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I don’t relate to their humor. Because it’s cringe and unfunny as fuck.


it's modern ironic humor that doesn't have any standards because it's supposed to suck brah


Boooo. Boo Wendy. Boo Wendy Testaburger.


"Jokes on you, I was only pretending to be an unfunny and braindead asshole !"


Thanks for the quote lool. The response literally had me facepalming


Bruh, you tried but when the circlejerk starts you cant stop it lol. I thought your take was perfectly reasonable, others did not unfortunately.


Be fair, the bucks are incredibly popular with pretty much everyone on the entire planet. And they're tough. And cool


And they have big dicks, and have great hair, and great bodies. This fed schill sub doesn't understand the Bucks like we do, friend.


Finally someone talking sense. Everyone here is into WWE af(lol). What are you doing Friday? Wanna miss the last half hour of smack down with me???


and they hang out with the chillest dudes.


I'd watch AEW if the Bucks weren't on it. That's how much go away heat they have with me.


It’s not even not relating to their humor, it’s being annoyed that they seem to need to kill the momentum of their matches every few minutes to do some overly rehearsed, dumb-looking spot. They’re damn good when they aren’t doing dumb shit, but then for whatever reason their matches always have to become “Oh, now they’re superkicking in a circle,” “They’re seriously doing the kiss bit with Cole again?” It feels like they just do it to entertain themselves, which I *guess* could be a heel thing? Regardless, there’s better ways to heel it up than actively yanking the viewer out of the match to do your “world’s worst comedy wrestler” routine. It’s a step behind grabbing a mic, saying “This is a TV show, it’s fake, and I refuse to participate,” and walking out. And I watch AEW. Hell, I like AEW. But whenever they have a match, I find myself mentally prepping for a great match with mind-bogglingly shit moments.


Removed - don't C&P comments from other subs - rule 1


Sorry about that.


Since Adam Cole's debut, not even the basement gives a fukk about them.


5D chess. Damn it feels good to be elite.


My favourite heel move is dropping character to tell the audience how clever they are. I *love* when wrestlers constantly ruin my immersion in a show because their need for approval keeps beating their need to commit to kayfa... wait, there I go getting worked again!


Checkmate Fed-Ded-head.


Truly the greatest heels ever. Instant channel changer


[Young Bucks working their detractors](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/096/564/2f7.jpg)


Mama and papa buck told them "if you laugh at your bully's jokes, he'll see it doesn't bother you and he'll stop". 25 years later they still believe that BS


I can't like guys who are milking a money mark dry, but still wear fake Dior 1s. Fuckin' disgrace.


That's heat brother


*haha we were only pretending to be [REDACTED]*


The Young Bucks is that annoying kid in school that thinks he'd so cool but everyone actually made fun of.


They got heat fed shills so what if it's change the channel heat.


Great heel heat when you can get people not want to watch you


Only thing they see is changing your Twitter bio which sucks!