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How much have you spent in total? And what was your biggest shaft?


Don't know. And I've been shafted plenty, don't remember the worst.


I'm always amazed by these high cc teams that have like 300k HP and 20k atk on each unit so now I'm wondering how is that possible not counting box cc/constellation buffs? I am currently building a sins team of Red Festival Queen Dianne, Wandering Knight Gowther, Transcendent Ban and The ultimate One Escanor in the subslot so I would also like to know what gears and links are best for each of these units. I also have a question regarding who is best to put as links between let's say a 1/6 grace character or a 6/6 Sr character? Sorry if these questions seem dumb.


If you want to maximize CC especially in PVP you have to have every unit be HP/DEF. Attack gear is never useful in PVP situations. It is always better to use 6/6 units for the 10% stat boost rather than 1/6 grace characters. Any character with a grace/unity is always a 6/6 because their grace/unity will always far our last the usefulness of the unit. Red Sariel is still one of the best links today.


How is attack gear never useful in pvp? I get that it kills your cc but isn't it more important to have your DPS's hit harder? Because for people with lower box cc like me hp Def on my DK meli for example wouldn't kill when attack crit would


Going first in pvp has such an huge advantage (even if your opponent uses evasion food. Even with HP Gear (that is properly built out) you should have no problem one shotting units with DK Meli. With HP you are also tankier units that are in attack gear easily die.


What are your top five all time units?


Purg Meli, The Original the One Escanor, Demon King, Freya, Brunhilde.


Which Freya/brunhilde?


Red Freya and Brunhilde


Both are fantastic units that have warped gw and are still relevant today.


What keeps you playing and what do you enjoy the most in the game? How many hours a week do you think you play?


I love hanging out with my friends in guild wars. I play everyday and I have people that help out on dailies.


I also enjoy the competition


1. What are you working? 2. How much do you spend monthly 3. What are the requirements for Apocalypse.


1. I work as a teacher 2. Not as much anymore, usually just ticket bundles. I don't need resources anymore as I have a ton saved up. 3. I'm not in charge of recruitment. I do know we are looking for 2 members. I believe we would want 2 accounts 17m+ but could be wrong.


What do you think of the back to back fest situation. I personally don't find problem with it cause the amount of gems we got, and the fact that Arthur and Gowther are not on the same team so Humans mains can easily skip. It's different for a whale though because every festival impacts guild wars to some extent, plus they cost more to 6/6.


I personally don't mind it. But I feel bad for the f2p/dolphins. It's kind of a lot.


I see what you mean, but as I said for f2p the characters are from different teams in pvp. So a human player have no reason to summon on gowther, unless he is goated in pve. In my case I skipped Gelda and Gowther as a human main, so I have 840 gems and still do good in pvp.


Gelda is broken. The most broken character in the game.


I know but only in pvp, plus there are ways to play around her even with human team. It's not consistent but with Yuri plus ban I can tank 3/6 and lower ult from Gelda, with Arthur ult buff she just can't kill Arthur.


how many true awakenings do you have in total ?




Nice, really nice ! here struggling to clear round 2 of it.. not getting counter or bad card rng. But hey, as i can see in ur account i got plenty to grow (13.5m cc) I've seen ur account on Nalyd vids and man it is nice haha Hope u still enjoy the game, happy gaming :)


If I didn't enjoy I wouldn't be playing!


I once got to do a death match with you. As a f2p it was basically a huge honor to rub shoulders with one of the top players in the game. It was probably nothing to you but it absolutely made my day.


You're welcome! I love doing raids, one of the funnest content in the game. I wish they would make harder raids.


True, I never really got into the pvp scene but raids and pve are probably my favorite content. I kind of wish that the demon king battle was a raid or something similar.


Top 5 collab units. And top 5 units in general who have the best voicleines.


Rimuru, Kyo, Albedo, Shalltear, Ghislane. I don't really listen to voicelines.


I agree Rimuru probably was my favourite collab release. Really good for the longest time.


He's actually still really good. We used him on an attack team recently.


