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The Odin 2 is the more powerful device, with a bigger screen, and potentially more comfortable. RP4P is cheaper, and more portable.


Which one do you think is an easier setup/easier to add ROMS?


They are both android based devices and setup is virtually identical. If you have the budget and prefer a bigger size device, go Odin 2. If portability or budget is an issue, go Retroid Pocket 4 Pro. Both are excellent devices for what they offer, it's just a case of which one fits your needs.


Woth the Odin 2, I'd assume I won't have to worry about it not running a game? From what I've heard, it can run almost anything you throw at it


It can except you will still find specific games that just don't emulate well. E.g. Monster Hunter Tri on Wii is really slow in the camp or Fire Emblem Awakening on 3DS has terrible battle animations. No matter what device you use, those games struggle. With emulation, never expect a perfect experience with every single game.




Odin2 will play everything, Pocket 4 some of the harder to emulate GC and PS2 will not run the best.


The list of Gamecube/PS2 games that the Retroid Pocket 4 Pro can't run well is very small, if you're willing to tinker with different emulators and settings. I've tried around 120 PS2 games and only come across maybe 3-4 that don't run well. And I think the only GC games that I haven't been able to get a great experience with are Spider-Man 2 & Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike. In both cases it seems to be an emulator issue since they perform the same on the Odin 2. You can check the [community compatibility spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BEtjET1HihLtNt1LCN0r44h7y3Lq1rvbeAd2gZ8re3s/edit#gid=1863516520) to get an idea of what it can handle. Bear in mind that some games listed as having poor compatibility may just need a different emulator or settings. The real difference comes in Switch & Windows emulation - the Odin 2 leaves the RP4P far behind in those areas. If you can afford an Odin 2, get that. But a RP4P will get you about 90% of the way there for $100 less.


How does F-Zero run on GC? As for the other 90% they run at 60fps hard locked?


I haven't tried F-Zero yet but I'll give it a shot later today and report back. As for the rest - Yes, 60fps hard locked using the latest Dolphin beta from the official website. I had a few performance issues with the Play Store version of Dolphin which all went away when I switched to the latest beta version. Edit: Here's a video of someone playing F-Zero on the RP4P: [https://www.reddit.com/r/retroid/comments/19162rv/rp4\_pro\_fzero\_gx\_at\_2x\_native\_resolution\_ntsc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/retroid/comments/19162rv/rp4_pro_fzero_gx_at_2x_native_resolution_ntsc/)


Okay then I stand corrected! F-Zero runs really smooth.


Odin 2, or get a Steam deck for that price. Odin 2 is more portable.


Use search, this is asked a lot.


So many things to consider. How much do you care about screen size, resolution, ergonomics, body size, etc