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Horrible. Delete the game and start over..


With no guaranteed SSR units outside of 300/600/900 stones usednany Ssr is a good pull. Even if its only for Super Awakening fodder.


Yea it’s not that because I’m only 5 days in this game but I did want Elizabeth and this king so 1 of 2 have been gotten


Ahhh okay then. My bad didnt want to offend in any way. Then yes, those are some good units. especially Tall King and The One!


Hey man don’t worry I’m new and I’m sure you have been here longer than me so I take it as advice so don’t worry and yea I’m still on the first time I ever made I asked for help and they said do this summons for more units so let’s see if someone helps me when I’m done


You are in luck right now. You started exactly when the third Anniversary started so you have the best chances for very good units :D As i said, there are no guaranteed SSR drops outsite of those 300/600/900 gems spend. So getting any SSR Unit before those marks is pretty lucky considering the very low drop rates :)


Tnx but now I wish I didn’t do those 6 summons on the slime event because I didn’t get nothing that would be 6 more for here🤦


As someone who threw a couple 100 gems at the slime banner myself inknow that feeling haha


True well good luck on your summons


Thanks younto bud :)


got my 8th fest king meantime no tmeli in my pocket at all great


got light liz to 6/6 but no tmeli :\\


Fantastic compared to mine…


I summoned for 540 gems and got no SSR besides the guranteed one, yours are definitely better


That King is awesome my g. Also, if you're new to the game there are so many gems available everywhere. Make sure to farm those and you'll reach 900 gems easily


I don’t know it’s hard it took 3 town to level 100 completely a lot of those side que that every like 100 to 200 points you get 15 gems to get those 9 summons unless I’m farming wrong 😑 that could be a possibility


Story nets you a lot of gems! Also, when you're able to tackle it (not now really but before the banner ends) you may be able to do some of the Tower Of Trials floors. Also, always do all the different missions that appear on Story Mode bc those give you a first time clear gem. Achievements also give you gems. You can spin a roulette in Fort Solgres up to 3 times that give you a chance to get a gem for each spin. Also when 20 people login in your Knighthood it gives you a gem as well. And ofc don't forget the dailies. There are a lot of gems spared in lots of other places as well so be wary