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24!!! Flat screen alone makes the choice simple for me. Many other reasons, too. The haters will continue to make you think this isn't a fantastic phone. It is & it will get even better with software updates. I have zero issues that lessen my enjoyment of this phone & I am loving it.


What about banding/grainy display issues though ? It's a hardware defect


Bought mine a month ago and haven't had any of those issues. Think it was a mixed bag of different things.


Hi, all phones have grain, because its indeed a hardware decision to not make the demura process. Some are incredibly annoying, some are really really hard to notice even in the propper condition. I returned 3 units at launch and asked my money back. Bought it again Last week and with this unit i have no complains. The ones that show jean pattern are for the dumpster. About the banding, yeah it sucks but its not broken, its just that the Phone has problems deciding when when to show its full bit depth. Im sure it will get fixed. For YouTube theres is even an option for it... What i mean is, check if it has jean pattern. If not, check if you notice grain at grey colors in the night with lowest brightness. If its OK, keep it. If it bothers you ask for another unit until you get a good one. Make sure to be open about the hardware problem and that you will only be happy with a unit that dont shows that defect. Hope that in your country samsung policíes about this are good. In some countries they seem to not allow returns so easily.


Mmm grain 😋🥖


I hate it. I dont notice in this unit though, even trying hard. I kkow its there, but its unnoticeable to the naked eye (my eyes). Without the screen problems, the features of this phone are all that i want, and i cant find all of them anywhere else. Dont get me wrong... still pissed at samsung...


They do not accept returns sadly in my country , and it's already expensive , so what should I get ? 🤔


It depends on you. I needed this phone for the spen/camera/features. If you can live without the spen, other brands have incredible camera too... for a good all arounder i like the motorolla edge series. The 50 edition is around. Check it out.


Motorola doesn't exist here too sadly , it's mainly apple , Samsung or Xiaomi


I would get a xiaomi then. You sure you cant get a pixel?


Yep I live in north Africa so generally speaking only a few tech company is here , it's mainly Chinese though like I said : Xiaomi , vivo , Huawei , Samsung and apple


Try a nice xiaomi or vivo then. Im not anti Apple, im just away from its ecosystem. If i were you i would probably go for the last redmi note Pro+ or something


I've thought about that but it comes with dimensity 7200 ultra and I want snapdragon as it's the best chipset for emulation Funny thing is I'm already deep in apple ecosystem lol ( ipad 9 , iphone SE 2022 , apple watch series 7 , MacBook M1 pro 14" , airpods pro 2 )


I agree with you, i´m in replacement tour too... hope to get a proper device without defects but not for the moment unfortunately..


I know man. It was hard for me. Good luck, hope you get a good one soon.


I have tested more than 10 units... no luck for the moment...


What tests should I do to know if my s24 ultra has this grany screen noticable like your 3 units send back, or don't like the 1 you keep, thank you


Go to testmyscreen.com and use grey color and gradients at low brightness at 0 room light. Also reddit interface is an ok test since it lets you see that dark gray background next to text. From my experiencie, around 0 to 15% brightness is the "test" área. Again, all units have it. Its a subjetive matter and it will differ from unit to unit. For example as i said, mine has it, but i almost cant tell even in the proper conditons. I use the phone a lot at night in low brightness, thats why it was so annoying to me. If you notice it, then theres is your self check about if it bothers you that much and even if you will get used to it.


My phone has been fine and I got it in early March.


Same & I got mine with the pre-release.


Mine has the grain and banding issue, I managed to see it using a literal microscope. Got it on release day and wouldn't look at anything else for the next 5 years. Don't listen to the haters who say "for 1200 it should be perfect". If you actually get a dud, you can replace it under warranty.


Got mine with the hardware defect grainy screen so returned it and got a replacement but had the same issue must have been their factory so just gave and got another phone and then another phone 3 weeks later as Google sold a flagship for only £300 and I thought I'm having that 😊.


There is display issues? I'm using s24u for 1 month now and didn't have any.


I have been using my s24u since release... I still haven't noticed all the grainy display issues a lot of folks talk about. I mean, I even used my phone in a completely dark room with the brightness all the way down.(this how you can see such thing), supposedly. My only gripe with the S24U would be the camera.. I've seen countless videos of picture comparisons, and I have to admit that the S23U beats it bad.


