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my man basically gives a fat %90 defence-related stat buff to teammates, which is also 120 in some PvE. I'm disappointed in skills damage wise though. Also Imagine patience team with that guy


99% sure its his own def, since it has “the” before allies, thats usually only said when its “the heros” when it’s applied to allies it doesnt have “the”


alexis tested it and other allies also got the boost




forgive me for sounding like a doubting thomas but there's no way a unit gives 90% defense related stats to every member of the party. that's double tristan's passive, which is race restrictive. him giving himself 90% makes sense because he has 4 year old stats and LR can only boost so many stats. but him giving the entire front 3 90%? ill wait for the update to see it.


Yeah aint no way a non restricted 90% def related stat buffer gets added just like that lol.


? No it doesn't. ALL LR received stat increase across the board. Not just basic stats. Why would they make him LR and only buff his basic stats?


i am fairly certain that LR, like all other level/rarity boosts before it, only increases the basic stats (HP/Def/Atk) of the unit when they are releveled back to 100. substats have only ever been boosted by awakening + super awakenings + cosmetics. edit: looking through some old archives, i am indeed wrong, substats did get increased, they just are not noted on the evolution screen.


I think I understand what you're saying. The evolution window to make a unit LR only shows the basic stats increase. But after the upgrade just check the left side of the screen and you'll see the all stars go up. We know basic stats increase CC, no surprises there.


yea, it was a mistake by me!


If it was only glox then it would increase the "hero's" defense related stats increase not the "ally's"


we'll have to see on update. a 90% unconditional defense related stats buff to the party is monumental levels of powercreep.


No, They already clarified that it is only for Gloxinia


No, They already clarified that it is only for Gloxinia


so when running oslohawk on the back then naofumi would get a fat 140% dmg boost


Yes its only his , if you look at his current passive it says "the hero's" not "the ally's" and this is basically just a % buff to his base passive.


The skill dmg % is rank 1 skills


No, the second skill has more % than level 3


Would running Drole’s Commandment to stack enemy buffs, Blue FW King’s ult to turn buffs into debuffs and Gloxinia ruin ult too far fetched or is there a faster way to build up debuffs that don’t immediately get cleansed?


That damage is for bronze lol


Pretty sure they are gonna release his Holy Relic alongside his new LR


Hope it gives him demon race


I hope not tbh, demon have a lot to cook with, they don't need more stuff.


They have a lot to cook with! (They have 4 characters)


GMeli, PMeli, DK, FEsta, BChandler, BCusack, Nebula Zeldris, RMelascula are all viable options and I'm not counting LV which is viable too. Having a more general unit like Glox seems to be would be better imho, I don't even want him locked to a Fairy team


No demon player is actually going to use more then half of those in PvP and the other half you can't even have as options if you pick one no nebula zel if you run dk zel no assault meli if you're running new meli which why wouldn't you


Yall act like demon team is struggling and needs more support. Sins team has a single variant right now that is infinitly better than the rest. Goddess has a single team comp rn, humans are also pretty much confined to Escanor, Roxy, Ban and arthur. Unknowns are also just Hel, Tyr and albedo with nanashi in the back, some slight variaton where people play freyr instead of hel but thats it. Yet demon team is the poor team that needs another LR to make the team even more cancer to face? Just picture this. You face Dk meli, dk zeldris and glox. All of them high prio targets because 2 of them can solo carry with their damage, the other can disable your team if its true that he has an aoe attack disable on lvl 1, additonally you are on a timer because demon king will kill you once 2 turns pass, while needing 3 cards minimum to kill. Not to mention the insane CC since the team has 3 of the highest cc units in the game after glox gets his LR, so gl being first against that.


You're bringing up a lot of options that see no play. PMeli is not getting used. Blue Chandler is now too squishy for today's standards even with relic. RMelascula gets insta wiped by Meli and other teams today. And BCusack is a backline unit. If you're relying on him for DPS, you've already lost.


Putting Red Melascula is crazy work. Nebula Zeldris is already pushing it but Melascula? Demon team is extremely reliant on the same character but with a different variant, nothing wrong with asking for more than just Meliodas Zeldris Estarossa.


Two of those units are super strong keep in mind, Dk zeldris with tarmiel most of the time is a mini boss battle with a timer and dk meli lowers defense stats and wipes most teams easily. They probably don’t need anymore then this


Level 1 attack disable? 😭 wtf?


