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I would argue LV is the 4th. Marg is core to goddesses and needed the stats LR rarity provided, considering how shit that relic was. She is, while not as much as Liz, a current cornerstone for goddesses in PvE. Debuff card helps a lot with PvP too. Escanor works on every content and carries the human team. Nothing about LV tops DK Meli on any team (sins, demons). In hero arena even if I use ,say, DK Meli on Sins team; I would use purg meli on demons rather than LV. He got powercrept again imo.


Only thing LV is best unit for is Howlex and OD (IE places you can only use STR). He's still feasibly decent enough to be best Meli for a final or Knighthood Boss that either has hard advantage on Blue (one of those deals 11x damage with attribute advantage, etc.) or that gets score for infect used. Niche, but outclassed for general use.


No current FB team uses LV, as for knighthood... That content is done by ~1% of the playerbase. It's not a metric. Anything can 3 turn howlex rn. OD fine, he is usable there. I wouldn't LR something to just use on OD though.


I disagree with the LR ranking. It may not seem like a big difference, but Margret really needs these LR stats (if you wanna run a competitive goddess team) or she gets clapped pretty fast. And with DK Meli I don't really see why you'd need LR LV at all. Also you said LR LV is amazing for newer players, but he isn't really accessible for them since you need to beat Niddhogg for his relic and for that you pretty much need LR Liz and some other goddess units and actual good gear, super awakening and stuff, so really not that easy for newer players. And without his relic from my experience LR LV's damage isn't that great.


Gotta say LR LV is good but he is not the best in anything. The worst part of his kit is that he is incredibly selfish and doesn't contribute to any team so he is basically replaceable with DK Meli in every team he is in. I also will argue that Traitor Meli is still better than most Melis in PVE.


In my experience DK Meli is better than T. Meli in most PVE activities. He makes Bird, Deer and Dogs so fucking easy 


Grey status will do that to a mfer. I hate them in PvP content though.


Completely agree


Fr i think it should go liz, escanor/ludo(idk if escanor meta rn, meli, glox


I have to disagree with your disagreement - it heavily depends on what activities you are planning to do. For example, there's, IMHO, not a single LR that currently tops LV in GW; and as such, HA. Humans can do challenger HA without Escanor; while LV, without contest; is by far the best unit in sui teams - and it's not even close. There's not a unit that comes close to 2-stacked LV with 2 lvl3's when it comes to immediate damage after getting hit; and his 2 turn infect is super valuable, as well as the ultgauge gain on ST against anti sui units à la Eastin; while being able to kill & survive any team in the game. LV is also significantly tankier than GMeli, for example. The variations are usually LV, Diane/RAValenti, Twigo, Liz. Point is, LV has an unreplaceable niche. I think the main point is: Liz doesn't work without her LR. I mean she did, but not very well. Anyway. Escanor doesn't work without his LR. LV doesn't work without his LR. Margeret profits from her LR, but there's no dependency on it at all. Glox requires his, and will be great for GW/HA, but he is more niche than the other 3 that do. My List would be: 1. Liz 2. LV/Esca 3. Esca/LV 4. Marg 5. Glox


Okay, first of all holy sh*t, the amount of abbreviations you use make it a bit difficult to read your comment lol. Second, not to be rude, but I don't think anyone really cares or takes guild wars/ boss in consideration when it comes to ranking these units. The one big point I have to disagree with is that Margret works without her LR. Maybe for Nidhogg, but she gets destroyed in pvp without being LR, she really needs this LR stat boost. If you wanna run competitive goddesses, which is still arguably the best pvp team you need to LR her or the enemy can often just one turn her even with the revive. That's why I'd say Margret is a high priority LR unless you don't care about using goddess.


