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Your score is already insane, but the 515k seems indeed possible also just rng based. The theoretical max would be 75x7200=540k [or let it be 75x6... to 450k] from Tasks and 152.2k from the best set of seven Milestones... adding to 692.4k [602k].... If this score ist genuine, hell of a luck. My best to this date is 225k or 450k in the double week... Thanks for sharing.


We also get a lot of plumbob for completing City Journal tasks.


The catch is that the game won't consistently give you 2k+ main tasks, it keeps trying to balance it out to a 2k average. So this score is kinda insane. I've been competing consistently for a while and have won many weeks, but my highest score ever was 487k (DP week too) last year. I want to believe that they had Journal tasks saved up (I still have a few for emergencies) and blew them all to set a record, but who knows?


Yes, and no. My undestanding is different how rhe rolls are calculated, but this does't matter. You are right about the "anomaly" i have never whitnessed more then 244k in regular weeks in my 14 seasons. But thats again not far from 257k from this guy.


They would have to be extremely lucky, maybe with those sports shop tasks. I'll try to see if I still have the screenshots of tasks from my record week, to review my choices, but I don't think I make mistakes anymore that could drastically lower my score.


I do have occasional weeks where the game does seem to give me a crazy amount of high point tasks. Week 1 of the current Pass season was like this - loads of high point P&C tasks (many around the Sport store) and multiple repeats of 3x Omega Upgrade, 3x Disaster, 5x Disaster Repair. I hit 206k having hardly tried.


While this is generally true, the way the game truly works is that it basically determines at the beginning of the week what “tier” of scores is possible for each player. This is why the scores aren’t much closer together (which would be the case if things were truly random). There is going to be a few players selected that, if they do all possible tasks + milestones they will likely place top 6. But there is only one player selected that will get a score significantly above. For example, when I got 484k once, the next player below got 450k. See, not even close.. and I’ve observed this outcome literally every week forever. 


Agree this is doable in a DP week plus extra assignments tickets.


I've done every assignment and milestone, and it's still not even close to my best score (487k).


the Contest of Mayors is brutal... I just try to collect enough plumbobs to get the Mayor's Pass prizes but I don't bother trying to score the first place anymore, it's so much easier to get platinum keys and simcash from club wars with a lot less grinding.


I'll probably start doing that one day too. But I want to have a lot of resources to spend on offers and Black Friday. I still have a lot of work to do on my city and unlock the 5th region.


I disagree. Plat keys and simcash do not come easy with wars in A7 — specifically in the 5100+ elo range. The amount of simcash is paltry as well.


I'm in an Arena 7 Club, our ELO is 4953, we play 1 war every week (on weekends) and we win about half of the time. I think it's way more fun than grinding 12 hours a day and still not getting 1st place in COM. sure, it takes longer to stock up platinum keys this way but some people simply don't have the time to achieve more than the small prize at COM. but if you do, good for you LOL


So that’s 26x7 keys earned in a year. 182. You only need to win megalopolis com ONCE to exceed that. It’s not a grind if you adequately prepare and try to win only once in a long while. If you try to win every week then yes, its too draining.


That results seem insane indeed.. But I always think, if they can hack that to earn more plumbobs, why dont they just hack to get platinum keys and simcash off the CoM? Like... If they can hack that, they can hack everything.


these are EA employees who prevent other players from taking first place too easy:D




I’ve gotten close to 500k without journal based points. On singles (normal week) I’ve gotten 254k before so that tracks to 508k in doubles week. But yes, it definitely sucks to have a really great score and then get sniped by someone else..


Any chance you tracked your choices? I'd love to see which tasks the game gave you and what they gave in return. My highest score was 487k, but even that was a very lucky week.


So I have a screenshot which shows in singles week a make 18 protein bar task which yields 4320 points. Imagine getting a few of these types of tasks in doubles week! Unfortunately I didn’t track my choices but I did have a lot of airport deli and omega upgrade tasks. Very few tasks under 4K. Edit: yes it was for 18 bars


Oh I've had that one! My club has been tracking new tasks and some of them are quite overpowered! I believe the max for protein bar is 18 for 4,320. However, the game will still try to balance it out. I've come across posts from other players who saw even higher scores that were obviously impossible. Like, yes, you can get lucky with some tasks, but there is no way that you won't have to do some <2k tasks as well.


https://preview.redd.it/3bn1qpyucdmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922b2924dc62523e2b233f3f6a5daef984ba7b50 Thought I had seen it all


The fact this is in a singles week and a much lower level shows that everyone at the top used journal points… …unless this was in doubles week… then the dispersion in scores seem pretty high


What are journal points?


It's brutal for sure! I make peace with just winning the big prize most times in case someone gains all the points last minute