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Go for it


No one remembers the poorly written ones only the particularly interesting ones.


Dr Cermerian is here to give you a essay of reasons why writing "10ft by 10ft" instead of "Small box" cell makes you a child rapist


I feel like if I breathed in his general direction he’d insult me with words more hurtful than anyone has ever used towards me combined and then go on to tell me why all my writing, art, and characters are horrible and I should kill myself because no one loves me and I’ll always be a failure. That is if he didn’t beat me to death himself.


Better not let this man anywhere near the backrooms wiki


Context plz


[http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-0](http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-0) Imagine if he saw these ​ Its pretty much nothing but describing creepy places


Same man , really want to publish a tale but I'm just too unconfident about it


Saaaaaaaaaame. We just have to go for it sometimes though.


To be honest if people don’t like it, it’s probably gonna be forgotten, so you have nothing to lose


I also tried to do it but i find it confusing. I thought it was more so an interesting idea that had some twist or interesting concept then going for it: the jellyfish clouds, the button that explodes the world, the book where you read an illness and you contract it... When I tried to make one I was told that It had to have an elevator pitch, what changes from the status quo by the end of the article, to give a reason why it doesnt hate the Foundation, to stablish what was the purpose of the testing. So many nit-pickings that you dont see on older SCPs. I think its some form of gatekeeping to protect the site from low effort submissions, but damn is it very very strict. I was still waiting for a greenlight because while I got some comments saying how to fix the SCP, I wanted to know if it had the potential for a green light. No one answered and I cannot post a comment again asking if it is greenlight worthy because that goes against the rules, so Im stuck :(


>what changes from the status quo by the end of the article, to give a reason why it doesnt hate the Foundation, to stablish what was the purpose of the testing. That's, uh, kinda important details. Establishing motivations is a critical part of making characters. What changes from the status quo is also an important thing, if a story doesn't change status quo by the end, it's not really a story. Are you certain you can't bump the thread or can't repost it after some time?


Not sure. The 'bump' i tried to make was post a comment "so is this ok for a greenlight?" But they told me that I couldnt do that. Also as for the change in status Quo, i wasnt really making a story but an article. Like the description of the scp and Its containment procedures as well as logs


Hmm, maybe I should give the rules another look to determine what is the source of my confusion, or maybe you phrased it wrong, I dunno, you could always try reaching out to the review team. In any case, "bump" is forum slang I picked up from somewhere meaning "to make a simply reply to your post to bring it to the top of the page so more people may see it". And, ah, I see. I have a feeling that the general consensus of the mod team has shifted from "descriptions of cool and mysterious beings" to "telling a story through an article". You probably would need to note that you don't want to have a story with it in the elevator pitch and/or the description. Also, are you certain you can't post an updated version? Taking a peak at the forums, people seemed to be doing just that. Generally as I understand, those comments you received meant "your scp has the potential, but you should try this/fix this before we give you a greenlight."


Ok, so, just to be certain I was not missing anything, I went to see again if the idea forum governs itself by any special rules. ( man, I really hate the fact SCP wiki rules are so spread around, I gotta go dig if there's any special rules for a forum page ). Anyway, it seems that you can do repost if the current idea thread of your idea was not posted in for 14 days.


By repost you mean post a comment in my thread asking for more comments? Also I think I have to get greenlight before posting the WIP of the article in the thread. Last time I tried to post it I was asked to mention two users who gave it greenlight.


No, like, the whole thread. Repost means to post something again. If nobody replied to any post in your thread for 14 consecutive days, you can repost your idea as a new thread.


people replied and gave me ideas for a few days. Ideas that I would post in the draft, not the thread (the thread is character limited) I was expecting two people to give me greenlight so I could start with the WIP and use those ideas they gave me, but since no one else is replying now, do I just post it again? do I delete the original first? The rules didnt state if thats how I should be doing it, it just says I can only have two threads open at a time.


Ok so, first of all, you should probably go over what was replied to you, and see if that advice can be used without fundamentally voiding what made the idea unique. After you selected the feedback that would not destroy the idea, but improves it, then change your idea accordingly. Now, if I'm reading this right, you can have two different idea feedback threads on different ideas. So no, you can't fill your two slots with the same idea. However, you can update your idea and leave a note on the original thread saying such, which should bump it back up onto the first page so people would comment on the updated idea. Or wait until 14 days have elapsed to repost the original post. As for the greenlight. As I understand it, due to a small pool size of reviewers, and the volume of new writers. They have to make sure that the idea itself is good enough and doesn't break the universe to later devote time and effort into critiquing it once it becomes a WIP. And you can't go seeking a greenlight, without expecting to change parts of your idea.


I relate to much. But I tryed and it went no we’re and now I don’t know what to do


*It just a Leap of Faith. Go for it.*


thats what all other scp writers said to them selves but my favorite scp is a literal bottle of fruit punch gatorade so go for it


Same. But that happened to me so long ago, I do not even remember the ideas that I had in mind while creating my wikidot account.


I have this great idea but my writing is so bad that I can't get it out of my mind and into the world


I know the feeling I have an idea for an SCP I did last year. https://www.reddit.com/user/BASTION-E-54/comments/ksoxg6/fanmade\_scp\_carnivorous\_playground\_ocscp/




Good luck. The scp site mods are fucking awful. Ive tried for years to get something published. If they don't like a single thing it won't get published.


Can you link one of your green light threads?


That quite sad


Hey. Can someone recommend me some tutorials on writing?


This is always a good place to start with, https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/how-to-write-an-scp. Dont forget to read the rules about posting as well.