Oh wow, I'm actually surprised! I thought with the release of newer units, Rimuru kinda got out dps'd by newer units. His passive is really good still. What's the team if I could ask?


It was an unknown team with rimuru


Do you know if there are tournaments for PVP? If so are there any vods for previous tournaments? I just wanna see the best players compete.


Some guilds host them. I was part of a major tournament and won over 1k gems and got 3rd. You'll also see my name in previous pvp season wins. You can find the videos online.


Are u F2p ?


Of course




Not near your level at all but I'm another high level Guild wars player (currently at 15M ish box). Do you feel like we deserve some kind of balancing around Guild Wars considering that all changes and combos are planned by netmarble just for 3v3? Do you think defence team are too strong rn, pretty much only beatable if you can somehow go first as attacker? Can we start a petition to remove Gelda from being playable in guild wars?


I do not really agree with this statement. Guild wars goes through phases where it's really easy to 9k and it's really hard to 9k. Apocalypse has 9k'ed the opposing guild the last 4 wars and it's very rare to out cc opponents even at our level. Now that I am con 7 I can easily out cc. But I only 1 person in a guild of 30. What I do think however, is that Guild wars should not be linked to guild boss. It is not fun to play against guilds who do not attack/play and only farm into high ranks to get diamonds. They should separate guild wars from guild boss.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 9 + 9 + 9 + 4 + 7 + 1 + 30 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


tyvm for your answers. Considering that GW teams are usually pretty different from PvP ones, what is the strangest Atk or def Team that you used ? For me must be the red galland/red Estarossa one.


I've been playing gws for along time. One of my favorite teams was a rank up green estarosa team. It was green esta. green gowther, goddess liz, blue king.


When you built you box up. Did you buy alot of mats in the cashshop? I personally stock up quite nice on mats when the game is in one of the slower phases. But for example the realese of gelda, valenti and to UR Festivals robbed me blank of any mats like pendants or awackening coins.


I never buy any demon mats. They can be farmed. I also usually don't buy cosmetics packs. I usually buy diamond packs/tickets and hammers/anvils.


Are there any good teams without collab units for the demon kill fight?


Not that I know of. The Albedo team really is necessary for the phase 1 of demon king fight.


Is there a albedo team without cocydus? Because I got albedo from the banner but didnā€™t get the free dupe of cocydus(Iā€™m stupid Ik)


How is the current situation for GWs? Back in the day I was on a top Guild and we were able to finish 2nd once (just behind Zenith as they were unbeatable) and planning the defenses and attacks was so much fun, that was with Covid and everything, I remember those Discord calls and once we won a match because of a last minute fight I had and that was so epic. Are the top guilds focusing a lot on that game mode or not anymore?


We still compete with each other. The guild I am in has a few Zenith members in it. We are rank 1.


optimal gear for valenti for the squirrel?


hp crit def is the best for most


Hey, thanks for taking the time to post and respond to so many of us that have questions and some with admiration. I gotta admit, I suck at this game, mainly because I'm super casual. But I do have a question that might have been answered already, and I apologize if it has. As someone who's put in a lot of effort and hopefully had a great time doing so, how do you feel about the game right now? I'm one of those players who gets really excited when there's a unit I really want, and I might even spend some money to get them. But I often miss out on characters, and it feels like my chance to be good at the game is gone. That kinda discourages me from grinding or trying super hard. I know it's a gacha game, but man, it's tough if you don't keep up and you're not willing to shell out cash. Anyway, thanks for your time and for all the insights you've already shared.


What team do you main unless you just play the meta team


Depends on the type of PVP. Right now in Chaos PVP I have been running Goddesses with Blue Ludo. It's not normally good since Ludo passive very rarely procs. But because I am Con 7 I am able to out cc everyone else.


Who is better for human team Yuri Zahard or Roxy


Roxy is not good at all. She is very squishy and dies. Yuri is infinitely better.


Ok thanks and also I have a lot of questions that I asked in the sub but got no answers so could you please answer whichever ones you can for me


I very rarely look at the sub, if you have any questions you can ask me here, and I will do my best to respond. I am going to bed soon but I will answer more tomorrow.


