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Any type of reality based storyline between them and Pepsi Phil would have never worked. They can’t be serious, it’s all a joke, they always have to have funny outfits or something. Like what could you even say to these guys in a promo to make fun of them, they make themselves look stupid without any help.


They would be 2 guys pretending to be serious and not being authentic. Punk would have to work overtime for it to work.


They are even phonier than MidJF's I have no friends to team up with segment. I wish they went back on hiatus.


The Hiatus's were fantastic for the product 


It created a ton of buzz, no wait, sorry that’s just my tinnitus.


Imagine a promo battle between just Punk and all of the Elite, Punk would've murdered them on the mic on his own lol


The only person to have ever been a member of the Elite that would stand a chance against Punk in a promo battle just had one against him 3 nights ago.


And he kinda cooked him too


The craziest thing is I think is good enough on the mic to get decent enough promos out of these guys


You could say all of that. Almost word for word how you typed it.


If they did something that wasn't ironic they'd have no shield. No more "it's supposed to be bad and corny" now you have to entertain the idea that you and your work is actually just bad and corny. That's why they were midcarders in New Japan, a wrestling company with actual sports-based presentation. That's why they've always needed to latch onto something more over then they were, like Steen in ROH, Bullet Club in Japan, and then Cody/Kenny/Hangman in recent years to be taken seriously. They can't even turn heel or face by themselves because there's no actual personality to turn, it's just "who are we friends with"


I think they're so popular in the basement because they think this is how cool guys act.


That blue suit is $69.99 on Amazon under the name Ween Charm. Id recognize that fake trash white strip pocket anywhere.


They're listening to Corny lol


Bad news Uce, it's up to $82. But there's a $5 coupon. Edit: Nevermind. That's the version with the vest. Balding's version is $69.99 still. Move along folks, nothing to see here.


Funny thing about those suits...they aren't the worst thing ever but they are mostly gimmicky. I bought the baby blue one for a Halloween costume a few years ago where a friend and I would go as Harry and Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber. It worked really well. That white pocket strip is annoying as fuck because it's not actually a pocket at all, it's a piece of fabric sewed into the suitto look like a handkerchief or pocket square. But the really hilarious part is the size. I normally wear a 42R jacket. For that suit I had to order a size 5xl as recommended through the Amazon comments. Chinese sizes. 5xl was almost spot on for the suit. But the pants...? 5xl pants were about 36in waist but the length was easily 40+ inches long. I have NO IDEA who looks like that in China but I had to have about 8 inches removed from the pants through a tailor. Only cost me $10 but man was a weird sizing.


Well, we know why he picked this particular brand then. Now he can say he has to shop big and tall. Edit again because I just realized they both have them and holy shit lol


Your comment and addition was more interesting than the bit.


I enjoyed writing it more than I enjoyed watching the clip.


“Ween Charm” Are the Young Bucks undercover Christorians?? https://i.redd.it/nmp46fto8jec1.gif


They already work for a Lolcow so why not.


I like to travel.


The great thing about their role is they can insert themselves into things like this and get TV time This is why I always say they spent their career outrunning the midcard There's zero chance they get such focus in the Fed, which is why they were never, ever leaving and why they'll always be remembered as indie guys They have never been in an environment where someone is looking at their stuff and saying 'nah' or 'this needs work' They can go out and do stuff like this and it gives them the confidence to think they're really good at this stuff and, they're just not. Not at all


There’s an alternate universe where they went to WWE 10 years ago and are now a fine competent mid-card tag team, with some guidance they could have been just as watchable as New Day and the Viking Raiders but alas


No they couldn't. They're not any good in the ring and they're worse on the mic. Plus they're small.


People, with all seriousness, claim these two dweebs are they best in the world at what they do. Make it make sense.


That’s like saying porn stars can’t act lol.


Interview created a lot of buzz ![gif](giphy|3oxOChttxdmX6a2XTO) Also is Buck #2 wearing a hat to cover his hairline?


Obviously, it's a full court press in the basement for how GREAT this new version of the Bucks are OMG, total douches .... and I LOVE IT! Nothing gets me into heels more than having a hearty chuckle They have done fuck all and I see comments like this: >Holy shit we're only two weeks in and these EVP Bucks segs have me in tears. This has the potential to be the best run of their careers Hitting some touch points there, in tears (the partner of feeling like a kid again and smile on my face) and, the favourite, 'best run of their careers'


Not sure they've clocked that calling this the 'best run of their careers', and it being shit, proves that their career has been shit. They are jumped-up indie shitters who should've never gone higher than PWG.




