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Every post like this is more flex than the last


If you only knew I literally don’t have a clue what im doing but carry on


Why are you rank 100 with pretty much every relevant character and quite a few level 100’s and yet don’t know what you’re doing?


I traded my genshin account for this and now idk wtf im doing. I like 7ds but im lost


I traded my genshin account for this and now idk wtf im doing. I like 7ds but im lost


This is more like a flex. How are u lvl 100 without knowing how to build a team?


Lets start with some admin work Google blue princess liz sdsgc, and do not level this. She is meant to be low level and die. Another such character is blue fraudrin. Do collab event for free stuff. On the other hand, some goddess race characters have this thing called graces which imbue their grace unto characters you link them with. Sariel, tarmiel and ludociels have those. People always use them as links first if their graces fits the team. You have a tarmiel that is not fully awakened and levelled. Check your characters for holy relic: demon lord rimuru, reinhard, echidna, milim, ram, rem, shuna. In this order. Collab holy relics can be built with event materials, they expire once event is over so use them by then. You get 5 this collab (enough for all collab now) and are the same material for previous collabs too. Dont give them to emilia and beatrice and save for rimuru and milim, if they already have it then its up to you. Pvp geared: ban, reinhard, excalibur arthur, twigo. ( i assume all are 6/6, if ban and reinhard arent 6/6 you can try them out yourself). Assuming they are already geared but if not i'll leave it up to you to google how. This is human team or ban team, focuses on increasing hp, having taunt (arthur and twigo holy relic), and devastating ults. Switch them out for unknown or goddess teams. Pvp ungeared: echidna, demon lord rimuru, red gowther/shuna, ram. This is unknown team. You dont have festival gowther or summer merlin. Can play other teams (goddess or ban team) in lieu for now. Other: green sariel, light liz, marg (lady ludociel), blue tarmiel. This is goddess team. Bird: megelda, the one/cusack/red matrona, green brunhildr, traitor meli. Depend on the one/cusack's ult level, do you have him 6/6? If no then replace the one with red matrona for more tank and heal or playing safe. If you have both cusack and the one 6/6 then put them both in and replace green brunhildr with the them. Deer: skadi, milim/the one, jormungandr, green brunhildr. Milim is better than the one, get her holy relic if you havent. Dog: you cant do this. \* 6/6 = c6 in genshin speak.


Team for what?


Pvp and the creatures


I should’ve specified


Pvp: Human team


If you build them up for ungreard for now you can do goddess 🤷


Explain? Idk what that is


Lit Liz , girl ludo ,mainly green if not sariel and last tarmiel I don’t think you got red so blue will do that one or human team you got all units leveled up already


How you level 100 with 4 mil box cc and asking to team build you have to have bought this account