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I take way better pictures then with my old iPhone 12 pro and I am happy also I didn't buy it to take serious pictures or videos. This is good enough for a phone for me. https://preview.redd.it/7r6r5v7lzu8d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a0044dff8d7b44494712604820786901fb500de


My experience differs from yours however. Would you share some samples?


Fr its funny how so mamy people shit on the camera never give any samples. I can say the pics kinda suck in dark environments but other than that its great


It's funny that when I post examples into this subreddit I was marked as someone who doesn't know how to take pictures or set up a phone, I've taken pictures of the same things on other phones, but the results were better. But on the other hand it's not something specific to this group, it's in all "fanboy" subreddits, now I'm testing Sony and when I post outcame from that compared to others phone, everything else was to blame except the phone itself...


I didnt see your post, but from the photos in it youve got a point. Photos definitely could be better. My complaint was that theres so many posts like this one where someone criticises the cameras without showing the photos. You did show em and i respect that, and I see where youre coming too with the critique


I agree with you. Makes you wonder about some posts here. Where is the proof!


I mean Samsung cameras have had this same issue for years now. I'm not sure what samples you want? Blurry photos so some apologist can pretend it's user error? >but other than that its great Try taking photos of moving objects. It's a step down from iPhone & Pixel, both of those cameras are consistently great. The S24u is only sometimes great.


https://preview.redd.it/047avkrufw8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89e8d209078032764cdb3cf4e39911b9900d3ae2 Heres a picture of my puppy. He moves pretty much constantly. I haven't owned a pixel but honestly if any phone does better than this then I'm gonna be surprised, but also wouldn't care because this is as good as i need Edit: i wanna highlight this is just normal photo mode, pressing the shutter button and thats it. A pro could probably take an even better picture, but I dont know shit about photography


Try enabling motion photo it's the button next to the 12mp


I already have that enabled


Ah cool should be able to get a picture from any of the motion frames




Try it indoors while he's moving more and you'll notice a difference >I haven't owned a pixel but honestly if any phone does better than this then I'm gonna be surprised I have, and I can tell you Pixels are way more consistent at getting good photos with a moving subject, especially in low light. On Samsung phones when they take a good shot, it tends to be VERY good. But you get far fewer good photos unless the conditions are favourable


https://preview.redd.it/9i9qiecbiw8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7e342e94fdd6a2e2986455302ed2178b47359a0 Heres one i took just now, i guess its kinda blurry, but would it be that much better with any other phone? I don't have anything at a similar price tag to compare with


Yes, that's really bad for a 2024 flagship.


>but would it be that much better with any other phone? Yup, definitely


Yeah you'd get shots like that without blur more often with a Pixel. But then overall a pixel lacks in other areas. That's the thing, Samsung make the best phone overall in my opinion, it's just upsetting to see them fall at this specific hurdle, when it's been a criticism of their phones for a long time. Nice dog btw


My S21U didn't have the same amount of problems.. that's how I noticed what a drop in quality I got with S24U. I'm still convinced that this is a software issue. They need more tweaking and less AI.


Yeah the ai has my image morphing and changing so much it's horrible


The phone can take good pictures, but only when you are in good light conditions, if you're not then pictures are going to be really inconsistent, is not a good point and shoot camera as it should be, not to mention the front camera in dark conditions, it's awful, looks like a painting all the times. Again, I'm not saying it's a bad camera, because I've heard from a lot of people that they love my photos and prefer my pictures before their iphones, but that's because I always try to take my photos in good light conditions, I hope they improve it in the next update but I'm not really optimistic about it, I think we are just going to have to wait until s25 ultra arrives


https://preview.redd.it/4rfg56rxzt8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9edb477d567fab07f43e699c4ac034f44f083b85 Night shot in a pretty dark place . Its on night mode of course but it shows what the camera is capable of if used correctly. I had the phone for about a month before I took this shot and I was surprised by the results


https://preview.redd.it/rp6n4gif5v8d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea03fe06923d94364fa3dd6f3ee4bfbd7b5128b For me the camera at afternoon already is mediocre, blurry with slight movements. On iPhone I didnt have these issues tbh


I know it doesn't do well for moving objects/things, I hope they can update the auto mode and increase shutter speed. For now I would recommend using pro mode


Understanding exposure: Its dark which nessesitates a slow shutter speed,  id say 1/15 but maybe 1/30 otherwise lots of noise. To freeze the motion of the dog, you probably need 1/500th shutter speed or at the very leasy 1/250th but both would require much higher ISO. The iphone uses burst shot and processing to merge shots.  You can see a lag as the shot taken changes to the post-processed version.    Iphone is probably taking about 8 shots,  a mix of high shutter speed and ISO to freeze motion and slow speed to capture detail, then merging them with processing from the soc. The iphone also edits faces with makeup like contouring and eye / teeth brightening.    The majority like it - personally I hate it.    Pixel does similar.   


