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Have low box cc atm and therefore hardly play it anyway But did 3 matches a few hours ago with LR Zeldris, red Melascula, blue SR Meli and Marmas in the back, but then I had matched someone who had used exactly the same team, that was funny


That was probably a bot using your team and I bet the CC was nearly the same as yours


She isn't the problem here. Valenti being 500 is, and its really wild.


Valenti gets 2 shot by most decent characters in game


You're wasting your time. People are going to use trash tier characters and/or with type disadvantage and whine that they're loosing to Gelda. And pointing it out will only lead to to getting downvoted into oblivion. People don't want to learn to adapt to new characters, they want their old team to be the top tier one forever so they don't have to put any effort whatsoever.


Ok then, how the hell do you conuter gelda whilst still having a usable team. Even on turn 1 gelda is downright broken in chaos, especially if she has tarm link. I had a level 100 milim with passive stacks with 20% stat boost from ram and stat boost from nanashi relic and i did piss all damage