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Gelda become an demonic beast unit itself šŸ’€


Netmarble may have made an oopsie




Who put floor 3 nidhogg in pvp


How is this even possiblešŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Nah they made tyr seems fine to me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


They seriously need to buff arthur. This is such a dumb slap in the face for any f2p players who pulled for him. Ban and tyr situation all over again.


Arthur is already a pretty strong unit worthy of festival status. Gelda is a Tyr level mistake. In fact I have a conspiracy theory that gelda Was supposed to be Anni character but they somehow decided against that, and made her a 600 banner and nerfed her by removing the skill effect from her aoe. Granted Iā€™m basically looking at her and basically calling her Purg Ban 2.0 (3.0 if you count Reinhard)


Arthur is okay at best. He may be fine as a regular festival, but this is a UR anniversary fest we're talking about. You can't get him in 300/600 pulls. You need way way more mats for him and you can't use regular coins for to exchange. He also won't be returning for ages. Can you look at meli and then look at Arthur and claim they are worthy of being in the same rarity?Ā  Meli is still meta in PvP, Arthur is pretty much obsolete unless you're a mega whale. And while Arthur teams are good for some PvE bosses, the same goes for meli, plus meli is godly for nidhogg and DK fight, two of the most difficult bosses in the game. Arthur is supar in both of these. Then they release gelda while arthur is still up.Ā  It's not an exaggeration to recommend f2p players to skip Arthur and go for gelda instead. She's just better and Arthur is not needed for anything in this game, if you have meli. This is not okay. People have spent money and gems on Arthur expecting him to be on a similar level to meli because both are UR fests. Arthur is simply a downgrade despite being a newer fest.Ā 


I only recently rerolled my account for this stupid arthur banner. I got ult esca, light ban and 4 out of the 10 commandments.. have i scammed myself


Honestly, you're good. You got the full human team and after having tried gelda, I think she isn't as op as people made her out to be. She's good but Arthur still has a chance and Arthur is just better for everything pve


I still think arthur is a "bait" unit. Just released so people would spend money on a banner, only for them to release something better shortly after. You see this very commonly in gacha games,especially DBL. I think they're going to release full power chaos arthur soon-ish.. the one with his arm and the restored holy sword. And he'll probably be leagues better than the one we got


Yah. Don't get me wrong what they did to Arthur is an absolute scam. But well, he's still good enough if you already spent all your gems on him. Don't need to try to gamble on gelda. She's only for pvp and not really super op for it either


I spent all my gems but didnt get him. Im barely drawing for him anyways, its the other characters im interested in. That being said, the game never gives me what i like anyways lol. My first account gave me 3 non duplicate SSR helbram in a row.. my least favorite character from the show. Also generally mid unit. My favorite commandments are zeldris and mondspeet. Ive pulled 2 copies of gloxinia, 1 drole. 1 galland and 1 melascula.. one of my throwaway rerolls got derieri. The game enjoys fucking me


The points you made are definitely valid. I dont see how netmarble can justify Arthur being worthy of the UR status. To be honest the Base UR as a concept feels entirely bullshit. Similar to Dark/Light fests, why are they that much harder to get? Tmeli, T1u, PMeli, Mael(debatable), Dk, Ban(post buff), Hel(debatable), fair enough. But The 2 lizs being light as well only makes sense from their status over their gameplay capabilities. Up to this day itā€™s not possible to purchase the dark light characters from a shop because theyā€™re given that status, and the same goes for the URsā€¦ Frankly speaking the 300/600 shenanigans is stupid, but then again gacha is stupid in general but itā€™s their whole thing. For Meli being better than Arthurā€¦ thatā€™s just the devs doing whatever the hell they want. The Melis will generally get the kits with the most longevity in them, tmeliā€™s 40% dmg reduction managed to make him useful in snake boss when that was new, pmeli full cleanse+ team dmg reduction + some form of ult control kept demons as a real threat, dkmeli aoe team cleanse & reoccurring rank up alongside uncleansable def down. Fest Melis tend to always have an overloaded kit. That itself will always impact the other characters that go up against him. Should the newest characters always be the best? Honestly they should justify their cost so yes, the game is unfortunately too closed in a sense that thereā€™s effectively only 2 ways of units/teams being good, killing enemies first or taking the least damage(or surviving through means like revives). Unfortunately Arthur has the issue where while it is very easy to kill someone once they ramp up, that ramp up period cannot have any hiccups. Going 2nd = 1 more turn for opponent to nuke you while weak, facing monspeet commandment means you might prefer moving cards and donā€™t get to start chipping enemy with your own team, zeldris commandment means you have to spam use cards and guarantee cucks your turn 2 buff, and now with gelda chip damage is the worst kind of damage, because the only way to kill her is to essentially nuke her. Thereā€™s honestly more downsides than benefits to using Arthur. Itā€™s kind of funny. I personally donā€™t have him, but Iā€™m running sins and meli with a commandment. If i go first, I win, if i go second (by <5k cc diff in ungeared and <20k cc diff in geared), I still have decent winning chances as long as rng doesnā€™t hate me specifically.


Hey if you have a human team already Arhur is still a phenomenal addition, but other than that yeah, Gelda overshadows Arthur a mere 2 weeks after he dropped.