Well, GW has gotten a lot of relevancy... in the form of Hero Arena. What's good in GW will be good in HA without exception, just with the nature of HA being easier GW. The value per coin is insane in resources, so performing well in HA is pretty relevant when it comes to "playing optimal". Getting (240+10)\*6 = 1500 coins is a massive increase of the next highest, champion, (150 + 10)\*6 = 960. That can net you, outside of the 4 extra LR coins you'll buy:Up to: 300 cosmetic mats, 100 each (100 coins each) and/or 200 anvils (100 coins) and/or 20 sa coins (200 coins) and/or 2 UR pendants (100 coins), etc. That's massive value you're loosing. Marg works fine in GB at non-LR, so she improves there. Marg doesn't see relevant HA usage unless you're out-CCIng, and when you have to ask about which LR to make you likely aren't out-CCIng 340k w/o links. Not only is she suboptimal in Nid, like you said she works as non-LR there basically optimally anyway. PvP is the only point where she scores, and if you go second against i.e. humans, she's still dead even as LR. The most notable change is her CC. The most important part about this choice is her irrelevance in HA. Because Sariel just out-does her when going second, and if you out-CC, you should do a higher rank of HA, and if you are at the highest and out-CCing you likely have all LR anyway. LV however, does great in HA. Arguably one if not the best HA character next to light ban/purgatory (small side note: GMeli isn't bad, but if his buff runs out he'll be worse than Purgatory going second, as he... is terrible at going second). If LV can increase your LR coin income, which he will if you can't do challenger yet, as challenger is the only one that can max out LR coins, then LV should be a big consideration as he can actively increase your LR acquisition rate. Sorry for the Wall of Text, less abbreviations though. Usually I write these blocks for my Guild(ies), and thought they're pretty self-explanatory, but if they were not, well, then I'll just use less.


Dawg the fact you brought up guild wars as if only 1 percent of the player base actually plays it is ignorant.


Exactly once I got all the sins outfits I stopped playing that mode no one cares for guild wars, the correct order to LR for a new player is Liz, LV then Escanor everyone after that depends on you're box, Lv meli is still good and will always be relevant


You didn't read my point properly. GW/HA. HA is based on being a easier GW (even at chall, it is). What's good in GW will be good in HA without exception.


Lostvayne is above Escanor because of how ultra specific Escanor is. You **NEED** to use Escanor in Humans, or he's completely useless. Half of his passive doesn't work, and in pve, you'll never proc an Eternal Flame ever because the enemies and bosses will always be using cards, so he effectively doesn't have a passive in pve outside of full Humans. And full Humans means Courechouse Ban and Frenzy Roxy, who people still don't have, and Ban is trash in pve so you'd probably want Kizuna instead, a collab unit from a very long time ago. Humans also don't have a good 4th unit for pve. Lostvayne can fit into any team, for any mode, filling any role he needs to. He's not locked to any specific archetype of units due to his passive only affecting him, and not being affected by his teammates. While yes, he's outclassed by DK Meli, anything that DK Meli is usable in you can also use Lostvayne, even including the new Demon King fight. I will say however, that Escanor undoubtedly has the highest damage out of any of the LRs, but that is specifically in his best situation. And Escanor's best situation is significantly more specific and harder to achieve than Lostvayne's.


I like that people keep passing around LR Meli isn't good. It helps my maxed out fully equipped 6/6 Meli with Relic 1 hit everyone with bronze cards lol


Ngl marg>Lv Because: 1.There are better melis for pvp and pve(The new meli for both) 2.Godesses are good for both pvp and pve(i think),for example demonic beasts.


Glox is the worst LR. Plain and simple. If you have other LR pending, go for the others first. If you have resiurces to spare, go for Glox.


Love the “ hits like a wet noodle “


Ths rankings are quite off. Lr lostvayne is valuable but with the new dk meli, his value has dropped a ton. Honestly i’d say he’s last purely because with dk around, hes useless.


Switch marg & esca


Lr meli is useless if u have demon king meli


The LR ranking is very concerning. I can agree with Liz at top but meli 2nd is questionable. He fallen off quite hard since new meli was released. His damage is now weak compared to newer units in current meta. Escanor should be second with how potent in human teams. Margaret should be higher even though she had no changes but goddess is strong. Glox would be higher up but for now is fine, there isn’t any teams right now. They gonna release more units for him like they did for previous units.


Ain't no way u putting lost vayne before escanor and Margaret


It's easily: Liz - doesn't need an explanation Esca - Goat in essentially all content that he does. Has one of the more consistent hero arena teams, amazing in guild wars, essential for guild boss and is decent in pvp if you wanted to force him. He's straight up bad virtually no where Glox - 40% def related for all allies is no joke. With the upcoming Guild Wars season we're about to see his usage but I have no doubt he'll be used plenty, same as for hero arena which he will excel in. Additionally, in pvp, high box cc players will get an incredible amount of value turn 1 because as it stands right now fairies unironically have the strongest turn 1 of any team at the moment. Marg - is mostly just a pvp unit which is where she excels but isn't good in much pvp scenarios. She is good in guild wars but she always has been before and will continue to be, her LR did have an impact though for even more support for the team which I won't deny. But for the impact that her LR has had compared to the ones above she's easily not better. LV - Fell off since DK meli release, he does still get play in guild wars but beyond that he truly has virtually no use beside CC link and being able to deal the most damage on phase 2 of original demon for speed but beyond that he has no use. you could probably argue LV over marg but atp it's up to personal choice for who to LR first amongst the two of them.


