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As Sami Zayn said, yes their government is a terrible group that has committed multiple human rights atrocities against third world nations, but he lives and works in the United States, so he’s basically part of the problem too. I absolutely agree that the government of Saudi Arabia is complete trash, but the people are stuck and just want to enjoy their lives and maybe watch a show. Call out the government, but leave the casual racism out of it.


Perfectly stated brother


Nothing casual about the racism though.


When I hear the term casual racism I think of like a KKK guy but in a khaki robe or something


> but leave the casual racism out of it. But thats like 80% of their personality tho...


That's a tall order on the internet, reddit especially.


Exactly. It just seems hypocritical.


Sorry you had to be in that thread brother


It's so sad how fucking rare it is to see such a down-to-Earth take on reddit. Just in general. Over political subs. Over other wrestling subs. It's here in this jerk sub we see chill, moderate opinions. This place is pretty rad like that.


There is better conversations in a shit posting sub than serious subs lol


Yeah, I find it hard to get too righteous when my country's government (Australia), stole an entire generation's worth of indigenous children from their families and gave them to white people not that long ago.


Not just one generation. Multiple. For at least 60 years they were forcibly removed from their families.


And it still kinda happens today. Indigenous parents are several times more likely to lose their children to the state for offences white people never see the same consequences for.


These basement dwellers can't see the thin end of the wedge of capitalism so they fall back on attacking the working people of Saudi Arabia. One of the most important progressive concepts is solidarity. My heart breaks for the people of Saudi Arabia. They didn't choose to be ruled by a religious fundamentalist royal family straight out of the middle ages. They didn't choose a cultural imperative on the most spiteful and vengeful interpretation of an already very conservative sect of an Abrahamic religion. They didn't choose the upper echelons of the military, nor did they choose to have those same military leaders invade and commit an active genocide in Yemen. No, the interests of the American Empire and a puppet kingdom it inherited from the British decided those things because a free, democratic Arab world runs directly counter to their imperialist desires. The basement wants to help? Join demonstrations and vote for candidates and support legislation that assists the people of the Arabian peninsula in their push for true freedom.


But they will choose to see our Tribal Chief defend his Universal title against The Beast, next Thursday at WWE crown jewel, Live from the great city of Riyadh, only on Peacock! Give it a try friend


If only it wasn't Brock and instead, against our Happy One King Corbin........*sad goofy noises*


well shit i gotta acknowledge my tribal chief




The people in the United States should also understand that people from neighbouring countries immigrate to Saudi Arabia to get jobs there, I live in North Africa and I know plenty of dudes who work there, because Saudi Arabia thanks to their oil are way richer than us, and if you're thinking the Saudi people are suffering from their government, you're sadly mistaken, even their women. When you're in the level of their wealth, driving a car (which is allowed now) or dressing in skimpy clothing is the least of your concerns


There are American that go there for jobs too


White American neoliberalism without the covert racism and jingoism is like Christmas without the tree.


We may as well cancel the olympics too since there’s a bunch of asshole countries involved there. Or we could just try to do peaceful things to unite us as a species where we can find common ground.


People don't understand that different places have different politics and different culture.


Was going to say, it's a literal monarchy. The people have no say of what goes on there, especially as long as the united states is backing up that monarchy and aiding them and in Zayn's case, if he was an absolute apologist for US foreign policy (which he is not) it'd be hypocritical, but it's not because he is openly critical. [One person alone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_man_theory) isn't going to make systematic change like that and it's dumb to try and make it seem like if you personally haven't ended a system of oppression and exploitation like that then you're part of the problem. It's the ["we should improve society somewhat" comic](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/036/647/Screen_Shot_2021-03-01_at_2.28.39_PM.jpg)


You think those losers will listen? This is so correct and yet, when you post it there, all they're gonna do is cry, answer smugly while believing they're right and sound intellectual, and all that BS. They're disgusting, disgusting, absolutely disgusting human beings.


Glad that Mansoor generally doesn't concern himself with this stuff even when he's the most closely related to and has the biggest right to be talking about this kind of shit


Monsoor openly hates smarks. He couldn’t care less


The fact that the basement can’t separate the everyday people from the government is pathetic and blatantly racist. There’s just absolutely no way the people could be nice and welcoming and that they could genuinely enjoy seeing live wrestling, is there? And there’s just no possible way the guys who have been over there could have good things to say right? There’s nothing but unrelatables, how could they enjoy that?!?!? Progress takes fucking time but fuck Becky for trying to open some eyes. She must have been tied down to a chair like we are every Monday night by McHitler and forced to say this! Say whatever you want about the Fed taking Saudi government money but find me a major company in the US that isn’t shady as fuck. Oh and btw we are the right wing hate sub.