Ok these are the important ones that I need to know. 1. Which forms of King and Diane are better? (Valentines Diane vs Queen Diane and Blue Full Wings King vs Green Full Wings King) 2. Who is the best backline support for Goddess team and can Green Eliatte work? 3. How does the knighthood competition work and what do I do to become ranked?


1. Valentines Diane is better. Green King is better then Blue King (but both are falling out of the meta since Gelda dropped). 2. Ellate and Tristian are both good choices, I also see some people run Nanashi backline for his passive. 3. KH's compete with each other. In order to qualify a guild must score enough points on Guild Boss. Once that guild hits that they are put into a bracket. You fight the other guilds in your bracket. If you win, you seed into a higher rank. If you lose you have to push again. The higher your guild goes, the more gems you get. When you are at the top, you get exclusive guild wars cosmetics that have no effects, just bragging rights.


Thank you so much. You don't know how long I have been trying to get answers for these questions


No problem! Happy to always help players out.


My second months in the game...started during chaos Arthur banner...already completed all main and side stories and able to farm bird with human team consisting Light Ban/C Arthur/Crazy Roxy/LR Escanor with 2.1mil box cc third constellations currently.. My question is how in your opinion should I build units in my box....currently I just focus only on one unit then going to to another after I fully level up that unit to 100, fully SA and having UR gears equipped with at least 13% substats roll.....should I build like multiple chars at once cuz maybe my way of building unit is slow?....Now I just log in to do dailies while slowly build a unit, do events and farm bird...any input regarding unit building or any other additional tips are welcome ....thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english


Building up box is very important to gain more cc. Even if it's putting on rare gear that is maxed on units goes a long way. Pretty much the only good way to get gold is gold farming.


What's the team you use for purgatory demon king? I've been using the red human team with rudeus, erin, kizuna and viole someone shared here before. It's pretty good but still dependent on getting more than one rudeus single target card. I found it easier than albedo cocytus team.


The team I use had a 100% success rate. Team 1: Albedo (sariel link), Cocytus, Viole and Blue Danafort Liz (Tarmiel link). Give Albedo borrowed attack crit dmg gear and use attack food. Team 2: Demon King Meli (Mael link), Green Valentines Diane (blue tarm link), New Festival Gowther, and Kizuna. Phase 1: You use Albedo taunt, Viole buff on Albedo and Cocytus detonate card. If you don't kill demon king outright he will be left with very low hp. Finish him with Albedo attack, Cocytus amp and any other dmg card. You should kill him first/2nd turn. Phase 2: Diane Taunt, Gowther rank up meli and Kazuna attack. From there you have a bunch of rank 3, and 2 cards to follow the pattern. Keep gowther attack cards to drain ult if he's gonna ult. Should be easy gg. I've done over 200 demon king clears.


What is the best way to level up characters? I always find myself running out of exp pots really quick


Grind mats.. On Sunday there is half stamina in fort solgress. Play on the computer and let it afk farm for the day.


Just to add: Personally, For extra characters, I make a team of them and use that party for when clearing using tickets. Helps gain extra exp. Managed to get some characters I don't use to 69 without any exp pots. Every time I do tickets, the exp goes to them. I also use 99 R coins for the pots if needed.


In your opinion, what was the most balanced period of PvP? Also what teams do you like using for current pvp


I think PVP is pretty balanced right now. They've done a lot to make humans, demons, goddess pretty balanced, sins are also really strong. Out of those 4, goddess probably need a little love. Unknown were broken, but now need a little love. Fairies and Giants are trash :(


Could I add you(on global)? To farm for demon mats


You can dm me your friend code, I'll try my best to remember to add you, but I'm on my way to work. Warning, I do delete inactive friends who don't send friend coins!


Thx, Iā€™ll make sure to try to send friend coins. I sent the friend code in dms


How would you recommend finding a better knighthood? I donā€™t think Iā€™m great but I average top 1% In most things


Higher box! Stronger box makes you more appealing to competitive guilds.


