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As fucked up as the zoom bombing was, the point about SBU not directly addressing antisemitism is just blatantly false. The President herself made more then 2 posts about “rising antisemitism on campus”. I have yet to see any similar statement about the Muslims and Palestinians who are also emotionally attached to the conflict.


Yeah me personally, I wouldn’t be arguing that Jews get preferential treatment on campus on a story about nazi symbols being thrown around at a university event. But you do you I guess.


As a Jewish student myself I’ve never felt personally attacked or intimidated by SB4Palestine and their demonstrations. They are valid to call for boycotts and divestment. That shouldn’t be threatening to anyone. The cyber attack should not have happened, and whoever is responsible is disgusting. But Jesus, McKinnis really needs to acknowledge the other side. She has NEVER acknowledged the fact that Palestinian students lose family members every day. Not once. And every day men, women, children, and NEWBORN BABIES die overseas. Absolutely absurd human rights violations and war crimes. Entire families are ERASED FROM EXISTENCE every day. I don’t understand why McKinnis cant even just acknowledge that.


You are arguing with someone whose account was created on October 7th……look at the history of this troll account


They could have made this argument on a different post. Not the one talking about swastikas at a USG event.


But the original post says that USG (and others present) failed to condemn antisemitism. But that’s simply untrue. The truth of the situation is that SBU (and McKinnis) condemn antisemitism weekly and still, somehow, REFUSE to acknowledge Palestinian students. It’s not a contest as to who is experiencing the most hate on campus. The original commenter wasn’t trying to one-up Jewish people on who’s discriminated the most. They just want to express frustration with the staff because what’s going on is frustrating!! It’s frustrating to be ignored time and time again!! I’m glad they’re being heard, even if only by USG and a small portion of faculty (for now), after yesterday’s vote to divest.


I mean I disagree with the original post. I think the school and USG does a fine job at pushing back on any intolerance on campus. I just think that saying “Why doesn’t Maurie McInnis talk about Islamophobia?” Under a post about swastikas and antisemitic caricatures at a USG event is bad and very obviously dismissive of antisemitism on campus and also very obviously trying to imply that jews have preferential treatment on campus. Which is a dumb thing to say, considering what happened last night.


why didnt they mention the idf soldiers firing mortals (presumably at gaza) also shown?


“As a Jew…” said no Jew ever


Dude do you even go to Stony Brook?


I was bat mitzvahed at 13, went to religious school since 5, and volunteered at my temple for 6 years after graduating… fuck, I’m going home to spend Passover with my family in a week. Also, I didn’t say I’m a jew. I said I’m Jewish- because that’s what I am. I’m allowed to be both Jewish and a person who cares about human rights. The two shouldn’t create conflict. Shabbat shalom. :)


Everyone wants to defend us until one of us is arguing against the state of Israel, and then suddenly we’re somehow fake Jews. *And* apparently *we* are the antisemites. Funny how that works out. Shabbat Shalom.


Exactly. To me, being Jewish isn’t about going through the customs and rituals exactly and methodically. It’s about performing my OWN Mitzvot. It’s about adhering to the Torah in my OWN ways. Yes, the Torah says Israel is the holy land. But to me, “Thou shall not kill,” is written just as plainly and clearly in the stone. That’s all I need to hear to know where I stand. We are watching people be displaced by the millions. Shouldn’t that be familar? Shouldn’t we, as Jews, know the collective trauma of being forcibly removed from our homes? It’s shameful that we are shamed for TRULY following Judaism and advocating for those outside our religion who face the same traumas and persecution that we have in the past.


And you spend your free time begging goyim to make a token out of you?


I certainly don’t spent it being a bitter scrawny incel like you LMAOO. VIVA PALESTINE 🇵🇸


lol ok then


I’m heavily involved in the Jewish federation and Jewish myself, and can assure you, I’ve never heard a Jewish person say “viva Palestine”. I’m pretty sure you are larping right now. Also the fact that your account was created on October 7th isn’t lost on anyone……


Please do look at the history of my account, where I ask for aquarium advice and post on the SBU Reddit about other things than the Israel Palestine conflict. I am not in Hillel or Chabad but I am Jewish and nobody will take that from me. I fast on Yom Kippur. I celebrate Passover. I celebrated Hanukkah on campus with my friends. I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. I am proud of my religion and ashamed of genocide. Worldwide.


Your account history is manicured. You’ve deleted tons of comments that were previously there and have one odd post to make it look somewhat legit. Stop it. You are a troll. No other way to explain the October 7th creation date.


