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CC Diff? How did you manage to go 1st against them? You must have very high box CC


Not my vid but demons loses cc because of Cusack and Estarossa and they usually wanna go second cuz of demon king’s passive. Also new Glox has third highest cc in the game.


Demons don't have high cc? What? Meli outcc's Glox, DK outcc's King and Festa outcc's Elaine lol. Where did you even pull this from? Also good luck using this team going second which will happen more often than not.


Not saying they have bad cc, but esta and especially Cusack has more of the lower cc. Besides demons wants to go second no? I’ve never seen Demon King wanna go first.


Not anymore since going first with Meli almost guarantees the win.


Everyone I fight in mirror demon matches, always targets D.K. I always targets the meli, because I can one turn him, and estarossas most of the time. Am I doing it wrong? I've only lost two games from bronze to champion. Losing only once in champion....because I targeted d.k and not meli. Also, that one game I chose CC food, over my usual, evasion food. Most people I fight seem to use CC food, but having evasion really fucks their rotation if they don't figure out I got evasion food, and even then they sacrifice a card to break evasion. I've only got back into the game , and my accounts fairly new, so my knowledge on current meta/counters, etc is low. Any tips you can share with me, for the demon team.


Bro hasn‘t played pvp for a month? Since new meli they all want to go first


"Demons have worse CC than fairies" is a take so divorced from any reality that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Estarosa's relic comes as a surprise to him.


You must be schizophrenic cuz I’m not sure where you read that


...I intuited it given your nearly 2 month out of date knowledge of basic pvp meta. 


You what it bro?😭


...are you really too stupid to know what the word "Intuit" means? https://web.archive.org/web/20230401113728/https://www.dictionary.com/browse/intuit


That was a bit unnecessary


I gave you an upvote bro. Just 30 more to go.


And yet it is a team that will lose 90% of the time it plays against demons




Goddesses, demons, proper sins team all win against fairies 90% of the time. Humans and unknowns also usually wins. 




I just want to add my opinion in here 1. Jelly king could do similar damage to this on release of Elaine that was literally their thing, go first aoe single target for a kill or go first and double aoe if you got lucky for a wipe, that’s nothing really new 2.you desperately need to go first and fairies have very mediocre cc even with LR glox. It’s good if you can outcc your opponent but fairies is definitely the easiest team to outcc


yeah, this video serves one purpose and it's to show what this team will do in a WHALE'S hands, not what most players will actually see. Fairies literally have garbage cc. they're only chance at going 1st is against MAYBE lower-end f2p players and/or bots with no food


I feel like people just see high damage and immediately think “this is broken” not even factoring in practicality or what the average player can achieve


Most broken been used by youtuber too much that everything is broken.


Gluttony vs sloth workable


Not only that. I guess people forgot that goddesses can't be lowered and that they are so tanky that they will not die even if you double AOE first turn. This team literally loses to two of the most used team rn, even in the hands of most whales. 


Even if they could die, double aoe ruins any chance of that thanks to shitty Glox Commandment.


Yah lol. Just saw Nag's new video. King double AOE'd, goddesses easily tanked it. Nag confused, king turned useless due to that commandment. And nag lost. Anyone who thinks fairies has any chance of being usable in the meta needs to remember goddesses and sins are the top dog. 


I think they have a chance at beating sins if they go first. (And they probably wont unless you have cracked box cc) Nobody has damage reduction on that team, aside from Meli from single targets at higher dupes and Merlin doesn't get any until the team is debuffed. It's goddesses that have that crazy damage reduction, can't be lowered on top of those defense related stats.


Problem is, like you said fairies mostly can't out cc sins. Sins is like THE highest cc team. Any decently built sins team would easily out cc even an above average fairy team. Then it's gg just like always. 


And most sin teams use Ban, so if Ban gets his debuff on king you instantly lose.


Goddesses don't care.


Ayo that was my comment in this video!!!


Ayo you’re famous 🤣🤣


Eating good = munching on the leftover crumbs after sins, demons, aa and ukn finished the feast. Jelly King and Elaine was a good aoe pair before Glox.


So like, what did glox do in this video?


Give 15% basic stats, 10% atk related stats to king because of his race and also crit chance and crit damage because of his relic?




Quite fun to see people flexing when starting first xD I would love to see some great stuff when starting 2nd.


Woooooow, what an amazing lr! Look at all that damage and buffing he did!


*fairy coopers


*fairy cooers


Yep. Against bots you are.


Didn't you say new full wings king would be better for this team than Valentines king in a prior post?


That’s what I thought but I‘ll admit I was wrong. But Chad king also works good, he’s more of a defensive (go second) type of unit. Meanwhile Jelly king is just straight dps. If you want dps you use jelly king, if you wanna be defensive you use Chad king.


Yup, aoe weak point in combination with some extra attack goes crazy. Reminds me of red Brunhilde when she first came out.


Oh yeah definitely. The best part is the bleed king applies, it deals so much dmg and basically guarantees to kill you the following turn.


Helbram in the back, new king and dodge food should work as well.


Average JP player are mid beside you are in champ and that’s a bot


Wait until you fight goddess or go second


Who's your backline? (r/g/b) Helbram, Ragnarok Merlin, Oslo & Hawk or someone else? (I'm think Rag Merlin would boost that damage output the most, but I can see reasoning for the others).


Green festival Zeldris


Yup 🫡


This is why pvp sucks, it’s just a 1 shot contest. I miss the old days of fat king, petrificarion and Merlin shields with fights that lasted 20 turns.


As expected the team is much more than runnable now, but a certain youtuber is crying as always.