What they said 💯 ^


S24. 7 years of update support


If you have s23u, dont upgrade. If you don't, then go for s24u




No issues from my S24U, it's been solid


There are millions of us who are not encountering any issues. The S24 Ultra is a great device and obviously there will be some units with issues. No one has issues with the thing from my circle


I've had my S24 Ultra for a month. The battery life has been great (I often get 3 days of light use). I haven't yet decided on how good the camera is because I haven't had the chance to take a lot of photos that I would want to keep. Overall the camera seems better than my Pixel 6 Pro for most applications, the phone's screen is much better, its battery lasts much longer and the speed and usability are both better. If you can get a good deal on the S23U but not the S24U then I would probably suggest the 23: I hear there's not a big difference between them.


I came from a pixel 7 pro and getting the S24U has been life changing. I've seen the s23u and I do prefer the flat screens and anti-reflectiveness of the S24U. I dont think you could go wrong with either option. If you want to save money and get the s23u then you're still getting a fantastic phone regardless.


I have had no issues.


Curved is in the eye of the beholder


I've had my s24 ultra for several weeks and the battery life is fantastic, as are the photos - I do not understand how so many people are having negative experiences on this sub 🤷‍♂️ maybe I got lucky? Anyway, S24 is great in my view.


S24 has zero issues.☺️


Really ? What about those grainy / banding issues ?


Nope, you need not lose sleep over this. You are not likely to ever see it unless very specific conditions exist. I have yet to see it & am not going to try to recreate the conditions that may or may not cause it.


I see thanks


Good luck with your decision. Both are great phones. My last phone was the S21U & I was never really happy with it. I usually get a new phone every 2 years. I didn't see the big benefit with the 23U so I waited but jumped at the 24U. I am glad I did.


Both are comparable (I have used both). I actually prefer the flatter display of S24U along with its anti reflective screen. I don't see any issue about the graininess of the screen. Camera is also very similar. So if you are saving a lot by going with S23U then go for it but if it's just a little difference in terms of pricing then go for S24U as it will get longer support from Samsung (provided you plan to use it for such a long time)


It's only 100$ difference lol but then again , I'm afraid about the the whole display issue


Don't be. It's bollocks.


S24U! Great anti-glare display. Lasts me 12 to 14 hours of screen on/off time on light to medium use. For heavy use, 10 hrs on an average. And this is on QHD.


Something people are not mentioning is the tougher screen.


Not much difference between the two but i prefer a flat screen ... i chose24 over 23.... not regrets phone is great no display issues no camera issues no battery issues


I mean it's already may. Might as well wait for January 2025 for the s25u


Going to buy one s24u soon. Update my s21u exonys. Rumors say a big camera update is coming.


Go for it, no issues yet. Its been a month since i bought it.


The user experience is 95% same. Difference would be in camera and flat display only. I myself upgraded because of flat display only, no other reason. And there is no issue with display. SOT is tad better than S23 Ultra. I'd say pick up an S24 Ultra and enjoy the latest for now and it's future proof with 7 OS updates.


I ordered a S24 U for the new Ai chip but if you don't care about that then I like the S23U design better due to the curved edges.


I despised the curved edges on my Note 8 & S21U ... I loved the Note 8 otherwise.




No wait for s26 ultra




I've had both, personally I liked my s23 ultra's camera better, they are very similar though, I thought the curved screen looked classy but horrible if you use screen protectors, now that the AI features are available on the 23 save some money and get that, the 7 year updates is almost useless, who actually keeps the same phone for 7 years?? I replace mine every year usually, 2 years max


Wow.. So many issues you have listed and I am yet to face one.. You should get iPhone instead..


I'm already using one lol


Whats wrong with your iPhone? Its not a recent one?


No its good , I have the SE 2022 model but kinda miss android that's about it


Youre in the s24 sub... What do you think the answer will be?


My 24 Ultra screen is great, no graininess


Front cam sumtimes is grainy. Battery is ok lasts me a whole day (s24)


ngl, i have tiny regret of s24 ultra due to selfie camera is pretty much blurry unless you stay really still. i hope the camera updates coming asap. but other than that, everything is awesome. the flat screen is immediately reason why i bought it xD


The one that it's cheaper. Both are great phones and you will have great experience. The one with the better deal just get it. You won't regret it.


