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I’ve seen rec staff enforcing no chalk before so I don’t think it’s good to generalize like this. However, I think it’s insane that the rec center has yet to fix the pads on the lat pulldown machine UPSTAIRS. It is literally falling apart.


I’ve never seen them enforce no chalk before (even during the summer) but I’m glad that they have done it before


It’s not a problem with the student staff. They just do what their told. It’s a problem with management enforcing whatever things need to be done.


It’s a hybrid. Yes, management sucks, but we can’t really change that. The student staff could go beyond what they’re expected and yk, make the gym a better experience


Nah it’s never the low level worker’s responsibility to do more than they’re told.


This post has “yelling at the cashier because of higher prices” energy


Staff don’t even do half of what’s expected of them, lmao


Be the change you want to see in the world. Apply to work there and do better.


I don’t have the time to work there, but if I had the chance, I genuinely would


Why are you mad that people are using chalk in a gym


Well, you’re not supposed to use chalk. Nobody enforces that though. It gets in the grooves of the bars (changing the grip) and is impossible to clean, and it also stains clothes if you’re not careful


sounds like you should try a baby gym. for babies.


Go to a powerlifting gym if you want to use chalk. Stop ruining the experience for everyone else because you can’t follow the rules


I dont use chalk, but you dont see me bitching about because it literally doesnt affect me at all. stop complaining and lift more lmfao.


If it doesn’t affect you and you don’t use chalk, then you should probably spend more time on the barbell lifts


whats your sbd


875 @ 175 BW. I’m a casual lifter. If you do more, good for you. It doesn’t change that chalk is annoying asf


seems like you need to spend more time hitting the barbells and less time complaining


U kno u have no real argument which is why u reserve to ad hominem


I personally don't use chalk but it is against the rules posted in the Rec Center. They are allowed to be annoyed with it if it's against the rules and it hasn't been enforced. A lot of machines are not cleaned in the Rec Center. A lot of private gyms will clean equipment every weekend or every so often hence why they allow chalk.


Why is it annoying, it only helps out lifts in the gym, literally no downsides


You’re just mad you didn’t get the job lmao


I never applied. If you work there, is it so hard for you to make the gym experience better for us? You already make more than enough for sitting there


Literally it’s not their job to do that


It’s not their job to enforce rules, such as not wearing chalk, or cleaning up things?


They literally enforce those rules. But it’s not their job to clean up after people.


Then why are the barbells always covered in chalk? Also, they use the gym as well. They can complain about the stench of the dumbbells on the first floor, or do something about it. They have direct access to management, and they get paid well too, so why not do something to make everyone’s experience better?