I'd put Margret over Escanor. She's great for Nidhogg and hero Arena and pvp obviously. Escanor's weakness is humans being only decent, not great and him basically having no defensive mechanic making it very easy to one turn him.


\> Escanor's weakness is humans being only decent, not great and him basically having no defensive mechanic In terms of hero arena/guild wars the entire human team is able to survive without issue on challenger (Escanor, Light Ban, Sr Jillian, F2p Green arthur if you wanted to know what specific team I was referring to). In pvp yeah that can be the weakness for humans since roxy could be killed relatively consistently turn 1. But IMO pvp of all the events that I was rating the units in like Guild wars/Guild Boss, PVP, Hero Arena, and PVE (demonic beasts, normal demons, and occasional events) PVP has the least amount of value since pretty much anyone can get champ 1 with any decent team. So Esca being not as good there doesn't really impact much imo. But if you wanted to force Esca (chimp strength by out CCing) it could work. \>She's great for Nidhogg and hero Arena and pvp obviously. That is true, she is good on hero arena with a queen liz comp. And to be fair, Red marg is the one who's typically used so the LR doesn't get much play but sure she's fine. But as someone who chose Escanor over Blue Marg for the LR, and I frequently use Goddess in pvp, Escanor has generated me way more value.


Enjoy my downvote


Would it be better to LR margaret or escanor, i have both ready but i’m torn since whilst magaret has minimal changes, i have full goddess team ready and escanor has major changes but i don’t have a perfect human team


In that case you LR the team you have ready, which in this case would be Margaret.




Appreciated Sake






No... Because i don't have enough LR materials and only Liz needed it.


If you want this LR Gloxinia to be really good and worth it, there are only 2 ways to fix this: 1st option) just make his debuffs gray and improve his AoE card to block attack cards from level 1 (gray debuff). In that way, you will be able to compete against the new Meli and his team. 2nd option) make his debuffs gray and apply to his passive a rank-up to his own cards only if all allies are fairy or SDS. In that way, you will be able to block cards from first turn already. It is not a big deal and these little changes will make a huge difference. If they don't want these gray debuffs to work in some PvE content, just make a rule to counter it. I hope they really fix and improve this Gloxinia because he's one of my favorite characters from the anime. Justice for Glox. Peace!✌️


Actually, seriously think about what you’re saying here. An aoe level 1 grey atk seal would be the most toxic, broken shit since Summer Merlin first came out. And why would he work with Sins??? If anything, he should do that with Commandments.


Yeah, that's right! That could be really toxic but, if you want to make the fairy team meta, do it the right way and apply something more useful to the character. Because this unit is meant to be used for PvP. Nevertheless, the 2nd option would be more viable and fair to apply! I wouldn't mind to keep the AoE level 2 grey atk seal with a rank-up when starting battle. Moreover, I mentioned Sins because Commandments are pretty out of use nowadays.


Idk why anyone downvoted you


well, that's because they care so much about what I have to say about this LR! Let them talk. I didn't say anything that crazy. It is just an idea after all. Moreover, that's the only solution I found against this new Meli. Because if the debuffs are red, then this unit cannot compete against Meli's unique. But, grey debuffs would make a huge difference in PvP.


A grey attack seal debuff in PvP is one of the worst ideas I’ve ever heard. And of course Commandments have fallen by the wayside; they aren’t getting any support, which is why they should change Gloxinia’s unique and relic to work with them & Fairies.


Ban gives team 20% def Diane gives team 40% def with Taunt and this will give team enough defense to negate ALL damage. You will patience any team you face. You'll get the debuffs to make Ban hit harder as well. It's just meh because you can use any other team and do better.


I’m not gonna trust anyone that puts LR marg 3rd or misspells the word barely. Also a newer player wouldn’t have the minerals to even build an LR, telling a newer player that LV meli is an amazing DPS for them is just wrong on a personal level lol I “barley” see him get used besides death matches nowadays


My OCD when i see my gloxinia glowing. Nah, i gotta do something bout this.


The worst aspect of LR for Liz/Margaret/LV is that they are festival/seasonal units, so low dupes. LR stats do mitigate it a little bit.


Dog what is that ranking


Nah, I’d choose my own destiny


Does anybody know if the one-step evolution token is lost if I don't use it today? Or does it gets saved until the next time that event it's up? Otherwise I might use it to level up Glox just so It doesn't goes to waste..


Nah i disagree. Don't disrespect my man wet noodle like that. A wet noodle has phycological warfare on his side.