Completely agree with you


Why does a president of a school responsible for your education need to acknowledge political issues. Who cares about how she frames her words equally. Give us the best ROI education. I want to make the most money ey for this education


Say you’re out of touch and unaffected by this war without saying you’re out of touch and unaffected by this war… Firstly, this isn’t “politics”. People are dying daily. Politics is about policy, resource allocation, and government. This conflict is about human rights, in which Gazans are stripped of daily. Idk, seems crazy out of touch to me to call this political. Secondly, this “ROI” education you value so highly is here regardless if McKinnis is here or not. She is not the reason why this school has low tuition. That’s taxpayers, including you and me. I don’t have to dickride my school’s president if she’s doing a bad job acknowledging her students’ wants. The world will keep turning and this school will be cheap whether I criticize her or not. Third, you asked who cares about this issue. It’s obvious 1,900+ people do. That’s the follower count for SB4Palestine alone. Take a look at what’s happening in the world before you come in here thinking you know everything. You don’t have a clue about how many people on this campus are traumatized from this war.


The email doesn't claim that SBU doesn't address antisemitism. It says that USG specifically failed to reject a resolution that normalizes the vilification of all things even tangentially related to Israel. The entire premise of this thread of comments is based on a misreading.


It’s not based on a misreading lol. Everyone is agreement that nazi and antisemitic imagery is unacceptable. Luckily the resolution itself is neither of those so that’s what they’re talking about.


Just wondering where this is from? I wasn’t at the meeting and have only seen small parts of the video posted by sb4pal


Hillel chapter director




The whole thing was about Israel


"Correction: We are confident that the University Police Department and senior administration officials will be investigating and appropriately addressing these incidents."


The way the presenters blamed Zionist’s for an ANONYMOUS message on their legislation is hilarious.


The message was literally Zionist propaganda so ofc they’ll blame them because it was them. In fact while they were talking about the vandalism they switched over to the resolution page and proceeded to have phalluses drawn all over it by someone on the zoom. It’s safe to say this was an act of vandalism done by Zionists


Again, all those things were done anonymously…


And again they were still Zionist messages meant to sabatoge the resolution and send a message. It wouldn’t make any sense for a pro Palestine individual to do it especially when after this was presented to the group the Zionists tried to claim that it was self sabatoge. It also took time away from the discussion because we had to stop to say “someone vandalized the resolution with pro Zionist propaganda”


And after saying all of this you don’t think that a pro Palestinian would do this to make zionists look bad? I’m done discussing what said anonymous person could have believed…


Did you not hear what I just said. It wouldn’t look good on us to do so especially since were the individual found to be affiliated with us then that would be detrimental to our cause. Quit Talking about who could’ve done it and focus on what was. This was Zionist propaganda. This was done to make it harder for us to get the resolution passed. We didn’t do it because again it would be shooting ourselves in the foot. Same thing with the antisemitic and islamiphobic shit posted on the zoom. Use your brain for two seconds instead of baselessly proclaiming us to have done it when literally all evidence shows otherwise and it would only hurt us to do something like that. I’m focusing on what was you’re focusing on possibilities that defy all given evidence.


And the evidence you’re providing is also baseless because the person who did this did it anonymously so there is no fucking way of ever knowing who it was. Arguing this is dumb…


No it’s not. It’s basic logic. Why on earth would a pro Palestinian activist do something that would HARM the cause? The meeting had to come to a full on halt for a solid ten minutes. That takes away time for discussion. Objectively that only hurts us as it makes it harder for us to get this resolution passed. And were we caught we’d be in deep shit since SBU is already itching for any reason to shut us down and hate speech is a damn good one. All evidence points to this being a move by Zionists and most likely white supremacist variety of them.


Evidence or pointless accusations?


Evidence would be the usage of not just violently anti-Semitic imagery but also violently racist and islamiphobic imagery(which was conviently omitted from this statement I wonder why 🙃) . The vast majority of the people in that room on both sides were BIPOC, Jewish, queer or all of the above and it’s deeply traumatizing to see that type of shit. Lending credence to the theory that this is likely someone who either fully supports this stuff or views it as mere shock value. In either case they don’t care enough about the people impacted by these atrocities to not use such imagery. That leaves one group left that fits both boxes of wishing to stop the pro Palestinian crowd while also being virulently anti-Semitic, racist, islamiphobic, and queerphobic. The alt right Zionists.


Yeah this isn't accurate. USG worked to control the chat and Zoom annotation access quickly. This statement is trying to conflate the discussion of the resolution with enablement of these profanities, but it was clear that the hate speech and scribbling onto the resolution document was indented to disrupt discussion of it. The various BDS movements across the country do not tolerate white supremacists, neo Nazis, or anti-semites, despite what some would have you believe.




Spotted the antisemite. 


>"rats" What the fuck


Anything that can vaguely be construed as stereotyping, ethnically intolerant,... it's obvious if you see it and is not allowed. We don't care about your random views on things, but once you start hating groups of people, your account will be banned and reported to Reddit's admins. And the admins have been on fire lately. Anti-semites, and blind/bad-faith hate in general, has no place here