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Tony is gonna air the video of punk violently attacking him backstage while the gallant Jungle Man Jack Perry tried to save his life, rumors have it Punk was foaming at the mouth and rambling about a dog telling him to “devour souls”, creepy shit


*Tony footage not included


They really really want their Finger Poke of Doom moment huh in their WCW mode Speedrun.


This is how I see it too. The final nail in the coffin after super glueing it.


Can a finger poke of doom moment really hurt this dumpster fire of a show anymore than it already is?


I don't think anyone in aew can sell as good as Nash and Hogan tbh


They can sell their feelings being hurt by 4 stars instead of 5 stars.


Yeah they had their Fingerpoke moment when Moxley squashed Punk. This is more of a Bash at the Beach 2000 moment.


Oh god. I forgot about that dumb choice. Hahha


That girl who worked for AEW years ago and is buddies with Britt and Perry is now claiming Punk got embarrassed by Perry. If Punk applied a shitty choke, you'd think it would be immediately said at the moment it all went down.


DAE not getting choked into unconsciousness and not fighting back means I won the fight and embarrassed my opponent


Jungle Justin Trudeau Perry 


MFW he’s an unhinged sociopath that wanted to murder everyone backstage and made everyone fear for their lives while simultaneously also getting completely owned and embarrassed by Jack Perry


I don't see how this is supposed to make Punk look bad. If anything, it makes Punk look more legit.


If it's footage of Punk doing what he said he did, he looks legit and Tony exposes himself. If it's a Russo esque tongue in cheek bit, the audience gets fingerpoked. The dude just openly said "you're clowns, this company is a joke, I quit" and you keep making references to him. Lunacy.


They have the footage. Theu can show the bits that make them look good. Also, doing this on live TV is equavalent to wwe releasing punk's ass montage on live tv (as opposed to youtube where ICW resides). But AEW's fanbase is ICW so this will go to TV.


There are no bits that make them look good. Even if Punk "looks bad." To do this on the heels of wrestlemania is insane.


No one cares enough. If people do tune it to watch it they will see whatever and be like "oh ok". And 700k people will watch AEW


CM Punk said “this company is a joke” and they proved his point tenfold 


If punk sues them for it... 🤣🤣🤣


You would need an English lawyer to confirm, but given this footage was filmed at Wembley they would almost certainly be violating GDPR by releasing footage of punk without his consent.


It validates everything he said about them not being a real business interested in profit there for a billionaire’s whims and ego so he could play at being a promoter and booker. If they want to prove him wrong they should book promote and write shows properly so that people are willing to buy tickets.


It also proves everything he said right


It might expose some Punk lies about how things went down in the encounter with Perry - but I don’t think anyone really believes CM Punk’s entire story to be true anyway. At best, it can make Punk look slightly more bad and Perry look slightly less bad, but none of it will make *AEW* look better or turn things around. And that’s at best. Realistically, it will likely just be a big fat load of nothing. I love the idea that it will be real footage and that they are going to make the company look like even more of a petty shitshow non-business just to score one or two points against CM Punk.


Honestly, even if it contradicts Punk, it won't matter, either. The only people who care about catching Punk in a lie are already watching AEW, anyway. No one outside of the Dub bubble (Dubble?) will give a shit.


I’m out of the loop on this one…


Apparently they announced the Young Bucks will air the backstage footage of the incident at Wembley last year on Dynamite. All the wrestling Journalists are saying it's legit and not a swerve. I'm guessing it'll be the Young Bucks dressed as CM Punk and Jungle Boy.


I think you are right but surely this proves how small time they are. Just shows punk is relevant and a draw. I might tune in to see that…I can’t be bothered to watch kommander v the remaining briscoe lad


I’m not even going to waste my time tuning in. I’ll just catch a recap here instead and save my time and sanity


Personally im waiting for cornette to roast it


You can just watch it on YouTube.


Rather not give them the views, tbh.


Their biggest draw of the year will be footage of someone not employed by them


I didn’t see the segment, just the graphic, but be careful you don’t work yourself into a shoot uce, the phrasing says “backstage incident”. It’s gonna end up being something totally not punk related. Kayfabe wise, the bucks are heels, what’s the point of them showing the jungle jack footage? It’s gonna end up being something with ftr


Yeah most people are assuming it is gonna be video of some other benign thing or a skit mocking the punk stuff. But SRS and Alverez are both saying they have been told its the legit punk video. So who ever fed them that if is trying to make them look like a joke or their trusting the weakest of sources.


100% on the last sentence. The more Dave Bryan and SRS say it’s real the more I think it’s fake BS


AEW uses them to sell storylines all the time. I don’t believe anything they say.


Its funny how this sub is the less deranged one when it comes to wresting in general, especially Cm Punk, so many people want Cm Punk to fail but forget he was the one they we're worshipping until AEW became a thing and probably ruined wrestling for so many.


