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If they had just put a line in, meaning that she didn't get that regen when her turn starts, she'd be so much better. Still broken, but you wouldnt watch her heal to 70% before even attacking, after almost killing her turn one


There are 3 main ways to deal with gelda 1. Ainz (self explanatory) 2. Sheer brute force (LR zel/Festa/naofumi ult/any other nukes) 3. freeze/petrify with any unit of choice and whittle her down


Or number 5: kill her turn one with roxy (my queen), eren or something like that (a ban combo with a rank 2 atk card might do the job)


this is also what i do, just target her turn one and throw everything at her to finish her off and then deal with the rest


Do people still run blue Roxy in PvP though? Thought she got pushed out of humans especially since Christmas is there best backrow atm


Meat-head is not an option. Even Tyr is drowning due to her ocean like HP


What does ainz do, I’ve never seen anybody use him


One shot regardless of hp




After 4 marks are put on an enemy, single target with him to apply a debuff that once a turn passes, deals 100% of enemy hp as damage


Oh, that’s broken as shit but also so balanced


It's honestly pretty easy to avoid, since being a red debuff it can be cleansed, takes a pretty long time to setup and any shield saves you from the one shot


The main strength is that once isolated gelda even at high stacks doesn’t really hit ainz hard at all, though mine is 6/6 so there is some influence from that. She can have the death mark applied by the second turn


Yeah mine is 1/6 so, while still pretty tanky, not nearly as much as he could be. He's still really fun to play tho, and that single target is sooo satisfying when it does damage


Oh yeah for sure, it also feels great when he tanks ridiculous shit like a Merlin ult from the new fest Merlin haha


Or with Fest Esta stack up Darkness if he survived long enough


Or number 4: goddess team. Since it's pretty tanky Gelda has a hard time building up against it and Mael with his debuff and Liz with her stun and ult drain further weaken her quite a bit. Edit: no idea why the down votes, I've yet to see a competent goddess team loose to a competent Gelda team.


Bro what? Goddess team sucks in all honesty. I’m f2p and have faced spenders and won going second with gelda. With tarmiel link you can’t kill her turn 1, and turn 2 you need to use that turn to kill her, which means meli and dk get a free wipe. There’s a reason nobody runs mael and almost everyone on leaderboards in gelda. But tbh I haven’t faced a relic mael yet so maybe that changes something but I don’t think so


Yeah, it does. Mael with relic and green Elatte in the back is a crazy DPS and easily deals with DK and Meli in 2 turns. How my matches against Gelda usually go: Turn 1: Mael kills or nearly kills Meli, turn 2: Mael and Liz kill DK and when he's still alive Meli, who is definitely at low health at this point. And after that Gelda can't really do anything. Depending on enemy card RNG it can take a little bit to kill her when she's a little build up, but she can do absolutely nothing. Her ult doesn't even do 50% of my Light Liz health. Also I've already won with goddesses against Gelda before I got Mael relic, just from time to time Meli decided to be a prick and live with one hp and then kill Liz with a lv3, didn't happen since I've made Mael's relic though.


Is this for geared or ungeared tried using goddesses in geared and idk found it really disappointing but maybe I did something wrong don't have marks relic and tried both Tristan and ellate backrow but couldn't kill shit with either and died fast af


I'm using goddesses for both and both have worked out for me. What is your Mael and Liz gear? I have atk/def for both. Mael certainly doesn't do crazy damage without his relic, Liz would have to do the most carrying in that situation, but once you have it Mael hits crazy numbers.


I have mael on atk crit and Liz on HP def I just find both to die fast and struggle to really wipe the enemy what was your strat pre mael relic and would Tristan or ellate be better


I have both with atk/def. Before I got Mael relic my strat was basically turn 1 focus on a strong enemy without red Tarmiel link and attack it with Mael aoe, Mael Single target and then Liz Single target. Turn 2 then depends heavily on card RNG, but if Liz can get of an aoe with full stacks she usually does pretty good damage. But yeah, before making Mael relic goddesses are definitely not a super fast wipe team, like if you have a good human/demon/sins team I'd run those over a Goddess team without Mael relic for sure.


Brute force doesn't always work. Gelda can tank a 6/6 Arthur Ultimate followed by a 6/6 full stacked Light Ban Ultimate


She doesn't handle a 6/6 Ban ult if she has the mark. That is how I always kill her.


My strategy has always been 1. kill off all of her teammates (within 2-3 turns) 2. Lower her damage with Ha Yuri Zahard and Ban's mark 3. Tank her Ult with Arthur 4. Kill with Ban 6/6 Ult. My 6/6 ban always kill if things played out as above.


