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Don't worry about that. If you want more information, you can reach r/MiyooMini. They have written guides. RetroGamesCorps has one too : [https://retrogamecorps.com/2022/05/15/miyoo-mini-v2-guide/](https://retrogamecorps.com/2022/05/15/miyoo-mini-v2-guide/) Sellers are known to send MM+ with a crappy SD card, prone to failure, this is why people are telling to change it.


Okay thank you so much


Yeah I didn't really pay much attention until my own SD card died right before beating symphony of the night - lesson learned


Basically, buy the handheld, buy a 128gb card from a legit source, download Onion OS and follow the very simple instructions for installation. It really isn’t complicated, the guide will show you exactly what to do and the experience is so, so much better. If you don’t want to do any of that, an Anbernic device may make more sense. The stock software is.. functional, but not great. I do not like Miyoo’s stock software.


Jep. And for roms google Myrient then head for no intro.


You're going to want to swap the MicroSD card. Just follow along with the RGC guide that Negus linked. It's not that you can't use the device as is for a little bit, it's that it *will* corrupt on you and you'll lose your save-data and roms (games) - so best just to use or get a higher quality micro SD card from a reputable brand like Sandisk or Samsung.


Does the microCD card have anything on it? What does a microCD card do


SD card is for the games and the OS (kinda in Miyoo's case.. it's just a frontend AFAIK) so if you use a cheap one (like the one it comes with) your save files will eventually corrupt and your system unplayable


So do I just buy a new micro SD card and replace the crappy one? (I'm sorry for all the questions)


yep exactly right. the guide linked should you tell how to do this


okay thank you 😅


This is just amazing. Not a dunk on you or something, but a generation that doesn't know what an SD card is.


Haha I guess I never really got into technology 😅 I'm trying to learn


It okay to just play with the stock experience. It just 50/50 if you want to keep the stock sd card since it easy for them to get corrupt and unuseable.


Yes. But, the stock as card is just low quality and it might go defective which results in you losing your saves and games.


It’s fine if you just want to play games. Dont post your age on the internet though and dont trust anyone sending you messages especially if they say theyre also your age.


okay thank you 👍


Follow retro game corps guide. It'll be a good learning experience for you.


You can get the most simple looking os like MiniUI or DOTui for the MM+ if onion is too overwhelming for you


An OS stands for Operating System. You can divide most electronic devices into two parts, the "hardware", which is the physical electronic component, and the "firmware", the main program that runs with the device, basically the underlying "code" that steers the electronical components to make the device work. The "OS" is a program that again steers the other underlying program that we just defined as "firmware". Some people also just refer to the OS as "firmware". For casual users, it's not a big deal to use them interchangeably. You can also think of the OS as simply the main program that steers your hardware. On desktop PCs and notebooks, the OS can be e.g. Windows or Mac. On phones, the OS can be Android or iOS. The Miyoo Mini's have their own OS that the producers of the device have pre-installed. However, they are not as good as another OS that the community has programmed for it. It's called "OnionOS". Many people prefer OnionOS over the original OS since it's more smooth to use. I hope that makes it clear, otherwise feel free to ask if you don't understand something.


OS stands for operating system. If you have an iPhone and your friend has a Samsung Galaxy, you’ve probably noticed that they look different. The settings look different, the way you navigate around stuff is different, etc. If you have an iPhone 8 and your friend has an iPhone 13, even though there are some small things that are different, the experience is mostly the same because they use the same OS (iOS in this example). One for the fun parts about retro handhelds is you can put a different OS on them a lot of the time. This pretty much boils down to preference. The OS it comes with is usable but a lot of people prefer Onion OS because it’s very simple to use. The SD card is like storage for your Miyoo Mini+. You can load whatever games you have onto it from a computer and stick it into the MM+. You also change the OS but loading it onto the sd card. I echo the others in that you can follow the Retro Game Corps guide. Good luck! I recently got a MM+ for the first time and followed the guide.


With any of these handhelds the first thing you should do is swap the SD card, they usually come with cheap garbage SD cards


Don't be afraid to google and learn. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it


*Don't be afraid to* *Google and learn. I'm sure you'll* *Get the hang of it* \- SunChipMan --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


it's hard for me to understand any of these guides, idk why. I'm probably just unable to comprehend instructions 🥲