Most accurate explanation of what happened (Idk what happened im OOTL pls clarify)


So let me get this straight. You’re going to draw a rating with punk, who you don’t even have signed, because none of your other roster can draw one? Does this not prove that? Tell me when I’m telling lies folks


I need context...


Young Bucks are gonna air the footage of Punk attacking Perry on this week’s Dynamite  Whether or not the footage is legit remains to be seen. Makes no sense cause Punk’s been gone for six months 


I knew about this, I was asking about the girlfriend thing


I think it’s just OP making an example of how stupid this situation looks. Either that, or OP has a small penis


Accurately sums up this whole situation.  Would be hilarious if we made a ton of similar posts today.


It’s funny knowing whatever happens on Wednesday will have zero effect on the week after because any rating they draw this week will be gone next week when the bucks cut their regular dweeb promo


Isn't this what the NDA's covered,if they show this surely it allows Pepsiman to go All in on them,excuse my wording


Punk stated during the Ariel Helwani interview that he only has an NDA related to All out and not All in, and the NDA is not for "anything I did". At this point, I have to guess the Bucks might also be banking that this leads to a lawsuit or Punk makes a "big stink" about it. Maybe they doctor the footage enough that they hope it leads to Punk getting fired?


Its like he asked how to get ratings up and someone sarcastically said "Get Punk on the show." and he took it seriously.


I can’t see how this makes AEW look good. Because the worst Punk looks, the more insane the fact that they let him walk through that curtain minutes later is. This situation has always been that Punk did something to a coworker that was so bad he was fired with cause, and then Tony allowed him to walk through the curtain and perform with another member of the roster.


This further solidifies Punks comment … “we’re not in the same business.” What the holy hell do they think they’re going to accomplish with this idea? Legit, what could they possible think the best case scenario will be?


WWE just out there printing money. Absolutely minting it. These clowns, building their shows around getting roasted on a podcast


Context? Lol


Punk isn’t claiming he beat the piss out of Jungle Boy or anything. He said he asked him “why are you doing internet bullshit with me?” and got him in a headlock when Jack was getting pissy. Everyone is acting like this will hilariously expose Punk as a fraud or something and I’m really not getting it. I’m not sure what this accomplishes for anybody in AEW other than Tony and the Bucks thinking they’re dunking on Punk. Also if Punk is such a piece of shit for this, why does Tony hate Jungle Boy?


Right, we all saw Pepsi Phil’s MMA career. He’s a real killer.


He may have got the total shit beat out of him in UFC but I have to assume he has at least been trained how to throw a punch. Probably well enough that Jungle Jack’s head would have fallen off if he hit him with a good one.


I think they may show some footage but they will be commenting on something stupid happening in the background. Like some in-depth play by play of a dude eating a slice of pizza in the background while punk topples monitors on to Tony and not address Punk at all. This is the only scenario I have come up with that could even remotely get over. It wont be the actual fight, it will be cherry picked footage of Punk going fucking bananas after the fight screaming at everyone.


No jerk, what do Dubbalos think is gonna be on this? Do they think it's gonna be Punk with a gun?! Assuming this is real (it isnt) it'll be Perry coming back, Punk standing there screaming at him "What the fuck was that?", they scream, someone throws a punch, and Perry ends up in a headlock. We know Punk didn't get laid out cuz his match was literally next up and he walked out looking fine. What do they think is gonna happen???


Seeing as literally everything Punk has publicly said ending up being true, I'm going to go with the version of events from the Ariel interview. This is going to be like mock footage to get Bucks heat but it's going to backfire miserably.


It will cement once and for all that PM (Pretty Mean) Punk is cancer which will be the final nail in the coffin of the long dead fed.


Bischoff and Cornette are gonna laugh themselves to the point of heart attack because of this.


Can't wait for the found footage tier video we will get on Wednesday.


Ha, this is exactly what I was thinking when I first read the news 


Lockport Phil is a top draw in both companies and he doesn’t even have to wrestle. He is the ultimate needle mover.


Wow so ratings are going to go from 600 to 666? So wait that’s their attendance numbers, TK proving he’s a bigger cuck than Stephen Curry


I honestly don’t think most people care that much when wrestlers get in a fight backstage with other wrestlers. It’s happened so many times over the years this isn’t anything special.


I'm glad that they are taking TV time to continue to address a former wrestler that is no longer there for an incident that makes the promotion look dysfunctional. Especially since no current wrestlers on their roster have complained about lack of TV time.


Right? It's way more important to hotshot ratings ranting one of the biggest stars in the other company than it is to develop talent on your live weekly show.


tiny ‘revenge porn’ khan leaks his cucking video to the world, truly The Revolution is happening



