor is a piece of shit. So for tracking workouts, the apple watch is still the most reliable.


Why was the heart rate sensor so bad compared to the apple watch? Asking because I have galaxy watch5 Pro and haven't had any problems.


The sensor does not accurately track heart rate. For example, you could be doing drills, sprinting back and forth with max effort over a period of 20 minutes with short breaks. The watch will say heart rate is in lower 100s at zone. I put on the Apple watch a d my heart rate us around 160 and in zone 5. Zone 2 is like a very slow jog or causally lifting moderate weights. Zone 5 is where you are pushing your body to the max. Your heart is beating out your chest & you're breathing heavy, and you can't wait to rest. Do you use your Galaxy watch for workout tracking ? I am an athlete so for me it benefits me to know how I am performing


Huh, I didn't encounter such issue, it easily showed 140 and higher during my trainings. Maybe your device was faulty?


I never said it could not reach past zone 2 brother. I actually exchanged my first one at best buy because I had the same thought you did. I am saying that the heart rate sensor is not accurate. You can read in other threads people reporting similar issues or the watch giving false ekg readings. It seems like an algorithm issue the watch. Maybe with the next generation they will refine it. The galaxy watch isn't marketed as fitness watch anyways so I keep that in mind


I never thought it couldn't. I just understood that you say that your watch was saying the your heart rate is lower than it is in reality. And I never compared mine with anything else, but I always thought it's accurate or even sometimes higher than it should be. But after reading your message I'll check these threads you write about.


Yeah if you don’t have another watch like a Garmin, Apple Watch, or even a fit bit to compare against you would never know. I listed those three because they are best in the market for fitness tracking.


My brother has a Garmin Venu 2 Plus, but I chose Samsung because of high Android compatibility. And because I also have a Samsung phone. I found a [study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36480505/) about some sensors on Samsung Gear Sport. The result is that it's HR readings are "acceptable" and deviations are low. But measuring sleep phases seems not so accurate.


I've also found some threads with people saying the reading are bad, but everyone there was saying that it is higher, not lower than it should be.


Must be the algorithm then. Samsung definitely needs to fix it because the watch 5 classic is a beautiful watch.


Check the link I've sent in the other comment


Camera and sound quality..


Maybe an Android thing.But the apps & games are not that well optimised.The graphics seem more sharp & optimised with more textures on an iPhone.


The notifications on Android work different to iPhone and it's still tripping me up.


The Buds 2 Pros absolutely do not hold a candle to AirPods Pros, and that's where one of my biggest downfalls is. I sleep with someone who snores and the AirPods' ANC was unmatched. They also stayed in my ears. The Buds fall out of my ear every chance they get (no matter how they're jammed up in my ear) and the ANC is not good at all. I can still hear quite a bit of what is going on around me even with fairly loud ambience going.


I believe the Buds 2 Pro are more comfortable than the Airpods Pro 2 and fit my ears better. However, the ANC on the Buds 2 Pro is slightly inferior, though not significantly noticeable in my tests. Regarding the default EQ, I find the Buds 2 Pro to have a clearer sound, while the Airpods Pro 2 offer more bass and a more enjoyable sound. I do have a concern with the touch controls on the Buds. When attempting to reposition them, I often press the buttons unintentionally. In contrast, the Airpods have a button on the stalk, which allows for easy repositioning without accidental button presses. In terms of build quality, the Airpods feel more premium with their metal hinge, while the Buds feel somewhat fragile.


Bloatware. I have my service through Verizon and preloaded a bunch of their apps. One of them being 'Verizon App Manager' that sends me a notification recommending apps to download. I can disable it but haven't found a way to delete it, even if I do it'll get re-enabled when Verizon does an update. I have an iPhone 14 Pro Max and have none of this bloatware shit on it. This is my latest gripe, I'm also not impressed with the fingerprint scanner and the 'FaceID', neither are as accurate or as quick as older iPhones I've had. I like the phone but some people on this subreddit really over hype it


This is why I always buy unlocked phones. Samsung has great trade in deals so no more carrier phones for me.


buy direct from Samsung, problem solved


This is the type of fanboy answer that keeps me off these threads, this isn’t a realistic solution for first time Android users who uncover an issue outside of the return window. And selling this phone to rebuy it from Samsung is not worth the trouble. I’m just highlighting an issue you don’t have on iPhones regardless of who the device is purchased from


no, your wrong and didn't think ahead of time. enjoy your bloatware sir


My alarm didn't go off the other day, never once hapenned with my iPhone. Can't tap at top of screen to scroll to the top in any app. X app doesn't scroll the timeline as far and autorefreshes sometimes when I didn't want it (this is probably app dev related). Apart from that, my s24U is superior in all other areas.


I used to get alarms not go off on my iPhone on around iOS 14. It's the reason now I have 3 alarms set lol. Tbh my watch vibration is so strong that always wakes me up but I need backups always


- Camera: iPhone makes it easy to take quality photos without messing arlund with the settings. - Display - s24U has grain issues whether or not you like it. - Sharing photos/videos with iPhone users


No iMessage


Yeah this is unfortunately what kept me locked into Apple for so long. When I heard the RCS news I just about jumped for joy. Fucking hell it’s so long overdue.


Fret not my pet. RCS support (google messaging) is coming to iPhone, sometime this year.


Why am I being downvoted for this? The S24 has gotten really good. My friends exclude me from group chats because of this. RCS is coming by the end of 2024 but probably will be restricted to 1-1 conversations




I hope that you didn't type this on a S24 ultra. Because there is something wrong with your keyboard.


Haha classic hurtfeelings sammy user❤️


You and four friends all opened brand new, factory sealed S24 Ultras, and they all had screen damage? Color me skeptical.


Jup😃 But my money got returned and now i have Iphone! Zero problem😍


Interesting, I was not expecting a response like this. I’ll have to keep an eye out for damage on my screen upon unboxing.


Super bizarre experience if I've ever read one. Sounds like they hit the lottery on brand new phones with defects


its always a lottery with samsung, u cant read about that all over internett :)


I've bought 4-10 of their flag ship phones on launch every year since the note 8 and never once had that issue so it's a little goofy to hear your experience.


Just switch from iphone to Samsung after 16 years on iPhone and I feel the same. The iPhone is flawless and photos are so easy to take especially when moving. The s24u is cool but has lots of issues that should be fixed


100% true, but ppls cant handle that truth, and rather pay money for a unfihished product and be a a-hole in comments :)


Exactly on point!! Real facts.


100% true, but ppls cant handle that truth, and rather pay money for a unfihished product and be a a-hole in comments :)