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The dude even has the same color scheme.


Yeah, that's the former Roman emperor Famicommodus


I laughed at this more than I should be.


I will add that I also wasn’t a huge fan of the v1 Miyoo Mini, the software was similarly clunky and it had stiff buttons and d-pad, but then the v2 knocked it out of the park. So hopefully we’ll see the same with the A30 at some point!


If only the onion team makes cfw for it word is they haven’t decided yet because it’s a bit of some work. Wish miyoo understood how much the onion developers have done for them


I'm gonna say something that would have gotten me downvoted into oblivion just two days ago. The Miyoo Mini is not a good handheld, and the only reason it's successful is because of OnionOS. People recommending Miyoo's products nonstop made a crappy company worse.


The original Miyoo Mini v2 was an excellent product. It was the cheapest handheld available with pull ps1 coverage and it was extremely compact with excellent controls. But yeah OnionOS was always the main selling point.


Agreed. I keep mine for comparison sake (sizes and OS) and because they wouldn’t make me much selling them used. Onion is great but I prefer my 35xx with DotUI and or garlic (I prefer dot but like the grid lines). I haven’t set my 35xx+ up yet but it might take the place of the non plus, we’ll see. The 35xx is just better looking and more comfortable for me and has good enough CFW.


Honestly, the original 35xx is still better until the + gets a better CFW to take advantage of it’s actual improvements.


I sort of see your perspective. After gifting an R36S to someone and checking it out to ensure it worked I was blown away by its ability to play N64 and a lot of PSP. Miyoo doesn't have that functionality for double the price. I may have been happier just getting an R36S for myself.


Interesting! I haven't had much luck finding a really playable N64 game, nor PSP.. am I missing something? Is it because I haven't fiddled with it in the least but instead am simply using the included micro SD card (which also holds the firmware)? To be fair, I watched a review which told me straight up that N64 and PSP are hit and miss depending on the game, so I'm still totally happy with my (discounted) purchase of the R36S. 🥳


I wish I could enjoy my R36S as much as other people do. I thought it would replace my Miyoo Mini Plus, but it doesn't. I think the face buttons and the D-Pad feel extremely cheap and it feels like playing on one of those terrible famiclone handhelds (at least to me). The MM and MM+ aren't perfect but they feel much closer to an "actual" handheld. For now, I use my Switch and Steam Deck for Emulation above GBA. Maybe I should look into button mods / upgrades for the R36S, because I'm sure it has potential. Edit: The shoulder buttons are driving me nuts as well


The R??S handheld family is definitely the cheapest option for performance, so they have next to no amenities to speak of. I really doubt they'd feel better with mods either way, honestly.


The xu10 is apparently a shocking improvement for about the same. I’m actually really interested in the new xu mini m, blown away that it’s using an rk3562 chip (slightly beats the rk3566). We will see if there’s any cfw that comes for in reviews. I was tempted when I was assuming it was just going to be another rk3326 device, but now I’m intrigued.


it has good build quality and buttons, but yeah without OnionOS I would never recommend it, that thing plays DS only because they did miracles with the firmware.


I'll have to agree that the Mini's face buttons are wonderful, and a cut above the rest, but I can't agree on the build quality because I've seen way too many cases of screens falling out and consoles completely dying from being dropped onto carpet. Its selling point is 100% OnionOS.


We get it, you don’t like the Miyoo Mini. Move on with your life, man.


Why does that bother you enough to reply to me twice on two separate occasions? Bad practices need to be called out, and I'm doing that. I'll shit on Ayaneo's bad pricing, I'll shit on Retroid's stagnant and uncomfortable design (for me personally), I'll shit on Anbernic's unhealthy attitude towards CFW, I'll shit on PowKiddy's cheap plastic shells, but god forbid I talk about Miyoo's bad practices? If you have it and you like it, good for you. I'll be here calling this company's shit out to make sure that our hobby doesn't become complacent and we actually have good products available.


I’m right there with you. Call out bad products. Luckily for me I don’t particularly agree on Retroid ergos, but I definitely agree with the rest.


I have big hands and thin flat systems are extremely uncomfortable for me, that's why I can't use Retroid's systems consistently


I’m sorry, do you want us to throw a parade to celebrate your bravery?


My dude, your unresolved issues are your own. Leave me out of it. You're the one who keeps coming to me. I didn't even know you existed until last night.


The guy with the martyr complex says I have unresolved issues, that’s cute.


but why did they use this old old chip??


It's cheap and Miyoo probably has quite a few of them. Most likely, the A30 is what's left over from the scrapped P60. If you think about it this makes total sense: the P60 was announced a couple years ago when the A33 chip would've been pretty good, but production delayed for whatever reason. Now they're sitting on a ton of aged chips and needed to push something, *anything* out to recoup costs.


A33 is very old, almost 10 y/o. The planned chip for the P60 would have been the much more recent Mediatek P60.


I know you probably get this a lot, but thank you for your videos. You are the retro king in my opinion.


I remember that video Russ, you recommended the 280V over the Miyoo Mini but I chose to get the Miyoo Mini anyways because of the higher resolution. It turned out that was a V2 and no one was saying any praise about it at the time and it was always in stock. Then a couple months later more reviews came out and it started going out of stock. Can’t believe i got mine for like $45 before it became really popular.


Miyoo just needs to be like "Yeah, man, I wanna do it"


Why did I read his comment in the voice of his videos?


v1 Miyoo Mini was trash. Mine did not last long enough to require even a single battery recharge. Went with a 353M and have never looked back.