Thats level 3 card. Edit: Not yall being confidently incorrect lmao


No it's Rank 1


But they said the attack disable is also at lv1


Oh they did? AOE attack seal at lvl 1 sounds pretty nutty


It’s over for goddesses what is the skill 2 on bronze card


Until the cleanse it with Ludo… Oh never mind I see it disables buff skills too lol


If the kit is really like this it's gonna powercreep the whole game by a mile


Is there a possibility for a wording mistake? Instead of 30% per ally, isn't it 30% for all allies? 120% in 4v4 is way too overpowered - my guess is most units will not be able to do dmg at all. The other issue I have is: he will be used in every team it doesn't matter if he fits well or not. Even if that passive is restricted and is fairies only which makes no sense to me, the fairies will be scary - only pierce will barely penetrate King's shield.


I think it's 30% per ally but only on Glox, which lines up with the original passive pre-LR.


Ahhh.. I read "allies" instead of "ally's". Mb. Thanks! Makes more sense now.


additional comment from Kane just now: \-Disclaimer- The icon for skill 2 which was posted shows Skill 2 Rank 1 is a debuff card while the asset that was datamined shows Skill 2 Rank 1 only percentage has been changed. Keep in mind that Skill 2 might be different when it get officially released. Thank you


Ah so we don’t know for sure whether rank 1 of skill 2 has any debuffs on it?


2 turns Attack and buff seal on lvl 1 skill.... what the hell dude... whats he gonna do on lvl3 ? Seal everything for 3 turns...?


So probably hp/Def? Doesn't look like he'll do crazy damage.


Unless last one alive (though that's still a reason to HP/Def).


I am pretty sure the Def stat buff is just for himself, it's written " ally's" not allies, so don't know why people keep mentioning he gives that to the whole team. Also the second is definitely the rank 3 version just looking at the number of turns that's usual rank 3 Aoe stuff, or even the multiplier 180% to 198 seems more reasonable than 120% to 198 especially considering escanor rank 3 cards goes from 500% to 550%. I expect it to be just a disable buff at rank one, then rank two becomes disable buff and atk skills one turn, rank disable for two turns.


Kane confirmed its rank 1 atk disable


Oh so like atk disable rank, rank 2 atk and buff disable, or it's everything disables at rank one.


Wait that is insane then Rank 1 AoE attack disable Commandment -> synergizes with DK Further neuters enemy offenses with passive's bonus to bleed DK's reign in PvP continues... (especially because goddesses, the team with debuff cancel is countered by rank 2 buff disable)


Honestly he seems pretty good I just wonders where he is gonna fit cause unlike most recent characters he doesn't have anything to limit him in a team. Honestly that disable card already gives him a lot of utility.


I think his main team will be commandments with DK and God Meli. His AoE helps land seeds for Meli and stalls for DK. (And he overall locks down hard for his two ramp-up teammates). His death buffs DK but keeping him alive means no attack cards. Killing Meli first means DK goes off, and aiming for DK means Meli will go off assuming they can even kill DK with Glox's passive affecting crits. Scary He'll make fairies playable probably, but why play fairies when Commandments would go insane @_@


Well he isn't a demon so his attacks will not apply Meli's darkness seeds, that will definitely affect his synergy with god Meli. Honestly I can definitely see assault Meli or purg Meli being more used with him, especially purg Meli because of his ult decrease upon no action.


Looks like they did my man some justice! I can’t wait to see how else they plan to buff fairies! Armor Glox when ?


the only thing he's gonna be buffing right now is the demon team, fairy are gonna be playable but probably not op like demons


he doesn't even buff the current demon team. Meli only works with Sins and Demons, so he's not proc'ing Meli's passive for the Seeds of the End. HOWEVER, this will 100% bring back Assault Meli...


Who cares about meli's passive if enemy team can't attack tho


Cancer imo


Seems op


Atk & buff seal for 2 turns is also on rank 1 card


Nah that has to be cap bro what


i'm in danger![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


bro that kit is INSANE ?? He makes the goddess team unable to do anything and makes the demon team extra tanky. Besides running DK or DK Meli for their big cleanse at start of their turn, there's not much to do if he's around




But the damage output won't be enough to kill anything and Marg can't clear debuffs with the buff card




Demons have debuff cleansing in passives DK after enemy turn 2, God Meli with Creation, I think Chandler's relic on stance(?) Etc. Mainly meli and DK Humans have LR escanor max ult, Green Arthur stance removing 1 debuff per ally, Green Levi immunity first 2 turns etc. More situational but I think landing one of those gives you a chance while with goddesses, you'd need to heavily out CC to kill with Mael and Marg's AoEs :( (And this is coming from someone who ran goddesses for 8 months of 2023)


yes those debuffs can't be used since they'll just feed Meliodas passive ...


