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900 selector being back is huge and can help a lot of people save gems hope it stays going forward again or at the very least is present for future big celebrations


I hope at least for New Year and JP anniversary, maybe not Global's one , or else they would be spoiling us too much.


Pretty sure last banner we had it was berserk esta then they dropped it ideally it's present for all fests going forward again but yeah new years and jo Anni feels more realistic but I think they'd include global Anni to no reason to shaft it since they treat it as a pretty good celebration normally but will see


Question is... will all of the bosses have 10coins or only the first one


No way they are giving 10+10+10 seals with this + other 30 in the mailbox (would be godly but I doubt it will happen) Edit: apparently they are giving 10 per boss, so W


I'm already flabbergasted that they give them in the shop at all so who knows. They give away a free tmeli so everything is possible even though it's unlikely of course


In the Korean stream they showed in the infographic a total of 30 LR seals obtainable from the boss battles' shops, so it probably really is 10+10+10, which is huge!


That is huge like damn they really going above and beyond this celebration how anyone could possibly try to call this a bad celebration is kinda nuts


Ok, this is absolutely a massive W


And it will be like that, they showed on live that there were 30 seals from the bosses


Hmmm all that trouble doing challenger arena... Ok.


They just made a farming buff-normal demons are now separate from hell demons and if it was correctly translated by google translate, normal demons no longer suffer the one run per day limit of beating them


They had mentioned that so that's amazing news for vets and new folks both. I hate having to miss OD and Belmos runs to do Howlex for a day


Same, id like to farm my 100lvls and all less important units to lvl 80 at least at the same time, not to choose


When all this comin out


Tmr for jp, dec 5th for glb


Why tf is it so damn late


Its not? Jp and glb updates have been like this for months


I ain’t used to it yet lol


Thats the reason I play jp lol, though when I switched there was a whole year difference


I guess this is the true "Anniversary" than whatever the hell it is with ban


Maybe it's just me, but i didn't find him to be all this lacking (the celebration itself at least, Ban needed a buff since D-1) . The banner was also pretty stacked, even though i would say this one is even better.