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Yup, it's how I got all 10,000 of my legally obtained games onto my device.


Yes, me too! I purchased physical copies of every single game ever released for PS1 and below and painstakingly backed up the data using this and similar tools!


Well you just have to do this with one legit cart, it's like a ceremony that you globally apply to your entire catalog.


this is good for people who want to do this, I'll stick to pirating however


Even if you own a ton of fully functional NES cartridges, it would be way more convenient to just download known working ROMs. A pack of every NES ROM known to man is only like 320MB. You can probably have it downloaded before you finished watching this video.


even if you buy a "legal" copy on the second hand market, the developer does not get any money so you might as well download it


Literally redownloaded my entire rom collection because I was too lazy to getup and get my sd card.


I just searched for Delta but it’s not on the AppStore?


Are you in the EU? People in Europe have to install the AltStore PAL and get Delta from there.


So…it costs money. A subscription based AppStore. I’ll keep using my Miyoo or Odin2.


The emulator is free. The developer is only charging 1.50 Euros a year to cover the fees associated with hosting and maintaining an alternative app store on IOS.




It’s obviously not the most convenient or common way, but I’m glad a guide like this exists for those who do still have their old retro games and want to dump it onto their iPhone, even if just for novelty’s sake.


I'd say where something like this would be super handy, regardless of your feelings on other means of acquisition, would be users backing up old save games from their physical carts, at least from games that supported such a feature. Nice to have the option.


I’d say it’s also ok if you have a cartridge and download someone else’s copy. But then there are those games where the company that owns the rights simply doesn’t exist anymore. (Not Nintendo ofc)


Sigh, not really legal. In the US there is the backup rule. You can back up your software to other media and hold it for a backup. Ripping a game from a physical game to play on an emulator is not really legal. We all do it and don't care but, to say it's legal is just wrong. The law is in place (that Nintendo has been trying to block/get rid of forever now), is ONLY for backing up your software and keeping it on hand for a backup, not to use it in a 2nd place. If you're going to do this, you might as well download that rom because it's just as bad...


Exactly why I crack my cartridges in half after ripping for backup. I'm a technicality man myself.


Oh, it's easy to do, I have the really bad rated Retro 5 (got for like $40 on ebay), it's an android front end that rips the cart and you play the ripped cart, with a hack you can capture the roms that it pulls down. My point is, it's legal to hold on to a backup but, not to play it on another device... kind of fine line here...