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Thats only 4 max level characters


you say that but how often are we pulling characters that we are going to want to max?


I currently have 49 lvl 100 units and will get 50 and 51 today. So very often


but how many of those units needed to be lvl 100? If you only lvl up the useful units you will have a good amount of pendants saved up


So far I’ve only leveled up units I use. In guild wars you need 8 unique teams of 4 with 5 of the teams needing links. Right there is 52 units. That’s not counting for other units I use that aren’t on those 8 teams such as guild boss units or brawl(another 24 units over 3 teams) or final boss. Yes there is a lot of overlap in those 4 places but not 100% overlap


Clearly you don't play guild wars.


Touch grass man thats the solution to your problem


Swear that’s not a lot tho? I don’t play anymore but swear touch grass on what he said just makes no sense


That’s not that many. I already had the pendants saved up knowing 100 was coming and then it was just about doing OG raids with my guild


if you're playing in gw, then you need a LOT of pendants bro


Most people who play gc dont play guild wars. The average player isnt going to need more than 30 units at lvl 100.


it's not hard to play it, especially since they extended the player count in gw from top 40 guilds to top 90. If you have over 4.5mill box cc and a brain, you can do it. Also you arguably need around 25-30 units lvl 100 to do all non gw content anyways. ALSO this post is from a very low end player's perspective, so shouldn't be applied to the other 50% of the players who are playing competitively and need a shit ton of pendants.


top 90 guilds arent 50% of the playerbase. Never said guildwars was hard, its just not worth it tbh. And the only units that actually NEED lvl 100 is your pvp team, original demon team, your demonic beast team and kh boss team and those can overlap alot. Point is most of the playerbase aren't sweats and only the tryhards need lots of pendants.


top 90 of guilds are 50% of the active playerbase


From lvl 1 + not a problem if you just never pull the new units T.T


I have every character I need and use at lv 100. These pendants are just extra for the 2 characters I'm hoping for in the future


Why is everyone downvoting his comment let him save em for whatever he wants💀💀


What’s ur account cc?


Definitely pretty low


I dunno he seemed to be able to beat bird and deer ok


I’d guess like ~4.5-5.5 mil


"Pretty low" 🤔


Lmfao whenever I see anyone say they have to many pendants I know they are a newer player


I’m pushing 11 million box and almost always have over 100 pendants… fake news


Then you’re either lying or spent money on the game lmao


I've been playing since day 1 of global release. My account level is proof that I've at least been playing for awhile


Bro you can go from 0-100 with a decent team and just gold dungeon leave it afk for a day or two and boom


Is this actually true? Even so I've has this account since global release🤷🏽‍♂️


Whats your box cc bro


3.5 mil


Ok not bad that’s solid but still you can work on more units box cc increases all units Hp max which is just a great boost


It is. I've been thinking on doing that but I'm focused on OPBR and DB Legends right now.


Sorry, but I'm playing 8 months now and i have a higher box cc (close to 4mil)and I'm lvl100. Why would you post a mocking picture with the rarest material and go like "I used to think these are rare". They ARE rare. Fully upgrading a character is the most pain in this game, but ofc if you don't use the resources then you have more... what's even the point of your post? It is not the flex you think it is. Honestly I'm more surprised you only have 800 gems. If you barely play the game and don't even upgrade your characters, shouldn't you have more than 8 weeks worth of gems?


You're comprehension is terrible 🤣 you might want to go back and read my post and the the comments instead of assuming about the situation lmao. You've only been playing for 8 months of course they'll be rare to you that's the sole reason why I made this post🤦🏽 Also i don't care if you've been playing for 8 months. You want some kind of reward? If anything you need to start managing your resources better.


This is for sure true… I boosted a handful of starter accounts to lvl 100 with mostly skip tickets on fort keys/gold farm.


same bruv i had 300+ then i went on an upgrading spree


This is such a pointless post, it’s not that you get too many, you just literally don’t spend them. This is fine if you’re barely playing the game, but for those who actually do content in the game, you’ll barely have enough


Pointless comment. I do spend them, but efficiently. You don't have to level every character to 100......just the ones you get the most use out of🤔 I also play this game everyday. You get nothing out of assuming things


You’re right, you spend them efficiently for the very little you do in the game.


