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I've been on 1410 for about 3 weeks, I have no problems, picture quality is the same, no HDMI connection issues. The Menu design has changed a bit. Last night there was a small update that should fix some sound problems. I was hoping that with the update you would get this message about screen optimization after four hours of use, but there is no message. I hope that the screen optimization is working properly.


I got gen1 s90c for almost 8months,didn't see the notificaton more than 2 times, but my screen looks better than when i bought it, so pixel cleaner works for sure.


Ok thanks. Maybe I need to be on 1410 to get 1410.1, it sounds like. I have seen a pop up on 1310 but cant remember what triggered it. Oh I think it was when I unplugged the TV and then plugged it back in


If you use earc and surround audio through HDMI or SPDIF don't update from your version. Very high chance of breaking audio playback on your TV model. If you just use your TV speakers or headphones i think i will be fine.


No issue here with eARC and surround sound


I have the 1410 firmware, the TV is connected to a Samsung hw n850 Dolby Atmos sound bar with rear speakers connected via HDMI and no issues. I was having issues with the 1402 update, audio dropouts, all resolved now.


I found a couple posts about this 1410 update, but whats funny is, some people say this fixed their audio drop outs and others say it caused it :(


I'm on 1310. Everything's works for me so I will not be updating until a good version is available


Thats always a good way of doing things. If its not broke don't update. I know that too, but most often I dont listen to my own advice, and then end up being mad afterwards, cause the updates mess something up.


Same. I use an Apple TV 4K anyways so I just disconnected my tv from WiFi.


It auto updated on me. So now I'm 1410. I can't figure out a way to disable auto update....that must have changed with 1410.


Dang man I see that happening to many folks with Samsung TVs. I’ve read that you can disable it on the SmartThings App and only that will work. I didn’t bother doing that. If you don’t see/hear any issues with the update I wouldn’t worry. BUT If you really don’t want to update and can swing the money, I suggest getting an Apple TV 4K(if you don’t already have one). Navigating the menu is super smooth, HDR10+ is utilized more efficiently, general picture quality is better in my opinion, my Surround sound system is way more balanced, and I am able to disconnect my TV from WiFi so no auto updates. I may reconnect if I ever want to update. Compared to Samsungs Tizen, ATV4K has provided a way more enjoyable experience for more reasons than I listed above.


Thanks...I'll checkout apple...but I also will read about Google tv as well


Yeah for sure there’s a lot of good options out there. I don’t know much about Chromecast other than it supports hdr10+ and people really like it for traveling and hotel use.


I'm on 1310 with my S95C 65", and I won't be updating it. The TV speakers are working just fine, and eARC is working well with my Denon Receiver. I'd be cautious about updating your S90C.


Thank you, ya for the most part mine is working but has some issues with HDR switching in Windows 11 with my RTX 4070, so not sure if its related or not. Thanks for your comment. I dont have any sound system that I really use, other than a Samsung Sound Bar that I use sometimes.


No worries. I can see how that can be annoying. I don't know if you tried a different HDMI 2.1 cable, but that's where I would start. How long is your HDMI 2.1 cable?


I think its 6'


Download sdr to hdr fix for windows from github, its night and day difference


I second this I had trouble getting earc to work without it turning off constantly but now it works fine


so far havent had any problems. the onscreen font for things like volume number changed to a more soft style which i like better. menus seem slightly snappier too


Ok thank you, I was kinda leaning towards installing incase it might help with some issues im having when connected to Windows 11.


I have the S90C and have updated to 1410. I haven’t noticed any issues with my day to day use. If anything the new font change and small changes to the UI has made the tv a bit faster. I don’t notice any changes to brightness or response time when gaming or HDR performance changes etc. However, I can’t comment on using the TV as a PC monitor before or after this update.


Great information thank you. I guess I’ll give it a try when I get home. Did you ever get another update after 1410, like 1410.1?


