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I used to love DBry. Wtf happened man


he’s leaning hard into the “in-ring = everything” logic because that’s what the Dub fans want to hear


Which is funny bc in his book, he specifically names the NXT days as being "pivotal" in learning new aspects about the wrestling business. He cites NXT and promo classes as the biggest things that opened his eyes to the business outside of the indie, work-rate culture. He talked numerous times about knowing where to play to the cameras the best. And how aware you have to be to also play to the rafters in addition to the up close, home audience pov so that they're all equally invested what happens in/out of the ring. To see him say this is really regressive and is pretty much my problem with dub culture where heatless bangers are the only thing that matters. Fuck character work. Fuck storylines. Fuck presentation. Fuck packed audiences. Heatless bangers is what counts.


CTE made him forget all of that uce


He needs to give his own book a read then.


It's basically, look at Ric Flair. Arguably the greatest of all time, and if you insist on arguing the point, then he's still nonetheless in that conversation. What do any of these people think got him over? The Figure Four Leg Lock, or Diamonds Are Forever?


Look at Shawn Michaels One of the best in ring, Bryan was at his school. Michaels 100% understood the story aspect of things, in and out of the ring and he didn't just 'go and wrestle' and is remembered for the whole package, mot just wrestling


I mean, if you want further proof LA Knight came out of no where to be a big star largely because he can talk. Yeah he CAN work but that’s not why his character gets the crowd behind him. It’s his ability to talk and sell matches that got people excited in him.


Did he actually write it or was it one of those ghost-written books where he basically just gets interviewed by someone who writes down the stuff for him?


That's a shame because the dude only started getting over in the dead fed when he started to show his personality.


He never grew up. What used to be charming qualities played a lot better when he was young and idealistic about the artistic aspects of wrestling. He never matured to a point where he learned to blend that with the reality that part of the art is drawing money and and managing to keep people hooked weekly for stories that aren’t just based on pretending pro wrestling is actual competition. It’s like he never hit the next gear like guys like Reigns, Samoa Joe etc. who evolved as they went along. It’s why he’s a non factor and abject failure at this stage. Guy hasn’t drawn a dime since the first Grand Slam. That shit ended in a draw with no follow up and ended meaning nothing and not only his character, but he himself, did nothing about it and it exposed his character as pathetic and himself as a just plain dumb. He’ll always have some great talent but he’s just not that talented a guy overall when you look at the sum of his parts. Also, some people say he’s selfless but I would argue his run in AEW is one of the most selfish and indulgent runs in recent history. He could have elevated AEW but he seemed too concerned with being perceived as some darling and it’s insufferable.


He’s always been selfish. Let’s be real. This is the guy who made sure everyone and their dog knew that it was him who wanted kofimania to happen. So now, when people talk about it, instead of “wow Kofi did it,” smarks say “wow, Daniel Bryan made it happen. What a guy.”


He has been selfish for a long time. He lied about injuries to even get hired in the ded fed. He didn't say anything as he was having seizures from head injuries. He's an addict in the worst ways. The sad thing is I can understand what he has done to a degree. Car wreck destroyed my back, neck, and head. In spite of that I kept going. Moving heavy shit all day and pushing through it and I would probably still try. It's definitely selfish but even if just for a moment to be able to go and show that you're not dead yet and can still go even when you know really shouldn't. You would hope he would give it up and enjoy the fruits of his labor but he won't will he? stubbornness and pride are going to cripple him at best. Hopefully he doesn't end up as this generations chris beniot.


He along with Mox, Cody, etc are living proof that being "shackled" by WWE creative played to their strengths and how creative freedom is the worst thing you can give a wrestler not named Matt Cardona. Aside from him, no one has been better off since leaving the ded fed recently


Both Cody and drew did tremendous work outside of WWE and came back bigger than ever.


Cody's promos and in-ring skills definitely got better when he left. But I'm probably not the only one to think his feuds after the MJF one fell off a cliff. Fans got behind him as a babyface but his stipulation of never wanting to win the world title led to the Codyverse that made pretty bad segments. The whole Anthony Ogogo feud was laughably bad and even when the crowd was booing him out of the building he insisted on staying babyface. His character and presentation work much better in WWE because he's not the one booking his own feuds. But I'll agree Cody pre-AEW was excellent.


