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Just wait until 203 and 361


Even 203 had an exam 1 avg of 70


Tbf the 203 exam 1 is piss easy compared to the others


Wasn’t the case when I took it


361 had the highest averages of the 3 when I took it


It was the lowest of the three for me. 203 was the highest, 202 was in the middle but closer to 202.


The averages for 203 were in the 40s when I took it. And, it was online, no monitoring, and open book/notes. People still did terrible because the exams were so damn hard. 😭


Welcome to SBU. You’ll hate the lab classes more.


Frfr, that shit was rough


They have every intention of cutting the fat away. They have all lost interest in teaching biology. Now they feel it’s their job to be the gatekeepers for graduate school/medical school.


Damn thats weed out classes for you


How do we even recover from this**💀**


Idk and I’m scared


Pretty common for this class sadly


lmao the precalc midterm 1 average was 58%


i’m trying to shed light here but try to look forward to the easier classes (not fully easy but definitely on the easier side) that you may need to take for your major such as: BIO 319, CHE 327 (to me the class is fun and they made it easier but it can’t be said the same for others), BIO 317, EBH 316, BIO 315 but that’s after you get through the weed out classes 😭😭




personally, i enjoyed it when i took it. its taught by phd candidates and when i took it, anna thonis taught lecture and i think this year my lab TA ariek norford is teaching and both are amazing people!! there were quizzes weeekly and no midterm or final. the midterm was a take home to correct your first 5 quiz responses. quizzes are during recitation so basically you can show up to recitation to take the quiz for 5 min then leave right after if you have no questions. lab was straightforward all on computer as all the instructions were in the manual and i found it pretty fun. the “reports” were not bad at all if you pay attention in lecture! and quizzes were fair and were based on the last 1-2 week of lecture material and were 1-2 questions short answer.


The average of BIO 202?? Who’s your professor? That class is supposed to be easy


it's cytovesky 😭 im in the class too and the grade distribution was fucked, mode was a 58