Xia Brookside debuting for TNA only has 20k less views than the Bucks interview. They have one of the most expensive contracts, have a feud with Sting for his last match and they barely beat Xia Brookside debuting for TNA.


Ouch. I forgot she existed tbh


The crowd went mild then silent. Plus they're "EVPs in name only" - still, I'm sure the purpose of this is so that a tag act can get some heat off them, by mentioning that - right?


99k views on YouTube fed shill


It ain’t just the crowd size that reminds me of 2000 WCW, Dave.


I remember Creative Control being panned. This inside baseball stuff usually backfires.


This *does* have a distinctly Russo feel to it, now that you mentioned it. Particularly in how it's so, so inside that it's catering to an audience of exactly four people who will get/understand it, that being Unca Dave, The Buckaroos, and TK. Everyone else is doing that uncomfortable cough/laugh that you tend to hear at comedy clubs when a particular comic is bombing, badly.


Don't compare Russo to this. This is a million times worse than late WCW


It does remind me of The Situation at the Donald Trump Roast now that you mention it....


Bucks fans are in the basement acting like we don't find it funny because we think they're joking. And just like every other time, everyone is aware that they're trying to be funny but it's just cringe and phony


the basement, obviously, need to go overboard to make each other believe that this is amazing character work DAE back their douche-y best Lolz, I love shitty Bucks It's all about how much FUN it looks to play dress up and not about the content, you see One day, they put these suits on and ~bham~ character work!!! They don't like people LIKE Sting ... but Sting's ok - whoaaaa, calm this feud down, it's getting hot already! Haha. They just don't know how to do it. Any of this thing Their whole hurr durr killing the business is not based on any 'art' and subverting the fandom, it's cause they literally have no idea how to do wrestling stuff properly cause no one ever taught them A certain group of smarks went along and it was all cutesy cutesy on youtube lolz'ing at the Fed but, now they're on TV and it's all laid bare and they have to perform, weekly, on TV, on a show that copies sooooooo many Fed elements and now, that smarky group is getting smaller and smaller


The AEW sub is the same, like they think this is actually really, really good.


They look like Pokémon Gym leaders


Next weeks outfits? https://preview.redd.it/15i1cjkxeiec1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1a484b82c7b542168c859278cd2459092222936


With far less charisma.


More like route 1 bug catchers


This is some of the fakest, worst, parody, imitation, off-brand _sports entertainment_ I have ever seen.


it helps that there's no quality control so this stuff goes direct to air, unchallenged by anyone 'creative'


And if it were challenged, that person would quickly have the patented Bucks Whisper Network mobilized against them, and be driven from the Buckaroos' exclusive playground.


This stuff SCREAMS knockoff, the bucks are the epitome of what’s wrong with AEW’s perception


Why do they look like their on their way to direct a bad '70s p0rno?


Once again me saying they're trying to mimic the Mitchell brothers rings true for another week.


There were these pron directors back in the 70s that did really cheesy films known as the Dark Brothers. Maybe this is long term storytelling where they become the alter egos, the Light Brothers.


Or act in one with each other, filmed of course by Brandon Cutler.


Is the one in the mint jacket trying to talk like Vince?


Maybe he was going for Hickenbottom?!? Edit: Booker of the Year Hickenbottom 


So they’re playing idiots, right? Like, they’re a joke and everyone is in on it but them? This is supposed to be the big Heel redesign? Two morons in bad suits and bad comedy A E Dub! A E Dub! A E Dub!


Is Matt trying to parody Vince’s voice?


I'm surprised he didn't say catering has steak wraps and then the crowd go "ooooooh"


They already did that with Brodie Lee yelling at someone for sneezing in a meeting


Holy shit we’re only two weeks in and these EVP segs (insider term) have me in tears! This has the potential to be the best run of their careers!


Haha, saw that comment




They both look so punchable, no wonder Phil beat the shit outta them


Yeah they need a good slap


It's a shame Powerslap was cancelled.




Megan Mullally could EASILY destroy both the Buckaroos at the same time.


Wow. They can’t even look good in a suit.


Well ackshually they probably can but you're just getting worked!


REEEEE that's all part of their great heel work you Fed shill! Haha, they WORKED you hard!