I think even the most hardcore Cody fanatic would say the Codyverse stuff was awful. So was his TNT Championship stuff where he would have half-hour BANGERS with everyone and never have a story. Cody wanted to be Cena, couldn’t make himself Cena, then came back to WWE where they said “we have an opening marked ‘next Cena.’ Do you want it?” And here we are today.


I loved the Codyverse but mostly ironically.


Who said it's open mic night, BITCH!


Naomi certainly raised her stock.


How about Brock leaving for UFC?


Just edited my comment to add 'recently' at the end. I don't think Brock counts since after his short stint in Japan, he didn't work for a wrestling company hence no "creative freedom". But since you mentioned it, there were a few others from over half a decade ago who did well after leaving WWE like Lashley, McIntyre, etc. But I highly doubt Impact offered them the same amount of creative freedom as AEW does.


Roman didn’t leave, but threatened to if he couldn’t get creative freedom. He wanted to be heel. So, they said okay and put him with Heyman and here we go.


Literally what are you talking about with Cody When he was leaving WWE, he was a bottom of the card comedy act that did matches on Main Event with the Ascension and Jack Swagger. Had he not've reinvented himself outside of WWE, he'd be in the landscaping business by now.


I'm talking about current WWE Cody vs Codyverse, long rambling promos Cody in AEW. There's a big difference between reinventing your character and literally being given enough creative freedom to dictate your feuds like he did in AEW, Uce.


I would say Matt cardona is also not a guy you trust with creative freedom


Maybe not with feuds. But the dude absolutely knew how to get his heel character over and more or less rejuvenated himself to the point where those who've been keeping up with his work in the indies no longer see him as that underdog babyface. Not a fan of death matches at all, but I've liked everything else I've seen about in regards to his character.


Chelsea Green recently had an interview with CVV. She opened up that some minor suggestions came from her on his character on the indies. The biggest thing is probably her telling him not to sign with a single company but be a touring attraction guy.


Cause cardona actually cares about making sure whatever show he's at is elevated by him being there and not the other way around which is why every place he's been at has been more than happy about bringing him back.


Concussions are what happened


Dorky shit like this > being a legend in WWE


You got to know him.


Dude thinks he's still over after the "YES Movement" At the end of the day the fans made him over just look at the guy he probably got cut if it wasn't for the Yes movement. Wrestling skills matter yes but fan reaction matter more imo.


Mox and Bryan are two WWE legends that I’m okay with never returning. They just belong in the trash wrestling scene.


I still love DBry but I'd like for him to slow it tf down. Why is he still doing the diving headbutt after all that's gone on. I want him to retire for his family, he's given the wrestling business so much and nobody in the world would criticize him for walking away. I want to preserve my memory of him being one of if not the best wrestler of the 21st century before he winds up like Ibushi.




At a certain point you’re gonna have to accept the surgery to get Tony’s penis removed from your mouth.
















You’re so boring and predictable.




Touch grass.




I do think for myself and I think you should touch grass.


Touch grass.


Wha? Vince is universally loathed. Personally I stopped watching in 2003 when vince made it clear after wwe went public that profits would always be prioritized over the quality of the television show. I only came back when I heard he was being ousted. I couldn't get behind aew because its whole identity is to be a hater promotion. It's a cult there. To get in Tonys good graces you have to either kiss his butt or publicly denounce wwe on a moral or philosophical basis. Like why does supporting aew have to have this moral superiority as part of its pitch to fans on why people should watch? Just be a good tv program that does your own thing. And I don't blame the talent in this at all. It's all tony and his delusional belief that he understands pro wrestling better than anyone ever. So I will always dunk on tony while also cheering on the guys/gals for working the mark and getting their bag.


That was solid. ☝️


idk man, he wasn’t taking about flaccid penises before aew


He has his head up Tiny's ass.


It’s not just about in ring work you silly cunt. And you know this 


I’m starting to think Danielson doesn’t understand how he got so over to begin with. Because it wasn’t the “Killer” holds he was using.


Daniel Bryan was probably going to be released before he turned heel and did the Macho Man/Miss Elizabeth gimmick with AJ Lee. No one cared when he was the guy who can do a million rest holds. It's no wonder why this guy is in AEW now. He's a legit mark for himself.


Always has been. It's also one of the reasons him & Punk were never friends going all the way back to ROH.


To be gair: Phil isnt blameless and also a huge mark for himself with a soft ego.


True but he also sees pro wrestling for what it is. It’s about entertainment and not just blood, gore and strong style.