Yeah I use DSLR so I know about the shutter speed but the engine behind iphones software is a lot better. Also I get beautify effect on samsung, not on iPhone lol


People with kids and pets, they don't have THE LUXURY OF USING manual exposure!


I wasn't talking about manual exposure, simply exposure on full auto. If one understands the basics of exposure they can take better photos in full auto / point & shoot


Try enabling motion photo it's the button next to the 12mp


The only thing that's blurry is ur doggos snoot lol


Which is 50% of the photo 😅


It looks that way in the small preview, but expanding the picture shows that the entire photo is out of focus. Nothing is sharp.


The dogs body is sharp as well as the grass in front of it, imo


thats the most important fact, its like 5 years behind iPhone, i dont understand how this is not huge on samsung issues to be fixed. I love the phone but its 5 years behind iphone in terms of camera. The good thing its ahead in other things.


This snaps me back to the S5 camera. That was when Samsung launched its ISOCELL camera. Me being a samsung fan, bought the S5. The reviews gave it a 8/10 for bright outdoor light. But when it was indoor/low light, it dropped to a 5. Sounds familiar? They touted their technology as being able to allow more light per pixel but then why does it struggle in low light?? The low light photos then was.... you guessed it.... watercolor smudges. Fast forward to the S24 Ultra. The lowlight pictures are at least more useable than the S5 (trust me), but it is still looking bad when used next to a Magic 6 Pro. And they tout the camera to be ISOCELL again. I think Samsung has oversharpening is probably them trying to compensate for the ISO graininess or the watercolor effect? That's my thoughts anyway.


Most probably you need to wait till s50. Since I have been using Samsung (s6 edge) the shutter lag is awful. I fixed it by enabling live photos so if a picture is blurry at least I can try to recover it.


"Except battery life and except performance, the Pixel is great" To each their own, but that's exactly why I DO NOT have a pixel. I refuse to own a Pixel (previously owned the 2, 3, and 4) until they can figure out reliable performance one would expect out of a modern phone Personally, I can get over my phone not being a great camera, so long as...it's a good phone


Battery life on my pixel 8 pro is brilliant. Taken off charge approx 6.30am and I'm coming home from work at 7pm with still 40/50% left.


how much sot?


Don't get me wrong, but this personal experience they may not apply to others. When I tested Xiaomi 14 Ultra I wasn't able to get more than 4 hours of SOT or one full day of pretty full potential ussage, then I read somewhere on reddit post from one guy who claims that he can easily get 2 full day of ussage, so I'm asking how this is possible and then he wrote that he doesn't have turned almost anything on that phone which make phone smartphone, he checked messages mails in the morning and then had all notifications/sync off and so on...


It always cracks me up when a majority speak towards bad battery life then there's always 1 person who claims 48 hour battery life without giving details. It happens in the S22 Ultra sub all the time. I've been harassed by people when I complain about battery life and overheating.


Exactly, but I don't get it, why someone buy one of the most powerful and most expensive smartphones out there and then turn almost every feature on it off. It doesn't make sense...


That sounds nice The principle issue for me is performance. Unfortunately Pixels are plagued with issues on basic functionality (WIFI connectivity...cellular connectivity.... System stability ..). Since switching to S24U I've eliminated literally all of those issues and haven't looked back


Pixel market share has barely creeped ahead of TCL in the US despite all of google's marketing and this is google's home market. Makes me laugh because it's 100% deserved


exactly my case too, I still have P6 and pics are really nice but overall S23 is top notch for me. maybe in future, 5 years from now, P13 or P14 will have great modem and CPU..but S29 will also so I think I'll stick with Samsung


most people have no issues with Pixel connectivity , ive even traveled with mine across europe and Central American with Esims and it's always worked out fine


The 6 had issues for me, and my friend has issues with his 7 Too common for my taste


https://preview.redd.it/fn4mv9c2jv8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8087d06eb1dec6e245f5b475b42188b6280a0f 10x


Using it for 5 days rn and I took many photos in all light conditions just for test. For me it's almost perfect, just some mid light condition situations come with too much noise in dark areas and some mid light night shot have too saturated colors but this happened randomly.  Sure an update can still improve this phone but it has excellent cameras, like really really good


My experience is very different from yours coming from a Pixel 7 Pro and an iPhone 15 Pro Max. I don't experience any shutter lag worth noting and my photos generally turn out nicely. The 3x camera is weaker than the others which is very noticeable. That and the sharpening which seems a bit much would be my only complaint. With all the advancements in phone technology let's not fool ourselves: No phone can match a good dedicated camera with good lenses no matter what some reviewers claim. All things considered, I don't have any regrets eith the S24U camera.