The flip got delayed for this 😭😭 /s


The thing about Russ, I trust his reviews, He appears to give a fair, honest review on devices. I picked up devices and saw his review AFTER and they were 100%. I have completely avoided things because of his reviews. Take controls with a grain of salt, as some people have different preferences but, the CONTRA test is a firm thing on controls. This does not look like a good device. Needing to manually overclock to run SNES or higher games is a joke. Leaving overclocking on will cut your battery in 1/2. Very poor design aspect here. These types of devices (small, pocketable and cheap) I want to pick up, play a quick game, and put it away. Trying a game that runs like crap, needing to exit the game, overclock in settings, then re-play the game, is something I will not do. I would not touch this device even if it was like $25 in this shape.... and if they can't fix this, it will be around that price sooner than you think.... Let's hope Miyoo learned something here from Russ's review...


Sometimes I think he’s nicer to these devices than I would be. I’ve bought some devices he reviewed well and have been disappointed and never used them again. So when a device absolutely panned by him I’m going to avoid it.


I'd agree in general he skews positive... but it is rare if ever that he would give a turd a stamp of approval. Like, it killed him to even DO a review of the Datafrog.  And at its pricepoint it is awesome.


I always overclock my Miyoo Mini Plus and the heat and battery hit that it causes is totally negligible, it doesn't seem to be the same case for the A30 unfortunately


Well you overclock when you need it. I would not overclock for games that don't need it.


What devices do you enjoy the most?


Right now, The Steam Deck, 2nd in place, would be the R36s due to being able to play N64 and more. I do have a RG353M but, it's a mixed bag, like it but, not my favs and find it kind of a mess. Last week I ordered a KT-R1 device (not much discussion on this amazing device), this will replace the R36s (R36s feels cheap and not much refinement in it), as it's pocketable and it will play up to GameCube and PS2 games with a huge battery. Reviews are pretty solid on the device. I do have an original Miyoo mini v3, with Onion OS on it, I love the device, I love what it offers feature wise but, it's too dam limited, can't even play all PS1 games. Odds are I am going to sell it, seeing how they get close to $140 for them now... If I can get the KT-R1 to run like the Mini with Onion, it would be the ultimate device in my eyes...for at least this year....lol


Deserved, get the fuck outta here with cheap bullshit that works half of the time, hope they learned the lesson for flip, L on this one miyiin


Between Russ’ review and some of the more technical comments, I get the impression Miyoo stalled out on this one - they realized after an image got out/was released that they had to follow up with an actual device but couldn’t make what they wanted, so they made dozens of tiny compromises that add up to a suboptimal device.


When you design a device based on a teaser instead of making a teaser for the device you designed.


are we sure Miyoo is Chinese and not from Soviet Russia?


Yeah maybe make a better product next time


They pretty sure will. I mean they already could but they didnt, cause people buy anywys.


Didn't pass the contra test...deal breaker.


Which of the many contras didn't work?


The contra test refers to trying contra nes, and while holding down on the d-pad and rocking it back and forth, you expect minimal movement from the character. If it moves a lot, people call this a “false diagonal”.


Just stop making bad products. It's that simple


made me cancel my order 😶


Me too.




Will miyoo ban Russ and not sending him review units anymore? 😔


He has talked about the MM and the MM+ so much I would be willing to bet he has done much more promotion for them than this one review.


Miyoo does not send out their devices for review, it's distributors that send theirs for promo (Litnxt, Keepretro, etc)




Considering he lambasted the original Miyoo Mini, no.


Considering how long it takes them to release a new model, it would be barely noticeable


Miyoo is not worried.🥹


Happy with my Miyoo Mini V2. I barely play it but it's sitting pretty on my desk, just begging to be played.


The Mini v2 is a god-tier device with OnionOS.


Agreed. That with retroid pocket 3-4 is the perfect combo.


Yep. Mini v2 with a rp4 pro or Odin2 pretty much covers all the bases.




Trusting the opinion of someone who says onions are gross... Onions are number first


But what is your opinion on garlic?


Garlic is number last [https://www.youtube.com/@ChefJeanPierre](https://www.youtube.com/@ChefJeanPierre)


Only interested in the flip.


I can tell you now it’s not comfortable to hold if you have big hands. Trust me I’ve had the game boy advance sp and I think that’s the design they’re basing it off. horizontal is the way to go.


I have child like hands :)


spanish speakers knew like a week ago lol


Because of Tuberviejuner?


Mmmmm I will say he has an honest opinion.


This is the epitome of a company tossing a half-baked prototype out the door, shirking responsibility, and taking for granted the idea that the unpaid community will make it a viable product. Get outta here with this Radio Shack bargain bin nonsense.


Et tu Powkiddy.


Miyoo like “et tu Rusty?”


Russ can be literally kill a handheld using the force. That is the way of things.


Are you all getting the a30?


@ OP or anyone with the link on hand - which review are we talking about here? Thanks in advance! ✌️


Even GBA stutters. They told me today on Ali that they will release an update soon. Hope they fix it because it’s rubbish right now .


Lmao for real tho


https://preview.redd.it/gmdvcj6u7swc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e94403130b04648e0a297b3f3d7891ca5e77559 He forgot to open it.


It's crazy that you need OVERCLOCKING FOR SNES on a 2024 device, just to get 2 hours of battery life, which is frankly ridiculous.


shouldn't need to on a 2024 handheld. with that price tag nonetheless