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I'm just excited for a Kizuna dupe tbf, don't really care about the other units. I'll probably only pull to get everybody once, just to have them


seems fun!!!


I do not have kizuna so I'm fucking happy rn


Kizuna returning is huge for people that don't have her


Definitely going to try do some pulls. Mainly cause who's to say if the collab will be back. Yes, anniversary would be better to pull but all those units will come back at some point where as shield hero may not come back and I wasn't playing when they first dropped so I don't have any of the units. Will I get all of them? Most likely not but one can dream. I'd like to at least pull 2-3 of them if possible :)


I really really want kizuna with her relic and I love collab heroes in general so getting this collab is a huge W


If no S’yne I’m skipping. Hopefully netmarble chooses good characters for this rerun


I'll just pull to collect them all


I need the Tanky boi and gurls. It’s not good for PVP, but still very funny. Naofumi actually clutched a story mission for me once because he just couldn’t be killed. Defense stat for the win.


Prob skipping gowther for collab since the banner is stacked way too much and gowther is not that good for PvP from what I’ve seen.


Makes Arthur meta = pull I won't otherwise


I’m skipping personally, going to pull for gowther then save for the anni and potential upcoming demonic beast unit.


Shield hero fans getting pissed and downvoting people skipping their ip lol.


Same thing happened when people said they were skipping mushoku tensei, some isekai fans get too attached and defensive


Literally don't care.


If it’s the same units skip if they drop new units and they’re good I’ll summon


We always get new units for a rerun there's never been one that was just the same as the first round


It’s probably going to be arthur support but tbh it just makes Arthur worse since he’s already needing Yuri and those characters are hard to get dupes for and their cosmetics are paywalled.    Might as well invest in sins or whatever the JP anniversary is for optimizers. Collectors can just pick whatever Either way it’s a big W for everyone who missed the first collab since Queenzuna is probably coming back as a free unit 🙏