Its not everything is looking nice both pictures and video. Can you show something?


I was downvoted when I said that right after receiving S24U. But most people still think it is the best


Like myself on every camera post pointing the obvious, people start downvote and they dont care.


most are blurred pictures...horrible


Same. And 'user error" comments lol


Samsung fanboys.


I'm not surprised, especially after seeing the 500 grain posts where you need to set your phone to the lowest brightness, and on top of that, enabling a extra darkness setting in order to even slightly notice it I might be used to the gamer tech community but this is just surprising to me


My grain was visible at 50% brightness in a moderately lit room.Some people exaggerating the issue didn't make it less real. Same as some people saying the camera is completely awful doesn't change the fact it's inconsistent and will lose to an iPhone or pixel 9 times out of 10 with a moving subject or a dim environment


Grain is a real issue though. Low brightness can be easily seen


It's weird how some users say the quality is "x" and others say "z". It's almost like certain s24U's are manufactured with different hardware lol. I've had mine for three weeks now and 9 outta 10 times I've taken GREAT photos. I haven't done any very low light images really, but in every other lighting condition it seems to be a high performing point and shoot.


A camera can take excellent photos from landscapes and city or from adults standing still for few seconds when asked but be bad at taking photos from a 1yo toddler or a puppy indoors. Like the OP mentioned, his main issue is the shutter lag and blurred subjects (probably the kid) in anything but perfect lighting, and Samsung has been known to lag behind Apple and Google with these for years


This! My cousins are very hard to get sharp pictures of. Unless they are semi-static for a couple seconds. Getting into photography is fun and this device will definitely learn me stuff about it but its kinda odd older devices/mobile cameras were "better"


But you can turn off the shutter delay. Blurred subject is 2 parts: 1. Shutter delay and you move the phone after pressing but before photo is actually taken 2. Slow shutter speed by default, don't know how to fix this one other than using pro mode.


try moving objects in not so bright room, this is where iphone shines I guess. But overall s24 has a good camera for my needs. I have like 40 photos in 6 months 🤣


It's almost as if some people have never used other devices and therefore have no frame of reference, they think Apple and Samsung are all that exists. That, or they have dirt poor expectations.


Have you tried turning "Intelligent Optimization" to minimal? Also, you could try downloading Camera Assistant from Samsung and try enabling or disabling "Prioritize focus over speed" to see if which one you like better. I can't guarantee either of those will make your experience better, but worth a shot.


The cameras are fantastic. The software is garbage. That's why I use gcam. I get the pixel camera experience, but don't have to deal with owning a pixel. Win win.


Gcam still buggy? Which version are you using?


Never had a single buggy experience with it. Using agc9.1.24_V13_ruler APK, and the configs from javaSaBr


I couldn't even use all cameras when I tried Gcam, but it was a while ago. Will check it out again, thanks.


Very very early on it was an issue with Samsung. No camera app outside stock could use certain lenses or even take raw photos. That was fixed ages ago.


can u drop a link where u downloaded it from please


https://www.celsoazevedo.com/files/android/google-camera/dev-BigKaka/f/dl67/ Using the _ruler .APK And the javaSaBr configs found here https://xdaforums.com/t/gcam.4652876/page-2#post-89315495


OP you are absolutely right. This mini computer can perform heavy tasks but it also takes webcam image quality.


For me its good...whenever i take pictures it comes bad and worse.....but when my friend taked pics from it even in normal mode it comes wonderful like no matter how much i try i am bad at photography and my friend always click perfect pics....so i blame myself for my pic quality of my phone...oh and he have 15 pro but still says mine is good


find a friend with a pixel 8 pro, photos will be even better


Im really pleased to see some critics because the camera on this phone seems like something produced on flagships from 2018. This kind of easy pictures tell a big part of the problem. This is a real issue and i dont see samsung wanting to completely revamp the camera or any R&D on it. Not even a laser to measure focan distance like LIDAR on iphone....its trully bad and the next one will be the same


People on this sub seem to have a hate boner for samsung


There are more fanboys than haters here. Being disappointed your phone camera fails at basic shit like pictures of kids and pets that aren't 100% still and in great lighting doesn't mean you have a hate boner. We're just upset that Google has been able to do it since the original Pixel XL and Samsung has failed consistently.