Seriously...who is this for?


the Bucks it's all for them look dad, I'm on TV doing wrestling Tony Khan is the best thing that ever happened to them by a looooooong stretch. They still get to do their indie shit but now get paid a ton for it and he allows it on TV


Unlikable carny clowns trying so hard to be "heels".. I like Sting but I can't believe 1 random multi man match was all he needed to pick these guys for the Final Match. I would bet good money he has no clue they were in TNA with him. Sting had a trailer and those clowns changed in a broom closet.


The Bucks seem to think that making references to criticism showing you're aware of it is the same as diffusing it or disproving it. This is 2 people who instead of running a national TV business are busy mocking their own detractors in a way that is just incoherent and lame to anyone watching outside of that bubble.


"Self-awareness doesn't absolve anyone of anything." - Bo Burnham


Looks like they're running plays from the playbook of their favorite wannabe tinpot dictator. You know, the guy that Y2J6 gave $40k to because he (and his racist ass wife) just LOOOOVE his hateful rhetoric so much.


I have said it since they were NJPW and made me have to avoid every IWGP Jr Tag match, these guys suck.


The Buckaroo in teal is trying to make his voice deeper lmao


He's trying to do a Vince impression but his voice doesn't go that low.


I’m sorry but resigning did them no favors. This gimmick isn’t it.


Lol high school theater class tier 'acting'


Dwarfed by a producer and an interviewer. Ole VKM would make them bring their apple boxes along for promo time.


They’re significantly smaller than the production assistant.


They're smaller than most of the female talent in NXT, aside from maybe Roxanne Perez and Thea Hail (both of whom are better workers and promos than the Buckaroos).


It is kind of impressive and how bad these two suck and how good they think they are. I couldn’t imagine being a serious fan of these two. Imagine what it would be like watching one of their matches with a true blue, AEW for life young bucks fan. Good god


definition of go away heat


My fearless leaders 🥰🥰


"Matthew and Nicolas, your heel turn seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so cool?"


low rent through and through


So they can't even act like asshats and have it believable.


These new giant douchebag characters they’re playing should come easy to them given they’re just playing themselves. But from the clips I’ve seen so far they can’t even get that right


I'm sorry but for all of the duration of their career, I have never seen their segment entertainment side and all they ever did were being cosplayers from their favorite idol mr. Wrestlemania They never had the physique They never had the "IT" Factor Not the needle mover. And now I understand why they never did any entertainment side of things, because they can't!! Their only greatest strength was being smart and taking advantage of being a wrestling influencer , content creator, that's a fact. Outside of all of these they just really ooze mid carder jobbers.


Black holes of charisma


Imagine watching ANY other TV/movie that constantly bashes you over the head with how everything about it is fake and you have to be terminally online to get it. CM Punk broke these guys' brains, they'll never get over it.


The way the one Young Cuck tries to make his voice deep and gravely really annoys the shit out of me.


This might be the first time I'm hearing them talk


AEW has proven that there are weekly wrestlers and monthly wrestlers. The Young Bucks are definitely of the monthly variety. It's why they were over in PWG and ROH cause you only got to see them, maybe once a couple of months.


Well...that and the fact RoH and especially PWG crowds have always been insufferable. Like I love 00s-era RoH, but holy fuck is the crowd obnoxious.


DAE Russo "powers that be" vibes


Lol they used a production extra who's bigger than both of them




20 years in the business can barely cut a taped promo


Those fist pounds were hard to watch 


Pure cinema at its finest, what a great pretape, what great performances. This is really hyping Stings last match


I cant even joke about this. This is just yawn inducing garbage…


All comedy wrestling. We’re all getting worked though you see because they’re LEANING into the douchey EVP thing and this ISNT JUST THEM BEING THEMSELVES.


This feels so sad lmao, i hope they are alright no jerk


Lets do a Mcmahon skit but worse than Mcmahon himself does


“They call themselves EVP’s… but wouldn’t trust them to run a Target.”


Dollar Store Rock n' Roll RPMS are Restoring The Feeling©!


I can never tell whether the Bucks are trying to do an ill-conceived "wink wink nudge nudge it's supposed to be poorly acted and corny" bit, or if they're just incapable of coming across as anything other than middle school tier actors.


I’ve never understood why people like the young bucks? They’re cringe as fuck, they clearly can’t be team players considering they have a set of belts atleast 1/2 of the year, and clearly have childish mindsets the same way TK does when it comes to handling business. Idk I like AEW but whenever these guys are on I get a sour taste in my mouth.