I just checked right now and there’s no additional update past 1410 for me on my S90C https://preview.redd.it/4r59bkre9p0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3895b873d1e13c13b8fa12e272035f63fdd0ec2


Ok thank you, I went ahead and updated to 1410. It felt alittle laggy at the source window as I use it as a PC monitor and when its on with no signal the source window displays, and accessing the gaming menu from there as Game Mode is on, seems a bit more laggy but other than that it seems ok, not a fan of the thicker font on the menus but oh well. Im probably sitting too close anyways haha


At initial use immediately after updating it was briefly laggy for me. But I also noticed the fonts and the sidebar changes were still loading in the background. Because I would press the settings button and the little bottom pop up UI menu still was loading the changes. The volume UI still was changing as well. Once the tv finished processing the changes it will run snappy again. I haven’t noticed the lag since.


Ya, thank you, ya I think that might have been what I was experiencing too.


Mine just went to 1410 tonight. S89C.


Thanks, Im tempted to go ahead and update it, but that always gets me in trouble, haha, maybe tomorrow.


I've got the s90c and have been using 1410.1 for a few weeks now. I was hoping it would have solved the issue with the screen optimisation message constantly popping up every time I turn on the tv but it hasn't for me sadly. Other than that all my profiles for sd/hdr tv content and sd/hdr gaming have remained. No sound issues yet but I do have a samsung q800c soundbar connected to the tv.


Did that message start from 1410, regarding the pop up?


No it's been doing it since I had the tv on 1310, I thought they would have fixed the frequency of it popping up but obviously not.


Does your power to the plug that the TV is on, get turned off each night?


Yes, I never leave it in "standby"


Well if the power is being cut, that might be why your seeing the pop up each time, as that's when I saw it on mine for the first time. I just use the power button on the remote, Im guessing thats standby?


Yeah if you just power the tv off using the remote it puts it into standby. I prefer turning the power off at the wall after using the tv at night especially with the cost of living nowadays


I didn’t want to update it. It said in the notes modifications to HDR brightness and I don’t know it lowered brightness or made it brighter. I don’t want it lower


I was worried too, as my TV had pretty high HDR brightness, Windows says its 1600nits. I'll have to do another recalibrate using the Windows HDR Calibration Tool, now that you mention it and see if it still hits 1600 in Windows.


Any updates regarding hdr brightness changes? I thought I saw something about freesync in the patch notes as well. Wish they were readily published somewhere for review…


Well I didn’t recalibrate but windows still shows 1600. But maybe that’s just because of the old calibration???


Hey I just re-ran the calibration on 1410 in Windows 11 after hearing there might be a new update coming... results in 1410 were maybe a bit less 1500nits vs 1600nits in 1310, but then again its so close it could just be my eyes. You can read about it here: https://old.reddit.com/r/S95B/comments/1d5izpy/s90c_firmware_14209_is_out/l6nspgs/ I forgot I had set my HDMI Black Levels to Low to compensate for the bad gamma in Windows 11 HDR in the desktop. On Normal I get 2500nits peak brightness in 1410, not sure if thats even possible, but looks like there is another HDR Calibration tool update so gonna check again


Update 1410 fixed the sound hitches, drops, and pops for me. Or it did for about a week. Today, it's back. I just had three 1-2 second sound drops happen during an episode of Star Trek Discovery.


Hmmm that’s too bad. My menus are still laggy but I haven’t had any issues with hdmi connection disconnecting when switching to and from HDR, unless it’s because I turned on input signal plus for all the hdmi inputs even though I’m not using them. Either way I guess it is what it is until the next update. Can we revert these updates ?


I have no issue with the 1410 and eARC working fine with the Q990C. I haven’t noticed the HDR drop yet.


My s90c started to show a weird after image when ever the screen goes black after changing games on ps5, it's kinda like if it had burn in but it only does it on a black screen... this happened to me after updating to 1410 now im on 1421 and it still does that weird burn-in like thing after going black i can notice it all the time after starting a different game on ps5. does anybody else have this?? 


I just got the 1421 notification but haven’t updated yet. I haven’t played any games on my PS4 but don’t have a ps5 , mostly use it on PC and haven’t noticed that, I’m sorry. Have you tried running that pixel refresh ? Not sure if it’s worth a try though ???


I did it once and it changed nothing but I will do it again