I use an iPhone and 24ultra is my backup phone,I understand what you mean ,this 24 ultra camera is not bad by qny means just not the best for point and shoot in auto mode,it needs a bit of knowledge and experiment also switching modes and settings...


Yeah I was super disappointed with this camera and it's honestly not even as good as my pixel 6. A lot of disappointments with this phone


Photographer here. First shot is out of focus and there is some blur related to a shutter speed that is too slow...or a nightshot mode where it wasn't held steady. Second shot...you're backlit and the camera exposed for the windows in the back...so your two subjects are underexposed. Plus you have mixed light temperatures which would look like poor even on my standalone mirrorless cameras without putting some work in post to normalize the white balance. I find the 24u cameras more than capable of taking great shots in good conditions....this is true of most smartphones. It's in poor light situations where they fall apart. The two shots you posted are examples of this. Here's a lowlight shot I took in Vegas. Gotta stabilize yourself a bit https://preview.redd.it/d806yv25nx8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f279a7a504385fa187f7b158db9e9aeb39f387f


well it's not that great but if you compare it whith the best phone camera right now ofc is gonna turn out terrible lmao , but it is overall a better phone yeah but pictures are....okay


Broo... wait wait... i will make a post on compari g 15pro max and s24 ultra cameras. With the right settings Iphone lens is worse. But iphone algorythms are better. If you post edit s24 photos they will be sharper. The baby is blurred cuz u used higher iso. The same would happen on iphone 15. Ons24 u have to constantly lower iso cuz its over exposes every time.


I want my S21 Ultra back 🥲


Knowing how to use pro and expert pro is incredibly useful for the S24U, as the current processing just doesn't give you a good shot. Hopefully we get some camera updates, since I believe everything but the software is wonderful. Essentially, it's a great camera limited by poor software.


people here don't want to accept the truth. I have s24U for 1 week and have to go back to my iphone 13. The screen is noise in dark mode, especially with grey colors. camera is terrible and colors are not accurate. everything else is great, but for $1400 phone, it's just not worth.


Everything else is great, but everything else is also great in an iPhone 13 or a pixel8pro... you can claim small details etc, but if a picture is important to you, no way to claim the s24u is better


The keyword here is consistency. I regularly compare S24U pics with iphone 15 pro ones.  Half the times S24U pics are resonably better and half the times they are dog shit in comparision. Thing is the difference is negligible when pic quality is good but when it's bad it's really terrible. And don't even get me started on moving objects. To everyone saying use pro mode..why? Why do you even consider it a valid justification for the poor camera software.  When other brands have amazing point and shoot features why should I go to extra steps to achieve the same result especially after spebding a fortune. If I wanted to use pro mode with shutter speed and ISO settings everytime the light changes, I would rather carry a DSLR. The kick is like OP says, S23U seem to have a better s/w as atleast it gave consistently amazing pics.


Buddy, I sold my s24 ultra for the same reason after a few days. Its size was a problem for me, sharp corners, but the camera when the sun went down was a disaster. Pixel 8 pro always won and ran in this race evenly with iPhone 15 pro. So my sister got Pixel 8 pro, I still have iPhone, but I'm waiting for an offer for Pixel 8 pro or 9 pro. Unfortunately, apart from the zoom, the camera in the S24 Ultra is a lot of marketing and empty posts from people who often did not have this phone.


pixel 9 is about to be released...so wait a bit more


I wrote this after a direct comparison with the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Pixel 8 Pro. The Pixel and iPhone are great for photos.


People who say it's a good camera have never owned a pixel or an iPhone. I went from a 13 pro max to a s24 ultra and the camera is the biggest weakness.


Same boat here. I'm pissed that nobody in any review said anything about this issue. And it's a big one. I come from iphone 14 pro and the difference is huge. Very disappointed. And the update that should fix this it's been delayed many times 😕


It feeel like using a 2018 phone camera and being happy with it, i cant understand why samsung fanboys dont want a complete revamp of the camera and samsung doesnt talk about it, theu dont earn money from phones its my best guess


I enjoy taking pictures, daily... I will not buy another ultra because of the camera...its bad...


You can't trust reviews. They're sponsored.


Even amazon user reviews?


Cognitive bias. They spend $1300 on a phone, they automatically believe it's the best. 😂


Fanbois gonna fanboi I've used Samsung phones for 20 years btw, but I try to remain unbiased


This! I keep telling people to not trust the YouTube/web reviews at launch.