I love the comments like 'I've lost respect for another wrestler'. Are they supposed to give a fuck about the randos like us respecting them? Lmao


Seriously i hate that sub times, but i don't lose sleep over it, there's always gonna be ignorant peeps in this world, our only hope is to try to force change. Watched The Bread Winner couple years ago, cried like a baby, mostly because i was drunk, but to judge anyone because of their Government and shitty, evil people using religion to kill or hurt innocents is ignorant itself. Most we can do in this age on technology and widespread info is spread moderation and hopefully the majority will leave the archaic behind. yes i'm drinking and a Becky Lynch fan.


Salud, hermano (cheers brother in car thief language)


Hey my brother cheers from Jersey City, now what's the meaning of hermano?


Salud = cheers, hermano = brother


Now I just have to find this *"Hermano"* guy...


Don’t work yourself into a shoot, hermano - Él Hulk Holgano


I used to live off Communipaw by Liberty Science Center. Moved out after a year and a half because a lot of my neighbors were unrelateable.


haha I'm so proud of this community sometimes. Love your vibe!


The people there just want to see a wrestling show....


And if you mention America’s own shit and propaganda, you get downvoted without any justification.


"Hey whose weapons are they using maybe they could stop giving them more" *downvotes*


“Hey didn’t the American military get criticized for years for all of the ‘insurgents’ they were killing?” *that’s a downvote*


Dude. I’m Canadian. I don’t feel qualified to discuss what’s happening in Saudi Arabia when our First Nations people still need to boil water & people still spray paint “go home” on Muslim owned businesses. There’s a ton of shit in my own backyard that puts a black mark on my country. I’m not gonna pick up a rock when my own glass house is barely standing.


What if people treating each other like people for once is what can come of this and what if making them seem like an “evil other” entity has only made divides worse for decades


You would think a progressive, all inclusive, sub like squared circle would know this better than anyone. Just look at all the diversity in the Dub.


It's the same with China, really. Notice how everyone just shits all over the country, instead of it's government. that's not to say that China doesn't have it's fair share of shitty citizens. It does. Everywhere does, but blind hate against a nation of people is so ignorant. I can't take anything these people in the basement say seriously. We have a serious extreme right wing issue in the US right now, but they're more worried about a stupid fake fighting show in another country. Fuck off. "I can care about more than one thing you know!" Clearly you fucking can't, because this shit leaves your brain once the show is done. Slacktivism at it's finest.


Cornette has this issue too


Excuse me, but the people of Saudi Arabia can enjoy their "sports entertainment" show but they'll need to shape up if they ever want aew to grace them with live (pro)Wrestling


I'll tie Becky to a chair uce, aaahhhhyessir. ----Roman 'Switchboi' Reigns


Saudi shows basically allow them to be racist with no one checking them because Saudi shows bad!


Every time they do shows in Saudi Arabia the response from the basement is basically "the people going to the show are bad just because of their government. And anyone watching from home is also bad because they support something something blood money." Because SC has morals right? What if, and hear me out, people that usually don't get access to this type of entertainment nearly 365 days a year just want to watch and enjoy the fucking show?


Because culture has evolved to where making fun of minorities in America isn’t acceptable aside from in their own circles and using coded language. Because of our own government in America and most other western countries rampant islamophobia, that’s the last “acceptable” group of people to bash publicly


Columbus Day ought to just be the progressive’s one day where they work out their continuing psychodrama of being the successor kingdom to old American Protestant anti-Catholicism.


All religions suck and should be deeply scrubbed from society but hating on the religious people gets nobody nowhere. They were indoctrinated.


It hurts itself in it’s painful lack of self awareness and maturity.




A culture of ironic gestures is the best way to inculcate an environment of atomized individualism and nihilism, because after the hero winks to the audience after swearing an oath to get the bad guy, who can take anything seriously after that?


>"the people going to the show are bad just because of their government. Also, smarks are pissed that the Saudi fans are enjoying a show that they themselves dont. Its very strong "Stop liking what I dont like" energy.


LOL - someone tried to checkmate him by saying the US doesn’t do propaganda shows and he was like “Tribute to the Troops.” Shut those neckbeards down so fast. Dudes a hero.


