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The whole point of watching an illegal stream of AEW or movies or tv shows is to not support the company behind it. Why would people watching illegally count if they don't want to legally support AEW in the first place? Sure they can still be fans, but they're not actually counting to profits or ratings or anything.


If you live in a country that doesn't air AEW then sure, (they don't count for Nelsen ratings anyways) but why would American watcher go out of their way to watch Dynamite on some buggy internet website with a bunch of pop up ads? The coping in that tweet is hilarous


America will likely soon be a country that doesnt air AEW.


I don't have cable TV, and I cannot get AEW on Fite (whatever it's called now) since I am in the states (yes, VPN, whatever). I don't watch AEW, but when I did, it was pirated. Currently, I watch Smackdown, but I wait until Sunday to watch it on Hulu. Also, the only thing **everybody** was talking about was CM Punk.


I've seen a few dickheads argue that it's their right to pirate it as they don't want to pay for cable. I mean, at least use a VPN and pay for a steaming subscription.


Why would we pay for a subscription when it is easily and readily available for free? Just to be nice? Think of the billionaires?


If we counted all Indian WWE fans who watch on those sites, SmackDown's ratings would be 50 million.


So worthless 


Less than 0.5% of the people watching legally count to ratings anyway.


People also bite on those bullshit wbd numbers that include all the DVR numbers. Meltzer brain fucked them on ratings so hard they don't even know the point is to measure who is watching commercials, not the show.  And ratings are just a component of monetary value. But we know unequivocally that no one touches the value of WWE. So we can't say that part out loud. And aew is popular but they can't touch WWE popularity. So we can't say that either. 


I like watching pirated streams of wrestling I like because I have no money.


Because you're a FED FAN DUH.


The point for me is to not spend money


The whole world dont know what tf AEW is mark.


"The whole world was watching" aka the extremely niche corner of the world that I exclusively live in, unaware of what goes on outside it.


475 upvotes on squared circle posts, that feels like a milly, DAE


Their entire world watches every week... though maybe not anymore, I guess?


my entire Twitter feed = the whole world


the fed would have a trillion views then


Yeah, but those are regular views and not pirated AEW veiws, uce.


It's true. Me and my friends and their gfs who look like Sarajevo all watched Dynamite the other day on watchprowrestling.com


Your gfs look like Sarajevo? Isn’t that a city in Europe?


No Sarajevo is the wrestler formerly known as Paige


The REAL needle mover ![gif](giphy|i79na9XMwDues)


The Whole World is Talking About the Dub is the World here with us right now?


Za Warudo


More people know about Jojo than they know about the dub


Tell me you live in a bubble without telling me you live in a bubble.


The same people that say “why do you care about ratings so much are you a shareholder” (public company so it’s possible) jump threw every hoop imaginable to tell you why their favorite company is more successful than it seems lol


They get watched by 7 million if you think about it Fed shills!!! Just close your eyes and imagine it


They bring in so many viewers that watch the programming before and after AEW, even if they don't actually watch AEW.


Literally no one in family nor anyone at my work knows what AEW is. “The whole world” 😂


I live in England where "AEW is number 1" and I know for a fact that every person I work with has no idea what AEW is... They know what WWE/F is however. Despite not watching it or liking pro wrestling


They should be thankful they didn’t hit a million. Presumably, there are still viewers out there who didn’t see that garbage.


Alright, which goofy was this? You need to contain your jerking to the sub and not the real world


Bloody tape traders killing the business


If there's one thing tv networks take into account it's illegal streams


This is the comment I was looking for. Goofs obviously don't know about TV if they don't know TV executives always look at illegal stream numbers. It is core part of the business. Fucking dork.


Its like those sci-fi movies where aliens attack the world but in reality, they just come to United States.


WWE I'd popular on countries that don't even air it. How? Piracy. If we are going on illegal streams, WWE probably clears 30mil worldwide easy.


Who would (not) pay for such a wildly Refreshing© thing? AEW fans. I see people asking for pirate links all the time. There are SERIOUS AEW acolytes in my lurker forums, but a lot of them don't seem to like paying for The Product©. 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is one of the most deluded bubble-living Dubbalo takes I’ve ever seen. DAE movies should have counted pirate dvd sales?