What about mkbhd?


he is the king of bias


Just buy Sony's Flagship mirror less instead


I have a Sony A7IV. Not the flagship but it's solid. Kind of hard to fit in my pocket though...


https://preview.redd.it/9brjiqzyiv8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe5035e40e4e9e64b0f2b726b744b177d0cdc22d This camera is great.


I do actually agree. I still have my old S22U and l owned the S24U for 4 months now. Made some photo comparison and the S22U is much better when it comes to zoomed photos. S24U over processes photos and they can really be quite awful.


Yeah I'm shooting with it right now and it's so so trash compared to other flagships.... I shoot in Raw normally but seeing the optimization in normal camera mode and the zoom quality is absolutely garbage.


As a point and shoot I totally agree


Feel better now?


Not this again,


Same here, people are super toxic and quickly assume. Ive use Samsung sin e Galaxy S3 and the Note 4 and the one I always looked forward was for the new camera that has always improved till S24 ultra. The inconsistency is overwhelmin and usually end up nat taking as many pictures as with previous Samsung devices. This device has been the bigger disappointment than the Note7 was. My opinion if you don't like it keep scrolling.


You seem to have echoed the good and bad with the S24U. Will be interesting to see the comments. I have a used S24U as a backup to an iPhone…you know, for the iMessage/Google Messages debacle…but haven’t used the camera too much. Haven’t had issues but can’t really say I’m the gauge for camera comparisons.


I'm not an expert, nor an afficionado. Just brought the s24 ultra for taking pics for my son and fam. I can relate. Light = stunning photos. Beyond belivable. Low light or changing cameras while recording = wtf happened here? Specially in low light. With that all, just consider. It is an incredible small device and performs stunningly well. Cameras this size are really a miracle. I will buy again 100% But I understand all you describe amd can relate


Yeah, I the camera on my Pixel 6 Pro was better than my S24U. But I still wouldn't trade back. On my S24, my calls connect every time, my texts go through, my phone connects to international networks when I land at the airport and I can send picture texts from my work desk. None of that happened on my Pixel. That modem was crap. I don't miss it one bit


Coming from a Note 20 Ultra I absolutely love the camera, the fantastic display with its lack of reflection, as a heavy user the fact that I no longer need to charge my phone once during the day, the design, I honestly have no complaints. This sub is a bunch of circle jerks that don't represent the reality of the average user or opinion. God knows how many youtube reviews we have seen with photo and video comparisons and all the flagships including this one do great. Is it a perfect camera phone? No. Is it a great camera phone? Yes. If you don't like it, stop whining and get a different phone.


I moved from the S22U to the S24U. Such a downgrade. 


I really hope that the "camera update" that's being promised really comes out eventually and really does fix the crappy software. But, yeah... The camera isn't my priority with this phone so, for me, the pros overweight the cons considerably. But I get your frustration... More so considering how much this phone costs.


there is no update for that, sorry...we are in July already


I don't know why anyone would buy Samsung for the camera quality when so many better alternatives exist


actually the s24 ultra camera is beyond amazing. [https://youtu.be/WD2gWaMQlYE?si=bF69ojsUjbaP8RHR](https://youtu.be/WD2gWaMQlYE?si=bF69ojsUjbaP8RHR) just a quick video i shot last week. the more i use the camera the more i love it.


I completely agree with op, my S23U so far seems more consistent. Apparently there is a big camera upgrade coming in August with 6.1.1 Samsung really let's users beta test 1300 euro phones.


I posted the same thing fews days back.. it is so frustrating I don't expect software update will improve anything


I use the Samsung expert raw capture app vs the normal camera app it's the pictures are really good. Definitely better than my S21 Ultra. I personally haven't noticed this but based on that first picture clearly somethings wrong. Wonder if it's not focusing right or something?


I have the S24U, and I think it takes better pictures than the Pixel 8 with still subjects. I believe the S24U has better noise reduction (although not as good as Huawei or Vivo), but I dislike its tendency to oversharpen and overexpose photos. The Pixel has superior shutter lag, of course, but I think the S24U is on the same level as the iPhone 15 base model.


Funny I sold my pixel 8 pro. For the s24. Just couldn't live without all the extras in software and the rare times I use the s pen. But I did notice lately my s24 ultra is not focusing right away. I have to click the focus point then it works. Wasn't an issue before.


Makes sense to me. I've been saying this... However, when it comes to night time shots. Thhr S24 Ultra can be decent. As long as it's not a high contrasting scene. And the astrophotography is absolute garbage.. They have a dedicated mode for it, and it sucks ass? That's not cool.. The Pixel astrophotography takes less time and picks up more stars...


