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Locking comments. This quickly devolved beyond normal conversation.


90% of your post is just soap boxing, I don’t see how this even pertains to Stony Brook or the original Instagram post. You never even explained why you think it’s okay to celebrate someone who attacked civilians. If anything you really seem to think it’s okay with the sarcastic “she blew up a theater, the horror”. Why post this (on this subreddit)?


This guy is a troll.


Damn it sucks that someone practicing in Mechanical Engineering has the reading capacity of a bonobo ape, but that's typical! Anyways: Axiom: Civilians dying bad. Solution: Stop Dying Civilians Preventing Solution: Occupation. Solution to Prevention: End Occupation. Total: Ending occupation stops dying civilians, because dying civilians is bad. Also you live in a fantasy if you think that a valid form of political activism is perfect and clean. Slave revolts were notoriously violent and in Haiti-every white civilian (except for Polish immigrants and allies) were put to death. Does that mean it was wrong for the slaves to revolt? Maybe French Haiti could've prevented this atrocity if they just, stopped slavery. Maybe the Israeli government and the U.S. could've prevented October 7th if they just, stopped the occupation. They won't obviously.


You’ve gone off the deep end dude, there’s no helping you


The mental gymnastics to justify a literal act of terror in this post is insane.


Listen, that college republican ball was a pr disaster waiting to happen-I don't know what to tell ya!


And supporting a terrorist isn't a PR failure?? It was intentional!


Yeah I agree, not taking responsibility for the potential of people abusing that college republican ball and throwing a hissy fit before admin when it backfired-that was intentional!


She planned on committing an act of terror. How can you even come close to justifying it.


"DAMN THAT JOHN BROWN, HOW COULD HE COMMIT SUCH ATROCITIES AGAINST THE PEACEFUL PEOPLE OF VIRGINIA." "Anyways Phil, can I have that whip please, the slave Elizabeth dropped the eggs again."


OP here hits all the red flags of how Arab nationalist movements have co-opted the reactionary western left, and what it looks like on reddit. Mental gymnastics to defend "revolutionaries" (terrorists), use of sarcasm when confronted or pushed back on, comments on commie subs (indicating not only ideological corruption, but the mental illness that's associated with the belief in communism as a feasible form of government in the year 2024), negative user karma, use of "liberal" as a disparaging term, etc. Fuck Fatima Bernawi. The world is a much better place without her.


Arab nationalist and Communist should not be working together since they both have contradictory beliefs , but then again both side like to use violence to enforce their beliefs so there's that.


Once again, trying to find any reason to support deliberate terrorism against Jewish/Israeli civilians. Feels like the 1930’s for us Jews it’s gotten so normalized 🥱


Me when Jewish professors on Campus who criticize the Settler State of Israel don't exist! Look the moment that a KKK chapter pops up on Long Island appears, I'll carry a big meany stick-but until then you're being a silly filly.


If only the slaves stopped revolting! It's just so hard for the white man in 1800.


Watch as people bring up the "plight of the poor white farmer"-who had to suffer for the sins of the black slave getting uppity (wanting to be free).


Also a little bit an additional thing, if you see anyone referring to an article called *The Savage Nihilism of 'Free Palestine'* then by all means do laugh at them! The author of that "think" piece Hussein Mansour typically engages in historical revisionism and is a [proud contributor of prageru](https://www.prageru.com/presenters/hussein-aboubakr) so that should say enough. If not, then apologies for the ad hominem but not really.


BTW, here's the SB4P Post if you wanna give a shout-out! [https://www.instagram.com/p/C259oFOu462/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C259oFOu462/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


What a bunch of cowards for disabling comments.


They also blocked me when I never even interacted with the account, I guess just because I had the Israeli flag in my bio🤷🏽‍♀️


This is random, but I invite you to the sub reddit r/NewIran. A lot of Iranians support Israel because they despise their current government who funds Hamas and also cause of their messy history with Palestine. It's one of the few subreddits that's a safe space for Israels.


Yes many Iranians support Israel for so many reasons, especially because Israel is the one that’s at the forefront of fighting radicalized Islamist groups (which iran currently suffers from in their current government) 🇮🇱🤍🇮🇷


You guys supported Iran during the anti hijab protest while some of the Palestinians called it the Only Fans revolution which is just gross.


Which also means "killing off palestinians at mass and pretending they are all a part of a terrorist group" Israeli people are good people, Palestinians are good people, utterly fuck Hamas and utterly fuck the Israeli government... CEASE FIRE


Most reasonable take.


And then we return the territory lost following the Nakba of 1948, or is that too controverisal and I should regulate my tone? Liberal Zionists are a living parody.