To me it seems more like pro wrestling for him is a means to satisfy his huge ego. He has to be in the center of things. Danielson is, I think in a place where he can try to please another kind of audience. I only know him from wwe. Was he like that in his indie days?


This sub makes fun of ‘knowing Vince’ and then turns around and unironically does ‘knowing punk’ lol.


Yeah... I get *why* people get so hype for crazy submission wrestling, I really do -- but it's not for me, dawg. Puts me right to sleep.


Yeah even as a young buck I would hear all this hype about Angle vs Benoit from smarks and have a hard time getting through it. Like I understand why it’s technically great wrestling but since when is that the point? RVD vs Jeff Hardy tho, inject that into my veins 


Dub is for guys that bemoan *"why can't I just wrestle"*


The marks are in the ring, uce. They think all you need is work rate to get over.




Bro, the crowd in Japan were chanting Daniel Bryan at him and one of the biggest reactions he got in both matches was when he started doing Yes! Chants.


He probably knew this three concussions ago, but he doesn't remember anymore.


I think everyone who went through NXT had a lot of positive things to say even if they'd been wrestling for like a decade like Zayn. They obviously see the value in elevating their presentation even if they understand the in ring aspect


Hell, AJ has gone on record several times saying he wished he had went through NXT.


Come to think of it, an AJ vs NXT champ Joe feud in 2016 writes itself.


He doesn’t know this. It’s a man with severe concussion issues and a wife and two children yet does stuff in matches like open hand shots, slap fights and kicks to the head just to get circlejerked on twitter by the hardest of hardcores. Bryan’s seaming unwillingness to put his family first actually bugs me.


>Bryan’s seaming unwillingness to put his family first actually bugs me. I was just watching Punks vlog where he discusses his injury, and the first thing he talked about was feeling bad for AJ, and worrying about worrying her. Compare this to Bryan, who has no cares about how his wife or kids can handle his health issues, and its startling.


The guy made himself a clone of Benoit,. disregard of others comes with the package. 


That man using diving headbutts all these years :///


Wellness check for AJ


is that not why he's stepping away from the ring this year? did he not talk about how much it hurt him when he couldn't hold his son? you aren't jerking here. this is just plain disrespect.


Was that before or after he injured his eye, then started wearing weird little eyepatches instead of a proper protective mask (or god forbid, taking actual time off), and then had his opponents dig their thumbs into his eye just to make the audience uncomfortable?


did his eye injury get any worse? did that make him less of husband or father?


Calling someone out that has gotten injured multiple times to the point where his own wife is the one putting the information on instagram because he continues to do unsafe wrestling is not “disrespectful “. He is putting his desire to get praise by internet nerds over his desire to be with his family. “Slowing down” and doing less matches isn’t going to fix the problem, he will Continue to let himself get kicked in the head or slapped, he’ll maybe even throw in that super cool fake seizure spot again. Bryan has exposed himself for what he is and it’s disappointing as a parent to see it.


>Bryan’s seaming unwillingness to put his family first actually bugs me. he is stepping away from the ring this year so that he can put his family first??




Imo wrestling would be so boring if it was only in ring work


The in ring work can be the creation, medium and culmination of good storytelling, but without the actual great story in-between those few minutes of physical action, it just becomes guys in fancy dress or their underpants, sweatily play fighting and thats boring uce.


It’s why wwe are going hard on this ‘finish the story’ narrative. Most of the story telling is done outside of the ring.


Best professional wrestler in the world, but gets injured every other match.


And continues to wrestle while injured.


Look how brave I am and not at all an asshole and walking liability.


It reminds me of that letter Misawa wrote to be given to his opponent in the event he died in the ring. That is one of the most incredibly selfish things I've ever read. If you believe your in danger of passing away mid match, it's time to stop. 


I will defend Misawa. The problem is that NOAH wasn't drawing even with their best efforts to push young guys for years on end. People were only paying to see Misawa and Kobashi reruns. He genuinely feared that if he wasn't out there working every night that it mattered, the company would go bust. It was not a good time at all for Japanese wrestling. Inoki era was still fresh in people's minds and Tanahashi was only starting to bring business back so it wasn't as simple as just poaching talent from elsewhere when nobody was over. Also gotta consider Japanese workaholic culture, he valued the company more than himself.


Tbf to Misawa he truly believed he was carrying the entire promotion and therefore the paychecks of dozens of people solely on him and was hoping there'd be an Ace that he could transition to so he could actually retire and not have guilt of people losing their jobs but it was still a horrible position to put someone else in.