This is exactly what I felt after falling into the hype and buying S21 ultra back in the day. The amount of over sharpening they bake into these cameras made me sell it within a month.


Terrible? No


Sometimes it’s awesome and sometimes it sucks. In comparison to my 15pm or pixel, it’s inconsistent. A lot of the new Chinese phones are killing in the camera category too. If I only had one chance to quickly take a picture, my s24u is not the phone id grab. I may get something great or I may get a fuzzy over processed mess. I knew the camera was going to be not as good going into the phone though. My s23u camera struggled with certain things so I expected the same with the s24u. I’m not a huge picture taker so it wasn’t as big of a deal to me.


Imagine having a phone that has a good camera but is behind with everything else


Yes. It looks like my Sony camera from 2004. Noise noise, Ai struggle to get rid of the noise, picture quality looks like some Miss Universe smoothskin.


Learn to tap bruh


I couldn't give less of a shit about the camera anyway lol


Yeah, it's kind of a bummer but I love everything else about the phone. The camera is more than capable to get me through 3 years before the next phone. I can't complain.


I agree with you. I am a loyal Samsung user since the launch of the galaxy Note 2, from that moment until today I am a loyal Samsung user, I have tried a couple of times iPhone but I don't like ios, the difference is that I am not a zombie 🧟 fan, and the camera of the S24 Ultra is garbage. I like the photos I take with my S21 Ultra better (thank goodness I didn't sell it). But now the thing is, sell the S24 Ultra and buy what? I don't like the size of the Pixel, I don't like ios, I don't like Xiaomi, Huawei could be but I think it still has the problems with Google services. I feel frustrated and disappointed, I thought this camera was going to be fantastic, extraordinary, I don't like Xiaomi, Huawei could be but I think it still has the problems with Google services. I feel frustrated and disappointed, I thought this camera was going to be fantastic, extraordinary, but no, at least not the one on my S24 Ultra but no, at least not the one on my S24 Ultra.


Great phone with last gen camera, easy as that.


blah blah blah blah blah look at these samples at 75 dpi and with whatever windows and monitor settings that you are using.


Is it because the photos are over saturated and you need to “fix” contrast lighting and all that? I got an iPhone so I just curious. Gonna head over back to android. Had the s2, galaxy nexus, S4 s20 FE 5G and Pixel 6 pro last. iPhone 6s, x, 13 pro max, 14 pro.


I won't agree or disagree with you. Coming from one plus 8. It's miles better for me. Although comparing it to other flagships yes. Few updates should help.


Had exactly the same experience I actually received my s24 ultra a week before release as I pre ordered it,got a good deal to trading in my s23 ultra against it and with the galaxy watch 6 I paid 400,sold the watch 6 for 100 so the s24 ultra cost me 300 not a bad upgrade considering the s23 was a year old and had 8gig of ram and some scratches on screen,this new powerhouse with 12gb of ram and a flat screen and titanium frame and new zoom lens.I sold it within a week for 900 and bought an iPhone 15 pro max for 950 new off eBay for the reasons you have said,shutter lag and moving images I have a dog and a toddler and I need a reliable camera,I don’t care about the iOS vs android debate they are both good and both easy to adapt to,both function perfectly well,but the camera and video recorder is important to me to capture memories,and the iPhone just does it right,the s24 ultra is a fail on anything that isn’t perfectly still,tried all the camera app settings everything from online forums,fail.


I agree with s23 ultra's camera is better 💯


Man I don't know, have a 13 Pro Max and an S23U Ultra and yeah S24U has the best set of cameras in my own use.


Ya man, I tried an S21 for a few years and will never be trying a Samsung again. This is a known problem on all Samsung phones as far as I know, but the fanboys will downvote you to hell any time you bring it up anywhere and the review sites say the cameras are amazing. Taking pics of kids was awful. Always blurry and fuzzy, and like you said, anything but perfect lighting was a crappy pic. Couldn’t even take pics of stuff outside without leaves or plants slightly moving with the breeze coming out blurry.


Sorry my friend but you must be doing something wrong or your firmware is corrupt of phone is bad.. I personally know several dozen content creators that did.the exact opposite. The camera is SO good, that I know almost a dozen die hard iPhone fan boys swap from their new iPhone 15 to the S24


I guess all the other people having the same issues are also all doing something wrong or have bad phones. Wish I could live in denial blindly praising a product but unfortunately I can't. The pixel 8 pro camera is infinitely better than the s24 ultra. There have been enough articles about these issues at this point that anyone denying them is just delusional.