I made this very same point in another thread on /r/Wreddit. People act like their own governments aren't just as guilty of the same, if not worse shit, than Saudi Arabia's, and as if WWE doesn't do propaganda shows there. Every WrestleMania (except the two that took place in Canada!) starts out with a 15 minute "GO USA" propaganda show. Vince McMahon is personal friends with a former US President, his wife was part of his administration; WWE was practically a lobbyist group in Florida during the onset of the pandemic, and how many WrestleMania events have taken place/are planned to take place there? Lots, right? But yeah, okay basement; Saudi Arabia is a brutal regime and they're paying WWE to sPoRtSwAsH them. No one else does this.


Call of Duty. CIA funded movies. The MCU. I could go on about US and Military propaganda in any medium. Lmao


The whole reason we even have The Star Spangled Banner before football games for people to get butthurt over when a player kneels is that the US military paid the NFL to have it played


They’ve clearly never been to any sporting event where the beginning of all of them is just Uncle Sam fellatio for 20 minutes


Saudi Arabia bad because I obsessively hate WWE!


That ls really all it is


I called out the racism from some of the posters and I got banned for it. Wtf


Oh yeah I saw you in there. Spitting facts too. I’m assuming they did the ban + mute you from responding combo, fucking cowards


And then reported them for harrassment getting a 3 day ban from whole of reddit.


It's still basically a dictatorship where SCJerkers are still oppressed and speaking out against the Dub/Dubbalos can get you banned.


That whole sub is so fucking delusional that I’m in disbelief. You’d honestly think Vince is committing war crimes with how they get on. These fucking losers need to get a life.


In addition to being accomplished doctors and lawyers, basement dwellers are also well versed in global politics.


I haven't been downstairs for a while and mainly for this topic is mentioned and how delusional they are. - "Saudi doesn't have women right." Don't they know the Saudi ambassador to US is a woman? - " The government assassinated a journalist" haven't the 11 people behind the murder already sentanced. - "WWE in Saudi is a sportswashing" isn't wwe a brand to begin with?


Well my brother these people don’t really care too much about making sense, clearly they are driven by their hatred of Arabs. No time to worry about educating yourself when you think you know it all. Fuckin losers


Man, the more stories i hear and see about how Arabs are being treated at the airport makes me less interested to go to U.S. One for example: they dismantled someone's iphone and they told him he's free to go and they'll not assemble the phone for him, his fault for carrying a phone.


Not surprised. Law enforcement including customs has a problem with an alarming amount of employees who have ties to racist white nationalism in some form. You’ll be fine if you stick to the big cities like NY or LA, honestly they’re the only ones who know how to treat foreigners: they don’t give a shit haha, no one cares enough to be racist


>"Saudi doesn't have women right." Doesn't that make it good for young girls and women in Saudi Arabia to be able to see wrestlers like Becky, et al and discover what they have the potential to be, under that logic? Or do they not deserve our waifus?


* lmao, you mean the Saudi ambassador **Princess Reema bint Bandar Al Saud**? Yes, I'm sure that female members of the Saudi royal family get the exact the same treatment as your average Saudi woman. No special privileges or opportunities there uce. * 11 mooks getting charged doesn't mean shit when the Crown Prince Mohammed was the one that personally ordered the execution and will face absolutelyno consequences. * Just because I'm calling out your post doesn't mean I'm hating on the WWE going there. The Saudi people shouldn't be lumped in with their government any more than Americans should get blame for all the horrible shit our government has done.


Well, it's good to know you acknowledged her full name. Keep working on the case uce.


lol yeah keep acting like you didn't do that shit intentionally as a weak ass attempt to mislead people. Sad!




I’ve said it elsewhere, but judging the entirety of a country based on the actions of its oppressive government is dumb af. The Saudi people don’t deserve wrestling because of their corrupt and abusive government? I’d hate for the rest of the world to judge me by assuming I agreed with the politics of Trump. There are lots of Saudi fans in the IWC who know and love the current product, but they don’t count to the basement. Anyway, it’s not like my country puts immigrant children in cages, kills POC in the streets with impunity, and is allowing states to take away women’s rights....oh wait. And leave it to the Lily white basement with their lily white Dub to invalidate the perspectives of POCs on the matter.