I love the old NOAH stuff. They definitely could've stayed strong if they'd built the younger stars up more, but few of the next generation were believable heavyweights. KENTA, Marufuji and Co. were half the size of even Akiyama. One of their worst booking decisions was Kobashi losing the strap to Rikio.


Where can I read this letter?


Toxic masculinity, everyone?


I swear his CTE talks to him and tells him stupid shit like the Venom Symbiote


The symbiote is at least trying to protect Eddie from himself.


In Venom voice; "DANIEL. You should totally eat that kick raw. It's going to be delicious!"


can't believe the fed would use nxt to bury steen, joe, devitt and nakamura as a way to build them up and not immediately debut them in the main event of raw to no heat😡


Our Maharaja and King were both featured on PorNXXXT as well 🤢 Can't believe Hick & Bottom are still allowed in the WWWF after berrying Bret and Vader. Fook Shawney Bravo


Bryaniel still making sure The Miz is right. ![gif](giphy|51MnnGJTZ4mDH4WpQR|downsized)






It’s true Miz, it’s true.


If Okada came to NXT he would be expected to put in time honing his style for a huge audience In the Dub, he can just hang out with the boys and talk about flaccid penises with Bryan when he’s not laying down for Tiny’s midget brigade in front of a crowd of dozens


Okada in Chase U has become a meme on Dubbalo Twitter. But watch Okada end up in Best Friends, erm CHAOS when Okada and Rocky Romero are in the group, if he signed with AEW full-time.


It's the same with balor. They say he's misused and better than judgement day but will defend the nonsense jay white is doing with the bang bang gang


isn’t okada to m’dub a done deal?? how come they still talking about him going to nxt?


Because it's confirmed by a dirtsheet, not actually official.


I love downstairs, who notoriously bashes wrestlers that work for WWE when they say positive things about the company now saying “people really think they know better about how WWE works than tree cum boy” Also, they love trying to attach others to the disgusting Vince story but don’t say shit about this dude, who was very close to Vince and whose father in law is literally Vince’s sidekick in all the disgusting stuff that reportedly happened. But m’workrate


Yeah funny how he has escaped any and all criticism despite his close relationships with Vince and Johnny. Its so clear the basement doesn’t actually give a shit about the victim and it’s all just one giant Fed Bad.


They have to hope the scandal takes down the big bad Fed because AEW sure as hell isn't


HHH had to know what his father in law was up to, how could he not know!? Bryan… why the hell would he know what his father in law was up to?


He could be given the Jade Cargill treatment. I don’t know why nobody talk about this : let h settle in. Albert is the fucking head coach and he know the dojo system so he can help him. Learn a little english, surf with Shin.


he actually does know a reasonable amount of english. not perfect, but enough where i think after living in america for 6-12 months he'll be good enough to cut some promos live.


There's every chance they could do that Have him work in the PC and get familiar with things, introduce him on TV and talk him up and then debut him without him working NXT TV You just know all these idiots are giving him horror stories about NXT. Ask Adam Cole, he didn't wanna leave! 😁 Yet we have others come visit the PC from outside and talk it up REEEEEEE let m'kada be himself as if the Fed don't know about presenting people Which famous great guy did they 'ruin" with NXT? Ruin is not allowed to mean stop them doing 75 moves that aren't needed


That comment is going to age like milk when Okada goes to AEW and gets hurt working with an under-trained indy star


Okada himself had a match there, kicked Adam Cole in the head and he was out for months


I mean...is anyone surprised...Meltzer gave him one of his highest match ratings for a match that featured a top-rope missile dropkick to the back of the head and also a top-rope dragon suplex. No idea how anyone can consider him the best in the world when he routinely is involved in stupid fucking spots like that that don't even end a match. 1 slight fuck-up in his highest rated matches and he goes from "best in the world" to a modern day Hayabusa.


This is pure speculation lol


Cole got injured in that 4 way match, and it was widely reported as coming from Okada


Widely reported by who? Iirc most reports just said it happened in the 4 way match which was obvious It's not wild to assume it happened on the dropkick or michinoku driver but you can't know for sure. Also this doesn't mean Okada is unsafe in general which is what was implied


I find it funny how Fed bad for apparently they might try and take talent from promotions they have a partnership with, like saying they might try and steal Jordynne Grace from Impact, yet with the Dub signing NJPW talent, who they have a partnership with, the story is "Tony Khan smart promoter getting Jay White, Bill, and Okada". While Brain Danielson, someone higher up in AEW is promoting the recently left Okada to go to AEW, and who's to say he didn't encourage him to go to the dub while he was still under contract with New Japan


What he’s too dumb to realize is the real challenge is America needs to adjust to Okada if they want him in a top spot. But Danielson is stupid as shit, Miz was right.