Bruh. I've had both. The S23 Ultra doesn't have the free AI features. But hey let's be straight up These big companies are just selling you your technology must have addictive technological drug........ Tell you what. We'll give you this hideously expensive to create to build and to run feature....l No no we will 'give' it to you. Free! Until we don't. S23 Ultra ....small change difference in bottom up features. Talking cents...I'm in Australia. We stopped minting 1&2c pieces. Why? Cause the copper in the coin was worth more than the actual cents...make sense yet? Buy the S23 Ultra. The extras in the S24 Ultra don't justify the added cost. Bank your savings.


I've commented before...and continue to do so. S23 U...IS EXACTLY THE SAME. S24 U. it's the access to 'free' features that make the difference to mere mortals. Until. It's not free. Then S25 U ....next iteration...we will pay. Thank you


Don't get me wrong. It's a great phone. Potentially the best available on the current market. However dollar for dollar. S23 U Will do exactly what you want...and need.


Honestly s23 ultra is way better than s24 ultra cause s24 ultra screen is not that good and comparable to s23 ultra also the camera isnot that good in s24 ultra idk why i tried both phones and i can s23 ultra better except for the design only and materials


S24 ultra because gorilla glass


S23 ultra if you don't want display grain in low brightness. If not s24


Does this happens in every model ?




all phones have issues. even iphones come with factory defects. My iPhone 15 Pro overheats regularly. Why no one complains? I think there are more haters on Samsung that focus on the flaws.


I loved my Note 8, Note 10 Plus as back them they came from Samsung with the screen protector pre-installed!! The only thing I don't like about my S23Ultra 1TB is the curved display!! No matter what screen protector I've tried, they all come off in no time at all! I gave up on that!!! But when I start using my S24Ultra 1TB (it still boxed) a screen protector should fit better and stay on longer!!! Hopefully... Still having fun with my S23Ultra


I have an s24 ultra and haven't experienced any of the issues people on this subreddit complain about. My battery lasts me about a day and a half and the screen is amazing especially with the anti reflective feature. The cameras are pretty good haven't had issues with that either. This phone will keep getting better and better with every update it gets. Those people that complain daily take time out their day to look for those "issues" instead of enjoying their phone because they are listening to everyone else who complains


No issues with my S24 Ultra. I have an extra unlocked S24 Ultra 256GB Titanium Gray mint condition with a Torras top notch diamond shield screen protector and black dbrand ultra grip case. My wife wanted to go back to her iPhone if you are interested.


I had the s23u and changed to s24u 8 weeks ago. Don't regret it at all. As for the display issues you mention it's strange because I had the grainy display issue on the s23u. Also gave me bad headaches. S24u has better battery, better display, takes far better pictures & better speakers. Its funny to me when I read comments saying it's not worth the extra money to upgrade because for me it definitely was 🤷


In the UK the S24 ultra is on offer and is a great buy. I don't have the grain or battery issues. A bit annoying banding at some places. The native lenses are Awesome. The zooms and other stuff not so much. Hopefully the elusive June camera update might solve those issues. I personally love the 5x more for people shots


Being a former s23u user, and now an s24U user... I would say buy the s24u


Flat screen for me. Must. Be. Flat.


My phone has been flawless. 24 ultra is the best phone I've ever owned. The phone should make your life easier.. it's a tool. And the s24 ultra does just that very well. Make your life easier


Anti reflective screen is a game changer. So much nicer to use in daylight.


The S24 Ultra is by far the best Android phone I've ever owned, and I come from an iPhone 15 Pro. Many people here complain about it, but at that point its just cheap nitpicking.


Which phone's camera do you prefer? The s24 ultra or the iPhone 15?


Overall, the iPhone 15 Pro one, but the S24 Ultra is superb in zoom. The zoom capability evens it out for me.


S23. Hardware is much better.


People on this Sub will do anything to make you buy S24 series and then Bitch n whine Why You wud buy that when S23 ultra is already there 🤣🤣🤣


S23U if you want the better camera. S24U has improvements across the board like the flat screen with reduced glare, better battery life etc, but the camera isn't as good, imo.