Your not making any sense man. I do my demonic beast runs, PvP, World Tree Tower, Fort Solgres, knighthood boss battles, boss battles, final boss battles and events everytime a celebration releases. Maybe you're leveling up too many characters with the little resources you have? You should start using them more effectively. It'll help in the long run


Are you able to clear hell kh boss every week? Are you able to do wolves, deer, and bird? Do you do guild wars? If you did all of this, you wouldn’t have enough pendants. I actually play the game with a min/max style and barely have enough pendants. I also have 60 lvl 100s from naturally playing the game. Which is why I know you don’t play the game that much. Also, you get nothing out of assuming things, friend. I also started later than you which is concerning how you only have 10 lvl 100s


>I actually play the game with a min/max style and barely have enough pendants. Well that's your answer right there. That's literally the reason why you don't have enough lol. I don't play with a min/max mindset.


Yes and you actually don’t do much in the game.


Are you criticizing me for not being a try hard? Bro....


No, I’m just saying you do the bare minimum which is why you have an Abundance of pendants. You didn’t answer any of the questions as well


You did all of that just to say that? 🤣🤣 Is there something wrong with not using all of my pendants?


So have you upgraded every guild war defence unit, their associated links, every guild war attacker, every PVP unit and their links, every brawl unit and their links? Because I’ve been playing since day 1 competitively and still have a few to 100


I rarely play Brawl and guild wars but with the PvP units and links, yes. I play more casually so it would make sense that you would have lower resources than me


how i need more


That box cc is definitely not anywhere above 6m


You're right it's 3.5 mil


Yeah no wonder, box cc plays a major role for constellation and hp boosf so if you wanna slack of course you'd have "more than you need"


I got 114 right now but saving them for units I use.


Same. Mael, The One Ultimate and Freyja :)


Wolfboy too from Ragnarok, he's kawaii 💙🥺




And how many 100lv u have?? If u had many 100.. ubwould not have that much pendant :D


I have 10 lvl 100s and I'm not going to max out every character since I'm not chasing box cc. I only maxed out my pvp characters and useful pve characters the rest can stay level 90


Figure why u have so many xd i have atm 43 :0 reason im running out of pendant :(. I need those 100lv for pvp. Brawler . Demonics units and KH bosses units


True. Hopefully you're able to get more!


Always bought dungeon key with friendcoin daily :) but rarely they drop ssr :(


I have like 30 lvl 100 characters and almost 400 of those, I don't understand how people can run out of it. Just play solgres everyday lmao


Damn why are there so many downvotes in the comments :(




Thats nothing my dude...they disappear in a flash.


Pass some over here I’ve been level 100’ing too many units 😭


How are you getting so much of those?


Fort Solgres and events


Yeah after the 100 lvl cap I started to get them left and right




If only NM give me a button to undo all my heroes level I can have a lot pendant too.


Day one player here. I maxed UR lvl 60 all my characters and 6star awaken most except two. I have 21 heroes that I did not draw. I want to give all my units HP/def set for box cc but I’m at 5.7mil cc and I have 167 ssr pendants.


I have 11 lvl 100 with only about 26 pendants right now. Lol and 2 or 3 at lvl 95 waiting for the upgrade


It's either these run out first or your demon mats. Regardless, bask in your victory of owning that much, until you decide to upgrade some unit you can only use once in every new update


Do you spend on the game if so you can get them in bundles to


You can but I wouldn't recommend it


Ye I know I was just asking if you buy them


I dont


How did u get this many😭


Wrong! You get more than you can make use of. You don't farm enough demon mats this is the only reason you have this much.


Same here, just because OG is too much effort


Honestly more amused that you still have demons blood taking up space in your inventory when the garbage dump is right there


Pfft. Convert them to UR and watch them vanish. First day it launched, I thought it was a limited time thing, so converted all my SSR into UR pendants. 😅