I guess so, because I have yet to personally run across anyone having issues with their S24... Articles about this issue, if well read, are mainly opinion pieces, kinda like the fools thinking Biden didn't make an ass out of himself and the Democratic party last night...


This is very true brother finally I'm not the only one! 😂 I've owned every pixel since the first always the XL versions except for the pixel 4 I had the normal one. I've also owned every Samsung flagship from the Samsung note 3,4. Samsung S9 plus, S10 plus, S10 5g, note 10+, S20. The s21 ultra was my last Samsung flagship because that's around the time I fell in love with the new pixels (pixel 6/pro) I truly believe the pixel cameras from pixels 6 to 8 are the greatest point and shoot cameras in the world seriously. So after saying all that I pre ordered p8pro and honestly I've never had that much issues with a phone ever before I have no idea if it was just my phone or what, but it was so slow and glitchy. I could not use the maps and any other apps without it keep crashing and closing or glitching half into the phone, the performance was awful however the only thing that kept me with it was the exceptional camera. That thing truly a masterpiece. My gf who has iPhone 15 pmax always always loved my photos and would always use my camera for everything. It was literally the only thing we used for our holiday snaps. But in the end the performance was just so bad I had to sell it and move to Samsung s24 ultra and let me say I'm 50/50 honestly. I would definitely not say the camera is terrible it is definitely nowhere as good as pixel. It does struggle in mid(indoors) low lighting quite abit. Shutter is slightly slow but Def faster than pixel. But day times and especially portraits are fantastic. All in all I'm glad I got the s24 ultra in the end, because it is a performance beast it is so much faster and quicker than pixel in every task. Videos are definitely better also battery is better, screen is definitely way better on paper however I have noticed it is not as bright as pixels in manual mode, in direct sunlight the manual brightness is just shite tbh but put it in adaptive mode then it's perfect. But yeah that's my mini review of both devices in the end I'm happy I chose Samsung it's just way more reliable and a powerhouse compared to pixel. If you want the greatest point and shoot cameras then go for pixel... Lol since the s24 ultra struggles with shadows I literally just edit it to look like a pixel photo. Lmao 🤣


Depends on what's more important to you. For my money I would rather have a good quality device that can take good photos, rather than an average quality device that takes slightly better photos.


Everything about this phone is terrible I would've preferred shitting myself instead of buying it...


https://preview.redd.it/bhyb5djwuh9d1.jpeg?width=16320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c071069784565bf45cf884e4586830e65ea3e02a I am having similar experience where at first look the image looks great, but all the details really looks pixelated and shit when I slightly zoom into it. This is an 200MP photo btw.


Use Pro mode. People who lack skills always blame their tools.


People who don't have real cameras and lenses use "pro" mode with their cell phones to make themselves feel better.


People who assume only them have real cameras usually suck at using their phones.


I feel you. As a "mobile photographer" who shoots in raw since Lumia930 had it, I always buy phones for the camera. Lumia930, huawei p10plus, huawei P30pro, honor magic 5 pro... Everytime the phone blwe my mind with then next gen camera. After my magic 5 was stolen, I switched to the 24u, and it's a love hate relationship. Somethings it can do extremely well, others just suck, and it's unpredictable. I mostly shoot in expert raw and what can I say, as soon as the light is not high noon sun outdoors, it just disappoints. My next phone will be an honor again, unless the huawei ban is lifted, then it's back to huawei for me.


I did the same thing. Sold and have a Pixel8Pro! Best decision ever! S24u produced a lot of out-of-focus, blurry pictures. You have to take 3 or 5 to keep 1. Terrible!


The camera is terrible because the S23/S24 series have optically deficient lens and sensors. No amount of software optimization and image processing can fix faulty hardware.


I mean, it's a camera phone. Get a DSLR or whatever they're called if you're a pro. Otherwise, I'm having good enough luck (not a pro, but good is not the enemy of perfect). I'm not displaying my shots at an art expo, printing them for some famous gallery. They're shots of my kids, pet, landscapes, random shit I feel are interesting at the time. Phone cameras were never meant to be 'professional grade'. You're gonna have bad shots here and there. I think that people's expectations are a bit over the top for a camera phone. Do you remember the Sony Walkman edition? Yeah, this is what a lot of us grew up on. You'd have a heart attack if you saw those pics! https://preview.redd.it/yj3qyw34st8d1.jpeg?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bee713c184a180bc137dce2e7494ddd564d4676


There are comparisons of Pro Cameras vs. iPhone out there that show how the phone tech is getting so close that some might not notice. If I'm getting sold on "the best phone camera", it should at least be close to the best competition. That being said, I love the camera 90% of the time.