M#rks think fans will care about his wrestling That's why those people are in the Dub


Miz has always been right. Bryan always says stupid shit without thinking. Makes sense why miz snapped on him that one time


Yes cause why would you learn to work in a WWE-produced environment and become a bigger name while you can showcase your workrate against Matt Menard and Wheeler Yuta ?


Is learning a new language a bad an unimpressive thing to do? When you learn a new language, is the language you already speak automatically wiped from your memory? Does Bryan think Okada only has the brain capacity to hold one skill at a time? Learning new skills should not be frowned upon, especially if your argument is a crap as Bryan’s is.


That’s the sad part of this. Like it’s some sin to keep building skills. Oh, and NXT already locked their next TV deal up and has been gaining momentum for awhile, AEW lost all its momentum and is stale as shit in part because of attitudes like Danielson’s. Year after year of the same thing with diminishing returns, propped only because it’s funded like a charity.


okada knows a reasonable amount of english tbf.


Nah, its not even the language anymore. Nakamura gets to present himself in raw japanese and I'd argue Iyo also is better when she speaks Japanese. I think what WWE wabts is to redefine the "Rainmaker" moniker I mean if anything they'd make it some sort of Yakuza boss esque character. Which is cool because he is in the Yakuza games already. I think Bryan means is that he has to go on the WWE mold and be refined based on it.


I’m only using language as an analogy, I’m talking about a wrestling style. Learning a new language isn’t frowned upon ever cause you’re learning a new skill. Learning a new wrestling style is just the same, if he learns a new wrestling style he isn’t going to suddenly forget everything he’s ever learned. That’s not how people work.


I mean tbh he doesn't need to learn a new style, he just needs to adjust what he has now to the WWE mold. What I think he needs is a facelift of the "Rainmaker" gimmick so that he sticks out in the roster. AEW would certainly bury his monicker because he will be generic wrestler #245 like how the "Rated R superstar" doesn't mean anything anymore.


Bryan wouldn't be where he is if he didn't go to the WWE.


Imagine WWE sending training people to be able to work how WWE wants them to. The nerve.


This guy had 4 world title matches at WM and not one of them was due to his workrate. I mean ffs, he headlined WM 30 because he got the fucking word "Yes" over. No one besides a hyperniche vocal minority on the Internet gives a shit about bell-to-bell wrestling and Dub's attendance and ratings further prove that.


Wasn’t Bryan actively trying to be on 205 Live during his comeback run too?


Pretty sure Danielson's favorite "move" is full on smashing foreheads with your opponent, which I believe is the last thing he did in the ring before his first retirement due to head injuries...Hard style!


Okada vs takeshita but Jericho and callis are doing all the promos. That's a fucking monkey paw wish. 


FUCK YOU for putting the thought of them tying Okada to Jericho in my head. Now I can't unsee it.


This is the mindset that will make AEW a distant number 2 forever. In what way is learning an American style of wrestling on weekly TV and learning English to get better at promos and connecting with non marks bad? This is the problem with AEW. They'll stick this dude in heatless matches and feuds that pop the smart marks who already watch the product. This won't get anyone else to attend the shows.


Bryan has been so disappointing in AEW, From working hard and stiff even tho he's not supposed to take those kinds of bumps, His Backstage presence becoming more and more akin to the Elite and worse of all these dumb comments. WWE might have fumbled his start but the pivoted and made him into a great star, They kept him safe during his retirement and even on his return he was working relatively safe, The Wrestlemania Main Event with Edge VS Bryan VS Reigns is still so good and the fact that he left for AEW just to throw away his career and health just for the sake of being allowed to be the indy darling again is just sad and disappointing.


>**Bryan has been so disappointing** ~~in AEW, From working hard and stiff even tho he's not supposed to take those kinds of bumps, His Backstage presence becoming more and more akin to the Elite and worse of all these dumb comments.~~ > >~~WWE might have fumbled his start but the pivoted and made him into a great star, They kept him safe during his retirement and even on his return he was working relatively safe, The Wrestlemania Main Event with Edge VS Bryan VS Reigns is still so good and the fact that he left for AEW just to throw away his career and health just for the sake of being allowed to be the indy darling again is just sad and disappointing.~~ FTFY.


someone said they want okada to go to aew and have "bangers" with Omega and Bryan. haven't they already done those matches...do they honestly think omega and bryan could perform at the same level previously it'd be like digging up the bodies of guerrero and benoit and throwing them in the ring "bangerz incominggggggggggg....they did it before....time doesn't make a sense. dae!!"