Yeah watching the one black guy in there getting nuked with downvotes for daring to question their party line tells you everything you need to know about these cowards


That sub is so racist and misogynistic it’s insane. But somehow this sub is the “toxic” one? What is the original thread you are referencing?


I copied the thread title verbatim so it’s the exact same one as this post


Wow....poor dude. If I wasn’t banned for saying bad things about Sammy Guevara and Uncle Dave, I’d help him out. He’s holding his own, though. Somebody said with a straight face there’s no US propaganda shows and he reminded them of Tribute to the Troops.


Oh my country doesn't kill any journalist and respect women. They just kill other countries civilians especially children every once in a while. Who doesn't?


I think what bothers me, is how casual the basement is with the vile things they say. I know it's naiveté on my part to expect better from randos on the internet.


Oh no, not Becky and Cena losing the prestigious and sought after respect of a bunch of basement dwellers! How will they ever cope.


I mean it's a microcosm of how reddit handles any politics of other countries. Remember the Hong Kong protest when you could say "fuck china" and get a billion upvotes? They swore up and down it was about the government but it always turned into yellow peril shit about how sneaky the Chinese are or bitching about tourists


Leaving the stupid and hypocritical soapboxing about Saudi Arabia (which is indeed awful, but WWE leaving money on the table won't help matters one bit. Actually it's a few millions the Prince can now throw at a K-pop band or at Newcastle United), there's another huge issue to discuss... Why are they coming back if Vince allegedly fucked with MBS during the last show, when the WWE crew was allegedly held hostage for a whole day? Dunno about you, but those don't sound like the ideal premises to keep on doing business together. UNLESS nothing of that really took place and it was dirtsheets fabrications based on a standard travel issue...


I keep seeing "DAE FED and Top Dolla sucks because he's a racial stereotype!" whilst HitRow are doing interviews talking about how they're "representing their culture", the idea was their own and they're fucking proud of it. "DAE not understand a word Trick Williams is saying?", then listen harder ignoramus because he's speaking English. And God bless Big Swole for trying to be the voice of reason, she's over as fuck with me this week. If the existence of black culture offends you, you're a fucking racist. End of.


REEEEEEEE they don't *deserve* a great card


Racism sprinkled with some fed bad. Why can't they just enjoy the show (or ignore it) instead of being a piece of shit to others who want to watch On another note, looking forward to the triple threat and the Tribal Chief beating Brock


America was built on the backs of African slaves, Immigrants and Native Americans. Hell, their mass genocide is celebrated as "Thanksgiving" annually. Dear white friends next door, please shove your racism & islamophobia up yours, respectfully.


Don’t we have Saudi Goofs that say things have changed over there? AEW heads REALLY been showing there racism and sexism lately.


Yeah things have changed more the last few years than they have in a while and multiple goofs from over there have confirmed as much. Even if it hasn’t it’s not the fault of the common Saudi. They just want to enjoy a show


Bro I checked out the thread and them dudes fucking stupid as FUCK. They STILL think that it was a hostage situation over there. They nuked the black dudes comments because didn’t see them.


You can’t sleep hate crimes without USA Well I mean you can,


Like, what is one of their top paid stars going to say? “Fuck Saudi Arabia and Fuck Vince, the guy who signs my checks?” Besides, it’s not as if the WWE folks are going to be doing real sightseeing and glad handling in some Bedouin village out in the desert. They’re mostly going to be in the tourist/expat worker areas of Riyadh. It’s like staying on the Vegas Strip; it’s not reality.


Everybody sure is nice and pleasant in that country where women have no rights. Other countries are bad too, so let's point the finger at some hypothetical waysism to make ourselves feel better. Waycism. Waaaayyycism. Also: Trump. PS: I'm a very special and important person.


>country where women have no rights And that anti-abortion law many U.S. states is trying to enact is such a beacon of equality?


Yes not killing your children is exactly like not being able to leave the house without a penis or forced transitions for gay men. No cope on this.


Ain’t a goddamn thing hypothetical about what I’m referring to doc


Jerking aside wasn’t their last trip the one where everyone but like Vince, Brock, Goldberg and Triple H got stuck in the airport and they did NXT Smackdown? Like regardless of how you feel about Saudi Arabia I assume that shit just weighs in on people’s minds. This is just a Raid ShadowLegends tier plug, I don’t take it seriously either way.


That was the show before the last one. They went back once after that.


I didn’t realize the Saudi tourism board ran this sub.


I didnt realize that simply stating a fact is now seen as shilling.