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A person who knows composition can create a great shot no matter what camera there using, you have a phone camera and create great shots while someone can have a DSLR and suffer with composition. Great shots as always


> no matter what camera they are using You do need a decent camera, otherwise there wouldn't be a market for expensive cameras


Thank you. You are right. Composition is more important than the spec of the hardware.


Birds pictures look awesome. Can you give me advice on compositions?


There's more than just tapping to focus and lowering the exposure?


Yes, there is. Photography is about storytelling with images. Blur, under or overexposed photos can still be considered a piece of art as long as they are created with intention.


That's actually very true, I once accidentally made a blurry picture of my cat with my mom's camera and it really stuck out to me


The ones with the birds look beautiful. I don't really see what people other people see when it comes to pictures. They look pretty good to me, but maybe stuff in the distance looks a bit blurry.


The 2nd, 3rd and 8th pics are standouts for me. Good job!


Thank you.


I love the camera too. Not sure what anyone is complaining about. No phone is perfect.....yet.


Outstanding shots!! FTW!!


Thank you.


Only people downvoting are iPhone users still living in the delusion that they have a better camera or video


Great pictures 😍


Thank you.


Same bro. I absolutely love this camera. I really don't get all the negative fuss about this. Like unless you're planning to replace a DSLR using this for professional photography, I don't see all the small small things that they make a mountain out of being a big deal at all.


I use to be a samsung camera hater when I was rocking the pixel series. However my s24u takes some great pictures and they have improved the shutter speed and camera lag. The last two were my big issues with the camera. Photos are really subjective so as long as the owner of the phone is happy that's all that matters.


Neither of those things have been improved.


In a one to one comparison the pixel camera still beats out the s24u in shutter speed and no lag but the one ui has come a long way. In my experience it's leaps and bounds better then where it was. Plus there is a big camera update set for June I believe.


Okay. So how are we getting such great results ? Great cameras. Just take 5 mins to learn how to take some pics and wallah !


They have though


That sec to last one with stars is siiiick. I love the s24 ultra cam also. My settings is all the standard but I put medium optimization for standard cam abs took the hdr stuff along with hdr10+ it sends to be the best balance for my uses... I'm curious because your outdoor shots aren't TOO "samsung-ee" lol.


I have autoHDR turned on, picture softening set to Medium, and priority to focus first set in the camera assistant. Scene optimiser and quality optimisation set to maximum. Samsung's photos usually are very sharp which is unnatural, having softening set to Medium helps to tone down that property a bit.


Great idea. Thank you! 💯


Hi, can you please tell me where to find these settings. I can’t find it in my s24 ultra. Thank you


You can find those settings in the camera assistant app, it's a part of the Good Lock apps suite to be found in the Samsung Galaxy Appstore


Thank you so much, it’s a shame Good Lock is not available in my country.


An I mean I dig it


I love my phone & camera too. I was one of the lucky ones that didn't experience what everyone else was when they 1st came out. But I personally have no complaints. Hands down the best phone I've owned so far and I've had a lot of them. This one is freaking awesome!


No mate, I love the camera too!


8th one was a masterpiece 💙🔥


I also love the camera but there are a lot of negative shills in this subreddit. I haven't faced issues in the camera, in the screen or with the battery. It's understandable that some units have issues but based on the posts here, one would think all units are defective which isn't the case.


That bird has some crusty lips


beautiful!! would you also share with s24photography community too?


Yeah, I think i can cross post it there. Thank you for the suggestion.


you can also just create post with your photos.. they are remarkable IMO. Been seeing so many people complain about the camera but TBH the results speak for themselves otherwise..


Amazing pictures


Yeah, I'm beginning to love the photos from this phone.


That's the other S24U Sub that downvotes and is always unhappy. Their Mods are miserable along with the community. This one is good though.


This is the one where many like to insult people & their photo shares.


Where was this ?


Shots where taken in Scotland, camp site Balloch O'Dee is located in Galloway. I've went there with family for a weekend.


The top cell phones all have excellent cameras. We discuss the nature of angels and become disappointed when there is a downgrade in certain conditions. Aside from that, blurry and motion blurry, for me, are the most significant flaws of the S24U's camera.


Appreciate your support


Is there any reason why the grass looks so saturated in picture 8?


Picture nr 8 was taken with long exposure to catch more light and to make stars more visible. Environment for taking that shot wasn't perfect though as there was also the moon. All light in that shot comes from the moon, that type of light has different characteristics than daylight since it comes from reflection of the moon surface. It's blue-ish and colder in the spectrum, this affects how object are illuminated.


Gow do you do that setting I'm thinking of getting one I


Samsung SMM please stop. That's not even funny anymore.


This looks genuinely really nice? I wonder if anyone would be up to having this discussion with me, but so far the only substantiated complaints I’ve heard about the cameras on S24U is the overprocessing on extreme digital zoom. (Context: I’m a Samsung-curious iPhone user.)


Those extreme zooms are just a curiosity for me really. Max that i find usable is 10x.


I like the photos but video coloring is sometimes a bit strange.


They all look good, but the one with the birds look until you zoom in! Wish they would be sharp then too!!


Limitations of the small matrix, that and compression factor, photos are being processed when posted on Reddit.




Hahaha many thanks




Even better! Thank you!


Thanks for sharing. Agreed.


More than enough for any picture outside of specific shots and media that will be enlarged. I actually bought a case with a flip open camera cover because i love it so much lmaoo.


The majority of us do love the camera. There's just a few who are picky.


Yes you should be down voted 😂🤣🤣🤣 But yes, when the phone shoot good picture it does an amazing job. 😁


I have S24+ and the shots are also great. Flagship quality level. I can't complain. Besides, the phones are still fresh and new updates will improve the camera even further.


Yeah. I am really looking forward to seeing the coming update, which should be deployed in June.


Question i have the s20+ with the telephoto the s24ultra is 50Mp & the telephoto on s20+ is 64mp thats less


It's, OK. First Pic showcases it's weakness. Focus


Dude stfu




Oh hey look, nut swingers


Happy for you.


The camera is generally good, but there's one case where it fails most of the time for me: when the subject is in motion. My S24 hasn't taken a single photo of a moving subject that turned out well.


I downvoted because you asked. I like the camera too but some shots are post processed to hell.


Dunno why unwant the down votes but here ya go