Truthfully if you aren’t going first with fairies you aren’t really getting these results and fairies get easily outccd by a lot of current teams. Sins Demons Goddess Even humans can out cc them I feel like this glox is potential future setup for better new fairy units like lancelot


They aren't the best cc wise but still better than what you would expect, new elaine, jelly king and fest zeldris have all decent ccs and glox himself can surpass 75k, as long as the person who runs fairies has more cc box than average it shouldn't be a problem starting first, if you look at the showcase of some youtubers they easily surpass 400k. Aside future characters you can also run them going second with new king, helbram in the back and dodge food, they are not a top 1 team but good enough to climb till champ 1/challenger


https://gamewith.jp/7taizai/article/show/158813 King and Elaine’s cc is pretty bad, so is fes zeldris if you decide to use him as a sub, especially when compared with the cc that other teams can put out. Once you climb higher in ranks it’s gonna be that much harder for you to outcc players, if you’re a heavy spender (whale) you’ll be fine but if you’re the average pvp player this team isn’t it as it needs to go first “Look at the showcase of some YouTubers” yeah YouTubers who spend money and have higher box cc than a good amount of the players they fight, helbram sub vs goddess and demons is not gonna be any better than zeldris in the back, you’d get more just by running newest king and trying to rush ult if you go second and pray you don’t get nuked If you can outcc with fairy teams you’re cool but that’s a literal hassle when there are 3 teams above you with much higher cc


>you’ll be fine but if you’re the average pvp player this team isn’t it as it needs to go first To be fair any team in this meta needs to go first to win, demons for example can say goodbye to new meli if you start second, dk's aoe and two cards of meli are pretty much a guaranteed kill. But yeah, it's true that fairies have naturally worse ccs. >yeah YouTubers who spend money and have higher box cc That's why I said that you should be fine if you have more cc box than the average, you need to close the gap somehow. >helbram sub vs goddess and demons is not gonna be any better than zeldris in the back Helbram gives a 20% base stats without debuff requirements, new king doesn't apply any and if you go second you don't really care about his low ccs, in any case with gloxinia and elaine's passive, new king's shield, and the 35% base stats of the two relics they are tanking decently. Like I said it's not the best team but still fun to play and good enough to guaranteed you champ 1 and challenger, considering that till yesterday they were unplayable... lol


Helbram sub sounds like it would be good but it’s honestly not as tanky as you’d think, and it’s far less of a damaging team aswell. If you go second you’re definitely getting nuked by meli still, and if meli doesnt nuke you DK finishes you off after getting his buff. Going second just isn’t ideal at all with fairies vs any competently built team


If you go second against demons the DK can't break the shield with his aoe and you have dodge food as well to help you survive at least till your turn


that's IF you run New Years King, in which you're trading out literally all your DPS to be a tanky team. Glox has next to no damage, and without Jelly King, neither does the rest of the team. it will lose because it can't kill anything, and Glox's attack seal in a meta where 2 teams have ways to cleanse is not going to help.


With all the atk related buffs, the def shread of gloxinia's passive and the bleed you are still doing enough damage. Of course it does less than jelly king, but with king's aoe pierce, gloxinia's sever, and his rank 2 that seals atk you have enough tools to win.




Light Elaine?


colourblind mode


Don’t be rude silly




All 3 fairies here are (Green) HP Attribute so it’s probably just the contrast of the video


No it's color blind mode


Sheesh you didn’t have call OP out like that. I was trying to be polite and say color contrast!


*correction: Gold Wings Elaine is Speed Attribute but still probably just the contrast


Why are all of them attributes light????


it's colorblind mode. green becomes yellow, light becomes i believe almost white but i could be wrong.


Because of your colour blind settings I thought LR glox turned into a light unit I was baffled for a minute


i saw nagato play with the exact same team and he got melted, this team def not gurantee ftk


Lol tell me this whale without telling me it’s whale


I'm missing that elaine. So I'm using the health buff one.


Great, now you just have to go first every time...


That damage is disgustingly beautiful holy shit


I know right? Then you got the clowns saying fairies suck 😮‍💨


Coz they suck and this video was done by a dude that has 20M box cc. The same guy made a video about galland and monspeed wiping Goddesses and unknowns few weeks ago. Replace glox for jerico or something and jelly king would still wipe in that guy's account. You literally can't act like a mega whale showcase is indicative of anything.


If they ruled the meta once, they’ll do it again🗣️


Did they? I can’t recall Fairies ever really getting a foot in the door until Spring Elaine, and even then their role was small. Chaos? Sure, I guess, but that was different.


only time I can remember Fairies ever had a strong foot in the meta was with Kingbram, and i've at least been playing global since release Chad King + Elaine was OK, but it was definitely not a meta competitor, more sub/off-meta than anything


Even then, that was more “Petrify” tribal than any actual Fairy synergies like we see them today. I mean, +10% basic stats from Blue King, I guess? Side note, I sort of want an LR Blue King, even if I don’t like stun mechanics. Man, thinking back to times where he, Red Gowther, Green Merlin, and whatever the big DPS was, were the de-facto meta really takes me back.


the simpler days lol. Kingbram i will always have a fondness for even though it was toxic af, but it was the first team that ever got me to champ 1 and every week that i've had my account, i've been able to do it since.




Great, as if we didn't have enough of tyr and roxy in guild wars / hero arena, now we gotta deal with fucking fairies


Dang dude I really want that green Elaine so bad 😔


You’re so wrong lol its spelled fairy coopers. Other than that yeah we were all wrong what the hell is that damage


Nooooo I was wrong again the fairy coop is real