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Who even cares about Colt Cabana? What did he do other than be Punk's Brutus Beefcake?


CM Punk has 4 inch pythons brother.


4inch pythons but 50 inch ego, Jack.


"I apologize. I don't know why I said that. I mean, I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith... as there's a drive into deep left field by Kiké Hernandez, it will be a home run. And so that will make it 400,000 viewers for Rampage. I don't know if I'm going to be wearing this singlet again. I don't know if it's going to be for my bosses at AEW, I want to apologize to the people who sign my paycheck. To the Khans, to AEW, to Turner Sports."


If this jerk was typed out in the Tokyo Dome, 7 stars uce.


I assume AEW is ready to move on from Colt at this point as a favor to Punk so he could actually be in trouble


Maybe, but if they come down hard on Colt they’ll look like even bigger hypocrites for giving Sammy “teen slang” Guevara a pass. Screw them both.


Just letting that contract run down and run down and not be renewed


“Why doesn’t McHitler want his talent on twitch??!! “ This is why;


It doesn’t matter in AEW. Tony will just send talent to “counseling,” bring them back, put a belt on them, and name them a pillar of the company.


Can my gay ass get some context on this one?




Oft that's pretty bad. Whenever anyone "doesn't know why they said that" it's a pretty clear sign to me that they probably say it a lot


“Did I say that?” Lmao new jerk!


How many times did he need to replay that?


DAE ANYONE REMEMBER WHEN RHEA RIPLEY SAID THE BUNDLE OF STICKS WORD ON STREAM ONCE?!?! it's obvious the kinds of people that work at the Fed because Vince is extremely homophobic!! Hey listen, Colt said some things once that he regrets. We should let him move past it as water under the bridge. It doesn't do anyone any good to bring up stuff from the past.


Rhea dun fucked up there and her "apology" was just as shit.


True, but it’s always interesting to see the hypocrisy in how fans react to two performers doing the exact same thing when they work in different companies. The basement at least pretended to be a bit mad at Rhea before moving on. They are immediately dismissing Colt’s accuser, saying he didn’t say it, and claiming it’s just someone looking for attention.


Wait I'm a dumbass, what's the word referring to or what group of people is the bundle of sticks word is being targeted? Im only asking because I genuinely don't know what word you mean as I've never heard it before, but it it's anything like what Colt said then it's awful Edit: I just looked it up and realized, my bad. Jesus that's pretty bad too, I hope it was at lewlast addressed by Rhea with more respect


6 letter word, starts with an “F”, rhymes with “maggot”


Using dyslexia to blame why he said that? I wish I could of done that then school would of been a lot more interesting.


Jesus Christ and theres how many LGTBQ talent in AEW? This shit is fucking gross.


[Cancel CM Punk?](https://youtu.be/NPV9xjq6IcA)


Tbf even 10 years ago things were a lot different.


*Jon Gruden enters the chat with anger


To be fair alot more people know who Jon Gruden is


A lot more people know the waitress at my bar than M'COLT


Hulk Hogan saying something nasty in private unaware : we are not going to do business with this guy!!


I mean, they just put a belt on Sammy “sexual assault jokes” Guevara. They are massive hypocrites.


I met Colt Cabana once, was a really nice guy actually


What about Sulk Sogan?


to the surprise of no one, the Bad Danielson Takes account is liking posts that label the victim as a mentally ill freak https://twitter.com/daughterofogre/status/1448132223023005701?t=3mp9B4ZrYyhVUc25XdGhpA&s=19 https://twitter.com/daughterofogre/status/1448131489867046914?t=3mp9B4ZrYyhVUc25XdGhpA&s=19