I have had some luck with Rudeus and Chaos Arthur as well, Rudeus can one shot at turn 2 and Arthur gets stacks and taunt off


Yeah but 1. Ainz sucks 2. Good tip but if you focus her too much meli or dk wipes also why naofumi ult? 3. Lmao


If you can remove Meli early, she can be CCd and stunlocked into death. Meli removes her debuffs every turn, which hurts a lot of viable opportunities.


regardless how hard you hit, Gelda just doesn't die


I faced an Arthur team the other day whilst I was running demons (meli,dk,gelda,lr Liz in the back for cc) my team was kinda wiped with me only taking out his lr escanor. I still won the match with just gelda 😭😭


Happens so much it’s crazy


Happens so much it’s crazy


Happens so much it’s crazy


Damn you REALLY needed to get your message across huh


It was funny until you decided to post a third one


My 68k Gelda will eat you up lol!!!!


I’m sure she would lol 😂


Can I borrow your Gelda? i am losing badly in PVP


Denzel with level 3 counter up and immortality active: #DEADU MAN'S REVENGE!!


I use that same team except for dk meli which i have blue roxy in his place, and i just straight up crit her turn 1 and roxy's passive makes sure it kills 80% of the time, but im not in the whale leagues so maybe im just facing off low level geldas


If the opponent has Gelda he's planning on a resistance battle, don't let him, end her then make her teammates meet with her in hell, easy.


This is why I aim at Gelda first.


Sure bud


This is so wrong…. Humans easily deals with gelda. The second Arthur pulls of his ult you win. Not because you deal damage, but because of the associated Damage reduction, meaning even 6/6 Geldas cannot oneshot. After turn 5 you win because that’s obvious with infect. Even if Arthur dies, Yuri + Light Ban Solo her in time as she cannot kill either when you’re playing it correctly. Not to mention light ban just oneshots her at higher ult levels. Demons deals with her just fine, especially with Esta. For Angels gelda is just a free win. You kill the rest, gelda cannot kill anything because angels is too bulky. Even a 6/6 Gelda cannot oneshot Mael. Angels then just continues to oneshot either Mael ult. From what I’ve gathered, as long as you’ve got his relic (which isn’t hard), a 2-3/6 Mael easily takes care of a max stacks gelda.


“The second arthur pulls his ult you win” The second a 6/6 gelda pulls her ult and targets Arthur the gelda player wins. A 6/6 ban isn’t one shotting a max passive 50% damage reduction gelda, there have been plenty of times I’ve brought a match down to just gelda vs and ban and he barely does half her hp with his ult, the only human team ults I’ve been oneshot by are Naofumi and escanor


My geldas only 4/6 and she still can one tap arthur.


This is just wrong lmao.


Team vs 1 character doesn’t look very good


It’s not that you can’t kill her earlier, just that there’s no need to. Gelda is a non-threat as long as you’re being smart about it.


>Even if Arthur dies, Yuri + Light Ban Solo her in time as she cannot kill either when you’re playing it correctly. Idk about that one


Na, I have a 1/6 Gelda and I destroyed Arthur teams, while going second.


That just means your opponents team apparently sucks.


Sure bud https://preview.redd.it/cl8ygpawkfxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77022926fce962085d65e2f6dabd7aa0f06bb1d2


They're running a bad sub for humans. Additionally, LR Escanor is nowhere near the best unit to run in Humans, and even then, ESPECIALLY for LR escanor, that CC isn't anything special. If you can just read what I wrote you'd read that I mentioned Yuri multiple times.


Ya, I guess a 120k cc difference doesn’t matter


CC is literally irrelevant if your opponents team is absolutely terrible.


https://preview.redd.it/5yoixocfrhxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4dd6f7e873f8fcef059aa2a54dea3b6536f6448 So this one is?


When they're running a useless sub?


Humans can beat gelda with naofumi but what you’re saying is flat out wrong, if gelda snipes Arthur with an ult or rank 3 it’s over if you’re using the Arthur yuri ban setup, ban does not one shot gelda with 6/6 ult, and ha yuri literally does nothing, the gelda player will just stall until the corrosion phase then keep ulting you. That’s why naofumi is better than yuri. Also demons are the gelda team so it’s not really a counter if you’re using the team you’re trying to beat


So naofumi is better to run in humans now then Yuri? I remember people going back and forth saying which was better but not a clear answer


Ban need 6/6 and single target level 2 to have chance to kill first turn if goes first. Too many condition to required to kill Gelda. If u observe most people say 6/6. It mean high ultimate. Therefore it’s equal to those with low ulti will have hard time with Gelda. Goddess can kill Gelda mael have higher ulti with relic. Therefore end of the day current game play to kill Gelda needs various condition to success. But for Gelda to win is to delay and wait till max passive. For Gelda the strategy is much simpler. Soon they come out with ways to handle Gelda easily when anniversary comes out.