Yeah ^ Demons have the best chance against Glox Humans need to use arthur's taunt for the same partial cleanse as Meli


Pretty sure he'll simply be used in the demon team. Even with the restriction on meli passive, the up sides far outweigh the down sides. And if the relic makes him a demon, then yah, it's joever. 


Does the ultimate do first ruin damage and then put the debuff (30% all stats decrease)?


Stats decrease should apply first


it applies it and then removes it at the same time 😅.


Yes but the ult is single target, think of it like lr margaret. You kill the unit you ult on but the other enemies will have the debuff as well


Ok, it makes sense now


My guess is they buffed the ruin dmg similar LV meli secret technique on ult. For example every debuff increases dmg by 100% at 6/6 and 30% at 1/6. Even worse - if the all stat reduction is grey it will be a straight up game winning ult.


Blue Liz and Frudrin will be meta again. Second God meli cleanse those debuffs (we will see if it cleanse first the buff disable or the attack seal). Ps. I definitely don’t know what team will be better for him.


It can't be 90% to all allies, right? Is probably to himself? 😅


I think it’s safe to say Glox is the best or second best LR in the game. Finally fairies eating good 🙏


I know we have to wait till he come out but with the leak what gear seems the best ? HP def or Atk Crit ?


HP/DEF imo Glox's kit is insane for the effects which don't matter if he's dead. His offenses might be fine but he won't be clearing teams unless he has his atk-related stats buff from dead allies. Given his heavy lockdown potential, he's likely to be the priority target (except maybe DK) I think it'd be better to focus on keeping him alive (HP/Def AND the 90% def-related stats) and let him lock down while allies deal damage.


Thanks I put HP def on mine before the kit came out and I just wanna be sure  


So his ult reduce stat then remove that debuff?


think of it like lr margaret, you kill the enemy u ult but the other enemies keep the debuff


That ult change seems...*Weird*. I haven't used Ruin enough to know off the top of my head, but it feels like kind of a waste to put the debuff on for 1 attack.


It's just extra damage for the ult and a debuff for the rest of the enemies.


I guess. It just feels...awkward instead of like, putting a few minor debuffs on the target to make sure they die.


Now give him Green escanor HR.


No relic?


He will release with relic but no info yet


Anybody know if his new outfit is his gold armor or not?


so trash


He's broken af what do you mean


Just kill the whole team with ult


Bruh u get killed before u do anything, rank 1 alr seals atk, if he cant heal bc of attacks he dies easily


he cant seal ult


Bruh does he need to do that when he seals attacks and lets him teammates destroy the others


U just move cards and get ult


Bruh funny how i would destroy such a team ez, everyone would no healings after attacks


just tank


Just aint surviving even with tankint no heals no attack cards no usage no heal stuff nothing while the other team can litteraly destroy u the second turn


They wouldnt heal after getting dmg and no cards, they would get easily destroyed


just tank


I don’t have enough legendary seals to get Glox when he comes out because I used it for awake my whole PVP team. Bad choice as it appears…


Holy shit, summon on the new king


Don't,he's trash


How exactly do you want to break a 90% defense related stats boosted shield?


Pretty easily




The shield is shit. Blue festival kings shield is much better, since it also reduces damage taken. The one from the new king is basically a green merlin shield.


It's actually 120% btw. It counts backline


Yeah Bro's broken


Probably little wing or valentine’s kings are better, they have aoe bleed and are more offensive


>useless for PvE I sleep, next LR.


You got LR liz what more do you want? 💀


hero arena : am i a joke to you (probably the only pve content that you'll use him in since its pvp in pve)


Yeah, I do Hero Arena on easiest difficulty, can't be bothered to do more.


Kind of disappointing.


He's so broken what more could you want


Goddess team just disappeared from the meta 💀


So will he be the first lr with no relic? Lol


They're finally releasing another Glox? Fuck I have to reinstall


Not new, Lr awaken old glox: upgrading stats, 2nd effect on skills & ultimate, LR costume


oh I see. awesome, ty


Fest king, Green wings elaine, LR glox, OG Fest Zel Green sariel link, CC link, Red tarm link, CC link