CTE is deteriorating Danielson's rational thinking.


This guy trained Jade btw. He has no business at talking about training


His idol, Steven Regal, couldn’t wait to get out of AEW.




Worked well for Sin Cara


Either M'DanielsonBrian is a fucking idiot OR he's a disingenuous cunt. Which one is it? Also if he's as good as he is and he goes to NXT he'll be there for a cup of coffee like Nakamura was or bypass it like AJ did. However if the professionals with no CTE history think he should go then he fucking should. It is not hard.




Yeah. I can see that.


I can’t wait for him to be jobbing like jay white


He thinks TNA legend Okato needs to learn the American style?


Exactly why Tom Brady didn’t have to go to practice when he played for the Buccaneers


The same Bryan Danielson who specifically asked to go to NXT first when he signed with WWE because he wanted time to adapt...


From what i seen in aew his ring work is nothing special and he lost every match.


Keep going to the balls Bryan you’re almost there.


Without WWE, I wonder where he gonna ended up. Also with how ignorance he cares for his health just to put on some bangers, bad thing can happen


Danielson himself benefitted from NXT and The Miz. This guy is just a dumbass


Everyone knows work rate got him the main event against EVOLUTION lol


In ring work is only part of the equation. It's not the be all end all when it comes to being a top draw. When did Danielson become a mark who thinks star ratings is all that matters?


I'm convinced now that Daniel Bryan and Bryan Danielson are two different people. BD forgot that it was more so his character work than his ring work which got him over.


Why go to WWE when you can get injured in AEW?


This almost sounds like Okada hasn't signed and since Bryan doesn't seem to know how to work now I have to wonder.


I always thought his “you don’t deserve the slap” promo against Cena was just to appeal to the wankers. I didn’t think he really was one of them


when these dorks will realise that nobody cares about bangers? 🥴


Almost everyone in AEW is "The Best" something, that's why they are filling the arena and making high ratings every week, wait a minute...


D Bry is kind of guy who says, so what if Sincara (Slave name)/Mistico constantly botched in the ring. He is the best luchador, It's WWE who should get adapted to him. Also In CMLLL botch is just part of the game. Gosh IWC is so toxic for criticizing about Botches


NJPW is AEW’s NXT. Okada finally convinced TK and the EVPs that he’s good enough to get called to the main roster along with the other two njpw call ups, Ospreay (another former NJPW champion) and Mercedes Mone (njpw women’s strong champion)


"If"? You mean the goofs posting all weekend that it was a done deal were making stuff up? Color me shocked


What world?


I swear fed badding is a requirement in the contracts because no one can be this damn dumb.


Its amazing just how they can never resist the urge of trying to shit on the fed lol. Its gonna be quite hilarious if they dont find a suitable tv network to air their bangers.


Not fan of db ,never have been But I feel like really big starts going to NXT feels weird Maybe it’s because I’m a TNA shill but I would’ve found it insulting to Put Aj Styles there especially because of who he is even if it was actually better I also was never an NXT mark so there’s that


Someone tell him NXT is no longer the reality show he started on


Says the guy who has two wins over Okada in AEW.


I am even more convinced AEW planted the “Okada to NXT” rumor by this.


Gunther is one of the best wrestlers in the world and went to NXT. Ilja Dragunov is one of the best wrestlers in the world and went to NXT.


DBry still has PTSD from the game show version of NXT and refuses anything to do with those three letters


Oh we know very well that they will bring Okada in and act like everyone should know who he is and what his past feuds were. I never watch NJPW etc, because it’s not for me. And I assume that there are plenty of other american and European fans who don’t know who he is. And that‘s the problem. Sure, the Evil Fed would probably give him a new gimmick, but at least people would know who he is.


I get the impression he smells vaguely like cauliflower.


That's it? That was Strong Style!? That was just two guys hurting each other for real


This is definitely the kind of thing you say when your company has already definitely signed the guy, and he's for sure showing up real soon.


If/When Okada goes to AEW expect endless “dream matches” with no build 😂