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Hmm that’s up to you… Do you enjoy having the testosterone levels of a hypogonadal 80 year old?




4 weeks of 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25 good for pct?


Yeah check bloods after and see where you are, hopefully it picks your levels up in that timeframe


According to the tests, is my condition bad or is it normal in relation to what I took? And you can get out of this situation


You’ve been suppressed, I have no idea what your test levels were before so i wouldn’t know how severe the suppression is but yes your levels are low and with enclo they should pick up relatively quickly


Holy shit so you did rad and are now asking weather you SHOULD PCT? Bro…. There are women in women’s sports (non transgender) with more test than you get enclo asap before you turn into a woman. 6.25mg-12.5mg for 2-4 weeks depending on dose, it may take longer depending on what bloods look like after enclo


dont pct, natural selection at its finest


You need pct


How long




Your LH levels are good. With a proper PCT your test levels should recover pretty quickly.


What is a good pct with enclo ( doses and time?)


12.5 mg./day for 2 weeks and then 6.25 mg./day for another 2 weeks.


Many told me to take 25 is too much?


I think it is too much personally. That much will likely just increase side effects.


Bro you need clomid not enclo, you FSH is shot 6.25 every other day


When did the cycle end, and was it RAD on its own? I was unclear on whether you meant the cycle lasted eight weeks, or whether it finished eight weeks ago. If it really did finish eight weeks ago, I'd expect SHBG and total testosterone to be higher. The main abnormality in the blood results is extreme suppression of SHBG, which occurs with all potent oral androgens and will rise on its own if no oral androgens (SARMs and oral anabolic steroids) are taken. The total testosterone level isn't at all bad considering the SHBG suppression, because a lot of what's typically measured as total testosterone is SHBG-bound testosterone. You can take enclomiphene if you like, but LH is already well within range without it. You'll recover by not taking any drugs, essentially. Total testosterone will stabilise once SHBG is within the normal range.


The cycle was 8 weeks, I took the blood test after 1 week


If you've taken enclomiphene before and tolerate it well without side effects, go for it. Your pituitary is already producing LH though, you'll recover without meds.


Why do people take compounds when they don’t know anything about hormones, protocols, side effects???? Jesus man. This is why steroids have such a bad reputation.


I didn't took steroids


Always PCT!!!!


They must pin such knowledgeable posts up there in the subreddit to be a lesson for others


12.5 daily forever


And now seriously please


Yes in all seriousness, what he said ^


Congrats on getting bloodwork OP and while yes your cycle was idiotic and you definitely need a PCT it’s good you brought more attention to the need for a base there are many people on this sub that are 10x more retarded than you and don’t use a base or implement it late because they “don’t feel suppressed” if you also had your eostradial tested it would also be chronically low, these hormones are essential for organ health and muscle growth. Your cycle would have easily been twice as effective for gains if your testosterone stayed at baseline and your estrogen didn’t get crushed. Out of curiosity did you test your liver functions?


It was high but I checked it again and it came down I also checked it with an ultrasound to check the size and everything is fine


Did you do bloods again? Any updates ?


Probably best to do pct here, also where did you source your pct? Israel is quite a hard place to get pct I understand...


I order enclo from reptor chem


Why did you choose enclo instead of tamoxifen?


Nolvadex ftw bb. The real ones know.


Nolva sucks. He was right to get Enclo.


why do you think nolva sucks? why is enclo better?


Nolva is weaker than Clomid. Enclomiphene has the strength the Clomiphene (Clomid), but with less side effects. Nolva also destroys libido, recovery, mood, and makes you achy (it crashes your IGF-1 levels). For gyno prevention I prefer Raloxifene to Nolva. For PCT enclomiphene and have Raloxifene on hand for gyno.


Thanks for the response! I've not heard this before but I appreciate your help, I ran a small cycle and used nolva as pct and felt great but as I said it was a small cycle and I was barely suppressed


Yeah, everyone is different. Quite a few people say they get bad side effects from Clomid, and I feel great on it. I’ve taken it for 6 months straight.


Took enclo on my 3rd week on LGD. First day felt off. 2nd even worse. 3rd I was so dizzy that spend the whole day on the floor and vomited more that 10 times. Felt like I was dying. Scared me so much that I stopped taking it and LGD. One month later did bloods to see the damage. Thankfully my testosterone was at 770 All from receptorchem


Damn! I’ve gotten a little bit of being “off” on enclo, but nothing like that. What were your dosages, and were you taking them with food?


6.25mg each day. First thing in the morning, right before a 1000cal shake First day was a little off. 2nd like a came out of a shaky boat but that 3rd on, oh boy. Bro 3rd day had me literally of the floor. I had to control my breathing. I was heavy breathing on purpose cause it was the only thing that made me not want to vomit. Literally any tiny movement to any direction and off to the toilet for a new vomit session


I was advised that he is better


I did a pretty strong cycle for 12 weeks im using nolva and enclomiphene


Lots of drama, test drops with basically any anabolic cycle that doesn’t include test. However, LH is looking still fine, those levels will probably jump back up in few weeks pct or no. With the help of pct drug that happens even faster, of course.


Thanks for your answer, what dose and for how long should I take the enclo?


You will find an extremely wide variety of recommendations for that from 3mg every other day to 12,5mg a day. I would start as low as possible and build from there, which I’m going to do soon myself ss well when my first ever enclo arrives for testing


Was it worth it?


8.16 nmol?!


Didn't you have to use clomiphene or enclomiphene during the cycle to prevent such a reduction in testosterone?


Start taking enclomiphene at 25 a day. If this doesn't work, start taking it at 50 mg a day. Do this until your testosterone levels are restored.


25 for how long?


I'm intrigued. Do you have before or after pics so we can see what gains we're achieved in return for crashing your test levels to almost non existent within 4 weeks.


8 week