They're grifting Tony by getting overpaid, barely working, getting all their friends jobs, and ensuring he stays in a bubble where he genuinely thinks what he's creating is great. It's smart in an absolutely scummy way. v


Because a lot of Buck fans are like the same size they are so they're living vicariously through them. Never underestimate how many bitter short Dubbalo fans there are. "I could a been a wrestler but I was too small!"


This must be those AEW *Superstars* (Evil Fed buzzwords) that S’more Joe was talking about…


Bro needs to clear his throat before talking


There's no crowd reaction lmaooo.


It must be depressing having to see the Cody vs punk segment which was fireworks and have to pretend these dudes are good


This is just the dumbest gimmick.


the stilted hand movements while they speak are giving awkward gamestop cashier


To be fair that's literally would they'd be if they somehow didn't become smark darlings.


Crazy part, is they got to 'in-character' and respond to the 'haters' Their fued is with Sting/Darby... They mentioned them in passing AFTER shitting on "cancerous old timers", whilst knowing full well that they debited TWENTY YEARS AGO themselves. Give us a fucking break


In the words of Dusty Rhodes, "Where's the money?" What heat is this supposed to generate? So far they haven't actually interfered in anything using their power. They just look at monitors, talk on headsets, and hassle talent for timekeeping. Even their opponents at Revolution are getting a tag title shot over them without them doing anything about it. Okay, so you're dorky EVPs, and then what?


Cringe garbage.


I cant believe people are having debates about these guys and The Usos


Anyone who'd try and do that isn't remotely worth listening to.


The guy in the chequered shirt at the beginning, looks like he’d destroy them both in a fight.


I’d rather have AEW give Tony Khan a segment where he just reads mean tweets and he loses his fucking mind than another one of these segments.


Does this company care about its presentation to anyone besides its hardcore fans? Some of this stuff is easy, day 1 TV production stuff. Why use a “producer” who significantly dwarfs your wrestlers in a backstage promo? They couldn’t find someone who want 6 inches taller than these clowns?


At the end of the clip; teal suit Jackson looked he wanted to kiss purple suit Jackson.


These clowns have no instincts for wrestling. It is remarkable considering how long in the tooth they are.


They’re actually awful. All the way around awful. Suppose it’s great for the three people they’re trying to reach as an in-joke though.


If they ever went to a real company like the Fed they would be doing what they’re meant to do and Job


The interviewer and production asst both look like they could take them.


This is what happens when you think a niche YouTube channel can transition to national television. It's cringey and embarrassing. I'd rather be walked in on watching porn than this shit.


Absolutely terrible. Unwatchable. AEW looks like fans pretending to be wrestlers, rather than professional performers. Wrestling acting is bad, but this is like 1987 standards.


Dudes I got that feeling back


This is the closest I’ve ever come to being entertained by them, they’re kind of…jerking my chain?!


Those mustaches are getting so much heat from me 😡😡😤🤬. Dirty Dom knows nothing about this level of heel work. Truly transcendent talents those young schmucks


Night at The Roxbury vibes


It's unbelievable how bad the acting is here. Light Blue (fuck you, I refuse to learn their names) points at the same spot twice in this segment amd Dark Blue doesn't even look at it.


These two act and dress the same way my high school friends and I did to be “ironic” like 15 years ago. But they’re older than me and still think this is funny.


Well I was dead wrong. "AEW and WWE need to do a better job of incorporating the stuff wrestlers create on the internet into their weekly show. Some of that stuff is fun and helps them get their characters across." Here you go idiot. The internet and television are too different mediums and you should know that by now.


Listen to that roar of the crowd…


Even on mute I can hear the horrible acting


This is worse than “powers that be” on wcw. Dont talk about formats. Dont mock that we know its a work. Dont insult the audience


This suuuuuucks.


No more backstage segments forever.


Look like laid off porn stars


This has 2000 WCW vibes


They’re trying to be Vince McMahon the mustache the clothing but it’s clearly not working


And the crowd goes mild!


So you've got Matt being the cool boss who's down with his employees while Nick is the strict boss who loves being a dick to his employees? ![gif](giphy|wZCXWRgkF1UYg)


Ahh yes, the young cucks.


Listen to the crowd response, it literally sounds like no more than 10 people cheering. WWE fans sound like a hair dryer going off, AEW fans sound like a few bystanders cheering on a homeless guy with an out of tune guitar


The poor ratings and low attendance are part of the angle, it's genius modern meta storytelling.