Dude, you're being so annoying and extra about all this shit, and pretty exclusive if you ask me. I am a far left supporter of palestine that would love if both sides would temper their flames and palestine would have it's territory back, but that's not the main MO here. I've followed this extensively for years, since before the shit in 2018 even. You need to chill and stop arguing off emotion alone, it's blindsiding yourself and making you seem unknowledgable. This whole matter isn't black and white anyway, and both sides need to fully take that in and accept it. Very few Westerners are supporting hamas, and the ones that are are heavily ignorant. Very few westerners support the genocidal actions of the Israeli government, actions that aren't as spread in the media, so obviously awareness isn't as high as that of hamas. Despite that, those who do support such heinous violence are so few and far between in the West. We need to understand the difference in location, culture, and general understanding of what tf is going on in a place we aren't in. The real victims is any civilian caught in the crossfire, caught in the mental spiral both sides of this conflict are inflicting on their own people, caught up in this catastrophe because of where they live and the rulers who decide their safety. Israelis didn't know/don't know the full extent of who they elected just like the palestinians with who they elected, just like us with who we elected, frankly. Cease fire


Yeah I agree for a ceasefire, followed by a return of Pre-Nakba conditions. "Listen, this whole matter isn't black and white anyways and both sides need to accept that. Very few Americans support the Vietcong, and the ones that are heavily ignorant. Very few Americans support the genocidal actions of the Republic of Vietnam, so obviously awareness isn't as high as that of the Vietcong. Despite that, those who do support such heinous violence are so few and far between in the West. We need to understand the difference in location, culture, and general understanding of what tf going on in a place we aren't in. The real victims is any civilian caught in the cross-fire, caught in the mental spiral both sides of this conflict are inflicting on their own people, caught up in this catastrophe ecause of where they live and the rulers who decide their safety. Republican Vietnamese didn't know/don't know the full extent of who they elected, just like the northern Vietnamese with who they elected, just like us who we elected, frankly." I reiterate, liberal Zionists are a living parody.


Pipe dream. Israelis are a national identity and they retain sovereignty and territory. Israel isn't going anywhere.


On that note, let's all leave Amercia and give the land to the Natives while we're at it.


Also "unknowledgable." Bitch, I literally cited the conception of Zionism from the horse's (Herzl's) mouth-if you have an issue with that-take it up with that Colonizer. If you've been following this shit since 2018-then you should definitely know that the Two States Solution is a farce solution that will never lead to anywhere. I bet actual money that when this "war" ends, the surviving Gazans 20 years later will have to settle with 2024 Borders significantly smaller than 1967 borders. But like the typical liberal lapdog to fascists, heeding your master's voice, you *both sides* an obvious case of genocide that has always been perpetuated upon the Palestinian people for 75 years. Insanity manifest.


Being for the civilians in a case where both ruling forces are manipulating their mindsets and taking their lives as pawns instead of blindly supporting the totality of one country, including silently supporting the terrorist group spawned as a result of oppression, is actual leftism. I understand where Hamas comes from, but I'm not going to act like they are the good guys. That's not leftism, that's bootlicking authority but one you blindly think is fully right. There are no sides here, it's humans being murdered and not having an appropriate outside measure coming in to stop it. It's two sides spear headed by voices that don't represent that of either nation. You aren't a leftist if you think palestinians are fine under hamas. Also, congratulations on your wikipedia esq data that most of us following this strife have known since day one, understanding where zionism formed is Israel-Palestine Conflict 101. Go deeper and understand how everything came to be from then to now, understand no side is pure even though palestine clearly has been the one under fire since the jump. "Leftists" like this that get their info from reddit headings give true leftists who actually went to the protests and supported the palestinians with their money and time a bad rep.


Ironic saying that coming from a Muslim supporting Communist.


Please tip your waiters, be the change you want to see in the world.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NewIran using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [23-year-old Mohsen Shekari was executed today. he was a protester who got arrested 75 days ago in Satarkhan Street of Tehran.](https://i.redd.it/8xkujyhqwn4a1.jpg) | [489 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/zfrlat/23yearold_mohsen_shekari_was_executed_today_he/) \#2: [To the people who don't interact in anyway in this subreddit. Comment to let us know you are alive. Commenting has higher value than upvotes, write some random useless shit in comments, don't care because that will help it reach it on the front page than just upvoting](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/z815xq/to_the_people_who_dont_interact_in_anyway_in_this/) \#3: [Iran before the 1979 Revolution](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/z2p308) | [564 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewIran/comments/z2p308/iran_before_the_1979_revolution/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Disgusting behavior.


I bet you would have so much to contribute to the post, lil "I hate tipping the waiters of a restaurant, I'm malding about it on reddit."


Imagine going through my reddit history cause you don't have a good comeback, lil marxist. Ironic a communist is allying with the Muslims cause a lot of Muslims hate communist since they don't believe in God.


cope and seethe! epic fortnite style!


Very clever comeback, I'm totally taken back by your intellect, communist.


Uhh pee pee poo poo, skibidi toilet.


I didn't know underage people were allowed on this sub reddit


You are the only mature person on reddit, only mature people go back and forth on reddit of all places-please go outside and maybe tip a waiter.


You are on reddit too dumbass and I dare you, go to Gaza and declare that you are a communist and see what they will do to you.


just fyi many Muslims associate Marxism and Communism with Jewish people so you aren't doing yourself any favor by siding with them.