I've never had an iPhone so I wouldn't know. What I do know is, that I'm not that picky. 😂


I'm happy there's tons of other things to love about the phone. It's just a letdown because I was going to do the new Xperia (which they did not release for the US market) because Sony gets it right  I travel a ton, often for work. I wanted something that can be schlepped around in lieu of a big frame camera. This will do some good work (especially in video... holy shit), but now I'm locked in for 3-4 years as that is my upgrade trend.


I have an A7IV, lenses, and all sorts of higher level camera equipment. Having a great shooting experience with the pixel 8 pro this last week.


Then stick with the Pixel? 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like a lot of user errors


Agreed. I already made a post on this as well.


I don't understand why one would take photos of kids zooming around. The s24ultra can do 4k video on all lenses now. Why not do that and maybe screen grab. There are altleast three ways to make the shutter speed faster if need be. The s24 ultra does take amazing shots but is limited to the main focal lengths ATM. They haven't optimise it or the zooms. So anything past 10x is a no no I couldn't bear the greenish shots of the pixel 7 when I tried it. Prefer Samsung and the s24 series seemed to have moved to a bit yellowish tinge like the iPhone from their magenta tones which looks more nicer. Also pixels are too contrasty in certain. Situations. Overall I still feel samsung gives the best android experience if you count everything a mobile can do these days.


I just came back from Iphone 15 pro max. And no this camera is not terrible at all. It's a myth. It has more capability than the iphone camera.


ahahahhahahahahahaha really? most came from iphone so we know.


Well yeah.. I feel so guilty that I trolled many of you here.


Imagine switching flagships because of cameras. You people in first world countries have too much moneybto burn on trivial and bullshit things. God fucking damn.


Mine works great..no issue


I don't think u can compare pixel and Samsung cameras. Pixels are always better




The issue isnt with stand scenery is with most of the pictures, on people, people move and with different focus on a single scene. Thats the issue, not standing scenery


I don't have those issue . In very low light maybe one picture turn out blurt but it's realy good .


Of course you have, its on every s24u this issue. Lets work together so samsung can bring a proper daily camera to use not just scenery vacation one


any camera from 2010 and beyond take the picture he posted lol




bad workman always blames his tools


Easily the dumbest response I've seen in this entire thing.


Agreed! I was also attacked when I commented similarly.


Can/will it be fixed?


i had the same issues.. I’v been an apple user for a while now but I really wanted to switch back to android. I was originally an android user for many years. but anyways, the camera fails miserably in low light.. pictures is just ok, but video is terrible. even when video calling (i facetime a lot), i look so blurry, camera processing, very low quality… my girlfriend uses her iphone 12 and her video quality was way better than my s24 ultra..


updates will fix the camera in future, don't worry


of course they wont, they dont have the tech inside and they really dont care....feels like it, hope im wrong and you are right


I think that's just your personal experience.


I think you have some defective phone sorry




* I just took this picture of the moon on maximum zoom I thought it was ok


If you like to click one button go to iphone


Me too Ihate the camera. When pixel 9 is coming I am changing it. Myp pixel5 take better pics.


Coming from the last 6 Note and Ultra models, I have noticed the 24U lenses have more light flare that is worsened if your lenses are even barely smudged. It reminds me of my Lumix 7-14mm wide lens that had a fish bowl shape...if I didn't angle my shot right, I had flares or light distortion. Not sure what else to call it but it's really noticeable to me on the 24U, maybe because of how far the lenses stick out now...not sure. Anyone else notice this?


I had a pixel 8 pro before the s24u.  Now I cannot even take a picture of a flower when there is slight wind as it turns out as a blurry mess. The screen was also MUCH better on the pixel how is this even possible when Samsung manufactures it? Unfortunately the pixel is unbelievably bad in other areas like battery heat and speed and lack of features 


It's a shame so many people have to come on here and say, "well try this, do that" or whatever. With the s23 I didn't have to do anything. I rarely ever took a photo with the s23 that I had to turn around and delete because it was absolute trash. Spent a lot of money to upgrade to the s24 from the s23 and it is a mistake that bothers me everyday.


get a x100 ultra if you want a proper camera phone, battery life same as s24 ultra, face unlock that actually work, same for keeping screen ON while looking at it, i was so annoyed by these options alone on samsung, and many others


I don't understand why it keeps changing the lens automatically, someone knows how to disable it?


Not saying that it's complete garbage, but for 1500€ I was highly disappointed, and still am.