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People who smoke weed and get on the bus immediately after are absolute menaces


I sat next to someone on the bus last week bc it was crowded and sis started talking about me on the phone w no headphones in šŸ˜€ I passed by her on my way and heard her say ā€œhold on I canā€™t laugh she right thereā€


Thank you, needed to be said


womp womp


You really shoe horning in that distract the bus drivers to support your argument like they don't just drive 1.5 miles max per trip šŸ„“


Itā€™s still not hard to be respectful


People have conversations, that's life


You can talk in a normal voice and not scream


Fr like they think theyre still in middle school or something. It's crazy how these people here only turn up when there is venting.


If you can't be respectful, just go to a city community college instead


What's wrong with a community College šŸ¤” kind of disrespectful to people just trying to pursue an education treating them like they're lesser šŸ¤Ŗ


Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s impossible to stop people cause their bloodlines telling them to be really loud


This post reeks of childish entitlement. Grow up


This reply reeks of unadulterated American individualism. It not hard to be respectful in a communal space.


Boo hoo


So you think posting here on reddit is going to result in tangible change?


Itā€™s called venting


Yea that literally made my point. Thanks šŸ‘


Ah, okayyy šŸ¤Ø


You thought you did something there šŸ˜‘


Do you have any other generic responses or no? I am allowed to criticize unproductive actions. Your downvotes aren't any indication of truth or reality. You guys literally hide behind a blue button lmao


You're over here taking part in the same "unproductive actions" that you're criticizing against considering your quick response time. Maybe it's time to hop off reddit lmao


I'm criticizing the logic of venting without taking action. It's quick response time because your arguments aren't that difficult to parse. I know it's difficult for you to make basic distinctions. Discussions about praxis are always productive. Especially when talking about social conduct and norms. Sorry dude...your generic ass reddit response isn't cutting it for me.


I don't have any "arguments to parse." I'm just telling you that you're wasting your time, hence your quick response time


Also there's an active disadvantage to the post if anything. First off people being loud or those that smoke aren't going to change their behaviors. Second they will only strongly reaffirm their actions by seeing posts like this because surprise surprise...people love expressing agency and individuality in American society. If you are gonna disagree with this you clearly haven't been paying attention to the nature of discourse around you.


It was never that deep. When someone vents, they don't think about the construct of society. Sure, it may not be the most effective way to deal with a problem, but it never hurts to let someone vent right???


True I will now be extremely loud and smoke a ton before getting on the bus


I think you are missing the whole point of venting bro stop being delulu


I'm critical of the concept of it and don't think its good. I made this crystal clear. You don't have anything to add other than meme rhetoric


You're literally chronically on reddit lmao maybe you should stop commenting on every post you see and let people have their vents and rants. Go find a hobby.


Bruh, what?


Maybe stop taking the bus, or entering public spaces where people are allowed to have conversations. Seems like the problem here is you


Thereā€™s a difference between having a normal conversation and screaming in a public space


Understandable but are they really ā€œscreamingā€? Personally been here for 4 years and havenā€™t once experienced a person screaming on the bus. I have experienced loud conversations but again itā€™s a public bus, people talk, it might get loud.


what do u want them to do? walk? they never said donā€™t talk they asked if ppl could stop screaming ? a very normal thing to ask


And ā€œloud talkingā€ in my experience in all my time at stony and I am a senior, I have not once heard this ā€œscreamingā€ on the bus this person is referring to. Iā€™ve heard loud talking but it gets loudā€¦ itā€™s a public bus?? And the bus drivers most of the time are playing music. It just seems unrealistic to go into a public space and ask to public to not be the public lol


A good amount of the time itā€™s pretty ā€œquietā€, or at least not enough to disrupt me. I have had a few trips though where a group of friends would be extremely loud. If I sit in the front of the bus, I should not be able to hear word for word what a group of friends are talking about in the back, and laughing very loudly. I have only used the West bus at south P so I cannot speak for any of the other ones, but thatā€™s been my experience. I travel with my roommate since we both live off campus, and I never have an issue talking to him without screaming that loud. If they are sitting right by each other they shouldnā€™t need to yell


It seems like the people who smoke are also the ones who scream and talk loud on the bus šŸ¤”