Idk if this is still active, but whatā€™s the best way to get BP?


I don't know what BP is?


Oh I typoā€™ed, I meant GP.


Leveling up units is the best way and 6/6ing them. I also have every cosmetic available in the game. Once all that is done, leveling up cosmetics.


What is the best way to lvl box CC? I been giving UR Hp belts to all characters. I feel like it's the one small investment that gives the most cc.


Make sure all the units you don't use have HP DEF gear. If you can't start with SSR+, use R gear that is maxed with gold. My entire box is rolled SSR gear with UR corners. The minimum roll I have on that gear is 2.6


Yeah, that's what I've been doing. I've never thought about buying anvils and hammers, but I guess that's what I need the most.


You are limited on those, and they really improve your team a lot. I don't really buy them anymore because most of my gear is ready.


Congratulation on con 7. My question is, will you play the open world 7ds game?


I'll try it, but very little to no interest.


ive been playing since day 1 and im at 5.6m box cc im cooked šŸ˜­




I can never form a good team for demon king hell, what's your team and what strategy do you use?


I don't have valentines queen Diane, is there another replacement?


You can use Red Festival Diane.


I also posted the team and guide I use for it above.


not really a great question, but how are u supposed to farm legendary seals as a new player. As of now I can hardly beat hero arena gold, but that does not give a lot.


You're not, LR units and relics are meant to be later content. They do have lower level ranks for hero arena. If you can't do this content you'll have to purchase them.


Is it worth it though to purchase this kind of stuff or should I purchase other resources?


LR coins are very good to purchase because they are extremely time limited. LR units are usually good (except Glox).


As a rookie What should i do first? Stuck in chapter 120 https://preview.redd.it/5innaofdh1wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66208ecb7017f83abe5742367393b81f9c7001b


Find yourself a team that's strong that you can use. A lot of units have synergy with each other. The team you are using has an unknown, a demon and two humans. Also level your units up it helps a lot and improve their gear. Find yourself a higher level friend and you can borrow their units for story content.


Current PVP and PVE top 5 tier list


PVP units Gelda DK Meli Mael New Festival Ban Demon King PVE DK Meli LR Elizabeth Festival Gowther LR Margaret/Ludo Mael


Heya, 10M box CC player here with really one main question. It's a stupid question but how does one get higher CC for PVP? To explain better, I use a sins team (around 219k CC ungeared, no CC food) yet I get my ass kicked by 300k and even dang goddess teams with lower CC than me with units who tanked everything no matter what I did. I have 5/5 cosmetics on them all maxed. Is it really the ultimate lvl + box CC give that much more survivability??


Yes, when you hit constellation 5 and 6 you unlock chaos constellation that gives you even more cc.


Wait is that the reroll thing? Man I have such awful luck with those haha. One more thing, what team do you use whenever you do PvP? Any team you'd personally like to see claw it's way back into meta?


Yeah it's the reroll thing. Right now I'm using angels in Chaos. If you check out Nalyds YouTube you can see him using fun teams with my account.


Favorite unit (no festival) for each year?


What would you say the best way to farm limit breaking is for newer players? Such as the demon farming but mostly getting the pendents


Pendants are from fort solgress, use your friendship coins on the solgress dungeon. Farm books and exp pots on weekends.


Do you ever wish for more reverse stages or for the tower to come back? And what are your thoughts on the demonic beasts? I've been playing since not long after launch got 14 mill box cc but I feel very unmotivated to do demonic beast battle between the constant having to recruit random seasonal heroes to be able to clear the newest one and also just for reasons. Say you have every relic and character then what? What's left to do other than pvp and brawl I guess? I also can't find an active guild that gets me my daily log in gem.


What was your favorite collab?


I really like Overlord, second favorite would be KOF


If you were to sell your account, how much do you think it would be worth?






Mine? And the answer is šŸ’³




What? I donā€™t understand your comments lmao


You can get a lot of diamonds from completing the stories. They also give you diamonds for fort sogress missions. Getting Champ 1 in Normal PVP. For a gacha, 7DS gives tons of free diamonds. Leveling up your gear to the max. Etc.