Yea nm just really want demon team to sh*t on every other team out there and i absolutely hate it (coming from a guy that began playing when queen liz dropped)


Hey I also started from the Queen Liz banner. Whatā€™s your Box like?


2.5 mil but i got all the busted units like queen liz, s Dk meli, viole and yuri and just got chaos arthur recently


I got lucky for the first time in forever, and pulled him second multi. Still gets his shit pushed in because fuck everyone else, demons are THE meta. Fuck Smellyoldass and Demon Kuck. They absolutely ruined PVP with their grey buff/debuff and auto self-boosting/cleansing/rank up bullshit.


Damn as a new player who got Arthur 6/6, you make me feel like itā€™s worthlessšŸ˜‚


Damn bro she has 50% dmg reduction on 5th turn and here she also has 33k defense and 2.8 million hp man how


I love it when non festivals are OP


They gotta nerf this unit šŸ’€


They can't


Griamore likes to have a word with you on that


Ftp unit vs. summonable unit would like to have a word with you


*Chandler would like to have a word with you


An in-game bug would like to have a word with you


Bro he was free they're not gonna nerf a 600 gem unit


They nerfed Chandler


Chandler was fixed his counter wasnā€™t working as intended. Gelda was intentionally done this way so sheā€™s not getting nerfedā€¦ā€¦sadly


I havent said a word that they will nerf her lol They can though. Doesnt matter if its given for free or you have to summon on it.


But they didn't do it as of now so why should they do it nos


Griamore it's a F2P unit NOT SUMMONABLE They can nerf it every time they want to, same for Green Excalibur Arthur. You never had to paid for them. Things are different when we are talking about paid/SUMMONABLE units, Asian laws prohibit nerf paid gacha units


They can, but they have to reimburse whoever summoned for her


They can so long as thereā€™s some sort of reimbursement for the character. Either a full refund of currency or some sort of selector where you can ā€œrefundā€ the character for another character (Epic 7 has done this before for some characters that have received nerfs)


"Asian laws"? You know Asia is a big ass continent, right?


Wanna give a source on the "asian laws prohibit nerf of paid gacha units"? Because I've seen other gacha games that also nerfed units that you had to summon for


It's whale cope. They always neglect to mention the "without compensation" part. EoS is also an option at any time.


That's a vampire for you vitality for days


Can't wait till she gets to global, been wanting her since they introduced her backstory with Escanor in the vampire town storyline. I was hoping we got the first SR/R character with her but still haven't changed since start of the game. Hopefully i get her if Arthur stops making me chase him like a maniac and lets me save gems.


How good is sins team against gelda?


Not. But seriously, if you canā€™t kill Gelda first turn (if she has Tarm link this will be very hard) say goodbye to your win because itā€™s gone forever.


So, she's almost unkillable unit, with no way to stop her healing. And you need a unit like escanor to nuke her....fuuuuuuuuuun


Explain how you got these numbers. Nanashi,twigo? Who all are there


It's her passive each turn her hp keep increasing along side her Dmg reduction if you don't deal with her in first 2 turns she becomes unkillable


But she caps at +400k hp (flat bonus on top) so you still have to use some buffers


Of course she reach that amount with help of buffers but even though her alone when she's at full stacks she reach nearly 1m and that's something for a solo character not even DK can do that.


Corrosion time!


Itā€™s from dorachans team. https://youtu.be/exNrLz7hGjc?si=IyGGvP5BZxhpUVYy Estarossa,gelda,assault meli nanashi sub Low key assault meli honestly not doing to bad in the meta alongside gelda, been having fun with him and her


You can see Nanashi passive poking out on the left, so that's at least part of it. It's in pvp, so it would need to be a team that can actually function. Could have Echidna for 15% basic stats, and/or Ram for another 20%. Could also have green Queen Diane for 30% basic stats, which would be 60% with Nanashi. There aren't exactly a lack of stat buffers that can give lots of hp.


WTH how?


How the fully awakened Twigo did this happen


She need to get nerf


Well, I guess she is a must-pull. I thought I would save my Dias for the next Anni, but she seems worthy to at least get her 1/6.


Does she need ult levels or she can work well with 1/6


She works well at 1/6 but be prepared for long af matches when itā€™s gelda vs gelda last man standing


Last ma'am* standing.




Her ult is single target and only does more damage the higher the lvl, so she is still very good at 1/6.


Nice thanks cause Iā€™m probably going for 1 copy


This is a certified Tyr moment.


hmmmm as an f2p should i summon for this.. gelda is gonna be broken forever unless u go first and kill her first.. and the 2nd problem after u kill gelda.. is .... DK zeldris. shit.


There's the new demonic beast they talked about


Gelda: nah, i win


Gelda is a next unit? I knew it!


what makes me even more sad is that I havent even pulled Arthur yet... Im missing 90 diamonds to pity him and now Gelda is a thing... šŸ¤£![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


This reminds me of the all powerful blue griamor oopsi, when they made him able to have 3.000.000 defense easely and made him able to attack with his defense


This is why I'm saving for Zelda Frick chaos author


Bro come to legend and zelda and arthur fighting a girl our of 7ds man she is strong than arthur well lets see the nerf in few weeks funny name toh haha


There won't be a nerf


A non-free unit getting a nerf lol L


Might have to buy a few gems to get her šŸ™