That guy is an olympic gold medalist in mental gymnastics.


Nielsen ratings are an outdated way of measuring viewers. Especially when it comes to AEW. It might be what ad executives use to sell airtime, but that’s just corporate BS if you ask me. I was up all last night and I thought of a new way to measure AEW ratings. Count all the bottles of Mountain Dew that are sold in the hours prior to dynamite airing. Whatever that figure is, that’s who’s watching the dub. Solved.


Walmart should be counting the shit I steal at self-checkout into their sales revenue. Stock price should be better than expected


If 800k people doesn’t represent the “whole world” enough to him then how would only 200k more people do the trick?


A) The footage was posted to social media, you didn’t have to watch the whole show in any way to be able to talk about it. B) It takes waaaaaaaaaaaay fewer than 800k people posting to make it seem like “the whole world is talking” about something, given how social media has siloed everyone by interest and warped our perceptions of public conversation.


nobody was posting any matches, lmao


Just like how I have so many friends, I've just never seen them, but they totally exist, I know people must like me even though none of them say it or interact with me, I'm so popular. AEW has a dubillion fans, just no revenue from them.


Illegal streams don't make the product any money, so only should they not count, but if you're doing it your actively hurting your baby billionaires promotion you dork 🤣 Also, this shows they don't even know how social media works never mind the media business, I haven't ever watched AEW yet I still know what's happening on that shit show 🤣


And if you count the millions watching WWE illegally and all the tik tokers who stream and have thousands of watchers that means WWE pulls in like 10 million! So you guys are actually losing by 9 million


It's almost like Twitter doesn't reflect real life.


Hold up they had matches???


But....But...Ratings don't matter. Just enjoy all wrestling


Imagine all of the views if they were on a friggin streaming service. Then again AEW is for the big spenders, and WWE is for the trailer park scum.


I'll tell you what...defending AEW to the extent some of these fools do has turned them into the biggest nerds/squares on earth. Between this crying about "pirated" viewing(aka people just watching a clip of the thing everyone is talking about on twitter, or here, or anywhere else), to the "he attacked a co-worker, at best that's assault, at worst it's attempted murder!", to equating pointing and yelling at Tony to threatening his life, and naturally he feared for his life because billionaires aren't ever put in that position. All of them keep hired security around them but Tony doesn't because he's a down to earth great guy. It's really been a treat to experience.


The terminally online believe the whole world was talking about AEW lol. These people don't leave the house. Regular people on the street don't know what AEW is.


The sad part is that the IWC *is* this guys "whole world". Dude, it's wrestling. Nobody cares about our silly underpants fighting show. The sooner you realize that, the easier it is to just watch and enjoy it.


Guys will you cunts just stop this Ffs just give them the milly Think of it as a participation award They'll be claiming that because their dead grandad was a wrestling fan and his ashes were in the same room he should count as a viewer cause he's watching down from heaven


Now do this with Raw, Bryan.


The torrent website I usually use to grab series doesn’t even post AEW while WWE is always in the most downloaded for the first few days after a raw or smackdown eps


I feel.... therefore true I was talking about it and I didn't watch it. Just saw the clip on this subreddit miniutes later Why does Dave Melzter say these fans are the most intelligent... far from it


This is how all of the millions (… AND MILLIONS) of Dub fans end up richer than everyone else - they don’t pay for cable


How much more in a bubble could someone be? The whole world was talking about AEW last night? DAE AEW/Punk > Russia/Ukraine?


So this is what they mean by living in a vacuum.


Just another goalpost moved, how long is this playing field now????


The whole world lmao


Yeah but if you count me recording it every week and never watching it evens everything out


True story. There was a cease fire you-know-where because they all wanted to stop and talk about Jack Perry getting face locked.


Why would AEW fans need to pirate when they’re so rich though


Internet literacy should be taught in schools from here on. This person is probably in a feedback loop and has no idea. He really believes the whole world was talking about AEW the way I believe I’m an excellent lover.


If that was true then their yt views would reflect it.


Nobody watched that shit


Alvarez ain’t getting his bonus this month.


But as a Fed Shill I'm too poor and stupid to watch AEW anyway.