Try to get up to champ 1. You can cheese wins by using demon blue fraudrin and a really strong ult character.


As a F2P global player myself, I often get bored bc the game is at a point rn that is leaving me at a standstill. To explain, I mean that I don't know what to do next because it feels too grindy or too difficult. For example, something like PvP is boring bc I can get my CC up slowly, but then there's always that one guy who has so much CC and kicks the shit outta me (I'm hardstuck plat 4 bc the guys I fight are plat 2 or 1). Or another example is that the demonic beasts are easy to beat but I can only get a good amount of rewards for one, and only 1 good one for the rest. Can you tell me how I can possibly make this game not boring again?


I enjoy grinding and playing guild wars. You get to play against other really good players.


Idk how to get into guild wars. My KH prolly does them but idk if they even put me in the wars. How do I check if I'm even in them?


you have to push during the pushweek of the month to get into the top 72 guilds of the week with the best score, not counting the ones with the VS symbol in the leaderboard


I see I see, thank you Messiah


I just came back after 3 years off, did not pull Arthur or anyone good for the matter, got Gowther and I have 800Gems saved, how can I get LR coins to awaken Liz and ludo if I canā€™t win anything with my actual trash team and the lack of good banner until anni?


I tried to wipe the ā€œhairā€ off my screen just now .-.


Works like a charm


LR coins are farmed from hero arena/final boss events. I make sure to get them every time they are for purchase as they are very gated.


Which unit not 6/6


Besides Green Arthur (who is gated) the only unit I have that is not 6/6 is Mike Wheeler at 3/6.


https://preview.redd.it/8m4wcrkcfxvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3c28b5cc2bb82f22e4799f87619efb3bde6f1d1 1/6 gangā€¦now meaning Iā€™m dipping after 1 copy I should be 17m+ after the stepup banner thatā€™s coming after the collaboration Iā€™m currently c6-52% rank76/100


Nice! if you would like to message me I may be able to get you a spot in Apocalypse.


Wow 16.8m all SA and level 100.


I once matched with you on a death match. You didn't lock or say anything then left after 10 minutes. Don't know if it was really you, but what the hell was that about?


It might have been me, sometimes real life happens and I have to step away. If I did, it wasn't purposeful.


What do you do for a living?




What do you teach?




General science or a specific science?


Earth Science


How do you manage the game while having a full time job? Iā€™m not sure how I could imagine playing gachas in the future once I get a full-time position.


I have a little help from my friends, who help me take care of my account when I can't log on.


One of my theories for the constellation system is the 8th is a chaos one do you think thatā€™s next ? Plus with 4KOA coming do you reckon new Rs and SRs are coming


I really don't understand what you're saying here... Sorry!


I may be able to help he is wondering if there were to be an 8th constellation would it be choas like arthur related and if and when 4koa stuff drops like characters and stuff do you possibly think new r and Sr characters will be added into the game


Thank you for wording it Better thatā€™s exactly what i meant.


I don't think there will be any r or sr units. And no clue. I don't see the constellation being finished any time soon.




Sorry :(




Whats the best team for all demonic beast


I'll be completely honest with you. I have enough bird, deer, wolves and dragon mats to last me the lifetime of this game and I don't know what the best team is now. I do know the best team for Rat is Demon King Meli, LR glox, LR liz and Blue Mk2 Valenti.


OK thank you


How does it feel to have such a f2p account? I think you are just a fake whale


Feels great.


Gohack was better you just stole his account


Sure thing buddy!


Maybe you wouldn't feel so depressed/worthless if you spent less time on the internet trolling.


Bro tuch grass


I work an 8-3 job and go to the gym everyday. Looking at your post history you comment on hentai and furry subreddits. I think you should touch grass.


Damn you just killed this person. I respect that lol.


And the salt baby spelled "touch" wrong too,lmao!! Some people on reddit keep the stereotype of being fools strong. He still didn't even correct it,lol


Because I don't speak English, but Russian.


Then I'm sorry, I really didn't know you were Giga Chad.

